Monthly Archives: June, 2010

Photos About Town

The Weir.

The Weir on a Grey Morning in Arnprior

A ‘weir’ is a curved dam. This weir is on the Madawaska River in Arnprior. The island is where the fire department volunteers set off the fireworks on Canada Day (July First). -Love the dramatic curves. You can just about make out the Museum’s Tower just left of center in the background.

Church and Construction Northwest across the Madawaska

Weir and Island to the left, Church and Construction across the river.

Looking just a bit west of Due North across the mighty Madawaska (The Weir is just out of sight to the left). The Church is Saint John Chyrstostom’s. (sp? It’s spelled differently every time I see it listed anywhere.) and the Construction at the river’s edge is a waste water treatment plant expanding. Local Members of Parliament got in big trouble by ceremoniously presenting cheques that tried to advertise the Conservative Party and prominently displayed their own names, as if the largess was all theirs and the funds hadn’t come from everybody’s tax money and had to be approved by Members of Parliament from all kinds of political striping. (How’s that from bad grammar?)

Toward the Mouth of the Madawaska

The Madawaska flows into the Ottawa River at Chats Lake beyond the trees.

Looking slightly East of North (I think). Construction to the left across the water, beyond the trees on that side there is a park and a beach on Chats Lake. Jutting out into the river on this side is a boat club, another park, and a rocky point. Chats Lake is a pretty darn wide section of the Ottawa River. I’m thinking it’s at least a mile wide here. Quebec on the other side.


Town Council to Consider Using By Law Enforcement Officers Door to Door to Count Pets

-Arnprior, Ontario, Canada. Monday, 07 June, 2010.

The Arnprior Town Council Committee of the Whole okayed a feasibility study to look into the costs and benefits of sending By-Law Enforcement Officers door to door to count dogs and cats and enforce the law requiring pets to be licensed. Of the estimated “over a thousand” dogs in town, less than three hundred are currently licensed. The town also has a By-Law limiting the number of dogs and cats to two dogs and two cats per household. The issue was strangely contentious, taking almost half an hour to pass at Monday’s meeting. Among other questions the feasibility study should look into are “How long will it take for By Law Enforcement Officers to visit each home and count all the pets?” and, “How much will it cost us to pay temporary officers to do this?” and, “How much do we stand to gain by forcing compliance with our current by-laws?” Other issues included, “Should we have one price if citizens pay for their licenses before March and another price for those who pay after March?”


Grey Morning, not raining at the moment-

East Side of the Weir Bridge, Arnprior.

Looking South Over The Weir June 3rd, 10:00 am.

There was a misty rain in the night. The morning crept in on us, grey and damp, but not raining.

(It was 16˚C/62˚F at 9:30 this morning)
