Category Archives: New Democratic Party

Tuesday, 09 December, 2014 – News & Headlines:

Tuesday, 09 December, 2014  -( +31˚F / -0˚C –  with clouds overhead @ 8:45  am near Ithaca )-  -( +21˚F / -6˚C +Mostly cloudy @ 9:45 am Closer to Halifax —jim w—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— } { Some things change, some articles remain. Do you know where your survival kit is?  —djo— }



8:51 am in Ithaca, New York, North America, Earth, & we’re not sure what our parallel dimension co-ordinates might be. —djo—

chelsea manning

U.S. Army Private Chelsea Manning was sentenced to 35 years on 21 August, 2013 for trying to expose what she believed where human rights violations and breaches of humanitarian law. There is a petition at the following link. >>——>

Spirit Networks tweet

Nice Message —jim w—

{ +1668 New tweets since 9 pm yesterday  – & It just might be National “Something or Other Day”, but nobody tells me these things –  —djo— }

{  * Attention OathKeepers: When “Serve and Protect” becomes strict “Law Enforcement” with the civilian population seen as the enemy, Police become Terrorists.  *  Link to article in the Toronto Star  *  —djo— }

=====   Steppenwolf’s “Monster” with interesting video clips:  God Bless Oathkeepers =====

Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{  “America- Where are ya now? Don’t you care about your sons and daughters? Don’t ya know We need you now, We can’t fight alone against this monster-” -John Kay of Steppenwolf- & the Monster is the one who convinces the police that they need to arrest a harmless 90 year old man for feeding the homeless in Florida and scares honest police officers to the point where they’re killing unarmed/ harmless men and women. These Police Officers are Not the Enemy. Look Behind the Curtain. —djo— }

blame harper

“Blame Harper” — @RalphGoodale


“We should put the word ‘Schnarr’ out there into the public vocablulary- Schnarr is what you’d find all over the ground behind a Tyranasaurus with diarrhea- And that’s what is building up behind Stephen Harper and his Ice-Hole ‘subordinates’.” -Opinion- But it’s not just my opinion- —djo—

1960's Headlines

“Ouch!” Time to dust off the turntable and play an endless loop of ‘What’s Going On?” —djo—


“Commas Save Lives-” —jim w—

Amnesty International

“If Commas Save Lives – Letters save Civilizations-” —djo—

Wiki Leaks Merchandise

WikiLeaks is selling teeshirts, sweatshirts, hats, hoodies, Mouse Pads & Smart Phone cases to raise funds, * Link *

Weather Map

“Fun & Games in store for New Brunswick” & New England & Ontario & Quebec & Nova Scotia & N.L. – —jim w—


===Read This:

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

One critic says Conservatives claiming they want to close the price gap between Canada and the U.S. is timed to attempt to win votes for the Harper Gang in Next Year’s Federal Elections. (?)  ;

-Entertainment types & minorities at that, in a murder-suicide- This is horrible, but don’t take your eyes off the people pulling the strings behind the media you get to see, read, watch or listen to-  ;

My psychologist friend in the states said we should let radicals broadcast their views and propaganda and never censore it because intelligent people see through their nonsense, they never really recruit anybody, their message only resonates with those who are already on their side —jim w—. ;

& – Does anybody really care who Will and Kate and Jay-Z and Beyoncé meet, where they go or what they do? And if do you care -WHY???? –


===Not This

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “—Nothing up my sleeve—“/ slight of hand?

-Updated- Price gap bill lets competition bureau go to court over suspected gouging  ;

B.C. dancer, actress Stephanie Moseley killed in L.A. murder-suicide  ;

New Canadian ISIS video ‘silly’, radicalization experts say ;

Will and Kate meet Jay-Z and Beyoncé at Brooklyn Nets game ;


— “Other Media” :  —


“Continuum Continues!”
{ This is an unexpected Victory over the forces of Schnarr! } Anybody who reads this. If you can get Continuum on tv, through cable, or Netflix, or anywhere, watch all three seasons worth. There is very interesting arc going on there. —jim w—

Loony Pricing

“Canadian Gasoline Price below one loonie per litre” If the oil companies were honest it would cost less than 25 cents per litre.


“I’ve got an idea, lets arm the Pandas and Belugas and let them save the planet while we play our video games and turn our souls off?” —djo—


– “I think my cousin showed me that place, in a dream, after he died – Where is it? – —jim w—


The St. Lawrence Belugas Scored a Victory over the Deep Pocket Corporate Shills in what did not turn out to be a Water Polo Match. —djo—



“Amnesty International + Malala Yousafzai = Hope” / “So this is Christmas-” John Lennon. —djo—

#Nobel Peace Laureate

#Malala Waiting to be interviewed by the BBC in Oslo, Norway


Remember Somebody saying “Judge Not -Lest Ye Be Judged?” Think He had insights that maybe there is no justice down here in the smoke and b.s. that has been designed by ice-holes to keep us from realizing our true nature and seizing our true power – God and the Earth and the Natural Universe Give Us Power. Humans take it away with Brutality. Brute Force is Not Power. It is Delusion. GACK- I wish today’s tweets were all boring – we’re freakin way late as it is- —djo—

Monsanto Sux

Clif at Half Past Human dot com is calling them: Mon-SATAN-no or something close to that. —djo—


Link  * <—<< Link to John Trudell’s amazing speech from ‘Thanksgiving’ 2013 via First Voices Indigenous Radio


{ This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

the formula for civilizations' rise and fall?

“Civiliaztion’s Rise and Fall?” —djo—

totems attack pipeline

NorthWesternFirstNations Art = Totems attack the pipeline. —djo—

2 visions of the future

“At a low point in the 1990’s I started writing a story in which the Earth/Dimension we know and love split in two with most of the trees, bees and plants that give us food and shelter and oxygen, as well as the domestic and farm animals walked into perenial springtime and brought positive people with them, the nasties, the power crazy, the negative people all fell into a separate dimension/parallel world that immediately became a nuclear winter.” —jim w—

Malcolm X Quote

Malcolm X was murdered because he believed that the races could get along co-exist and co-prosper. Bad guys did not like that idea. They want to Divide & Conquer. —djo—

{ “Stephen Lewis roars once more in takedown of the Harper government: Newspaper Article from the Toronto Star:  *  Link  * }

Not Good

Don’t let this one squeak by you. Courts in Hong Kong have ordered the cleanup of the umbrella protest camps.

Hong Kong Students risk future to show support for democratic reforms

& Don’t forget Hong Kong


Palestinians show support for Ferguson, Missouri.



-Julian Assange’s Whistleblower Foundation has new members- Whistleblowers in general are peole who subscribe to higher standards of ethics and morality than their bosses or supervisors or government authoritarian types and are usually shocked to find out that lots of people do not back them up when they seek help because they’ve reported an injustice, or worse- and been ‘rewarded by being fired or even charged with crimes against corporations that the ‘justice system’, instead of locking up the bad guys, turns out to be protecting from the good guys, Constables got their start as enforcers for corrupt officials, corrupt ‘Nobles’ and ‘Royals’. When ‘serve and protect becomes law enforcement- that’s bad news for everybody.   —djo—

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you

>>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel <——<<

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel has gone over 90,000 words as of November 19th. }

{ Don’t know how many new tweets since late last night. We crashed.  Medium but poignant Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }


If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:


Every day’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”


Greedy oil companies have been artificially inflated their prices for years, and burying technology that might compete with them. Isn’t it time we put an end to their b.s.?  ;

Tell police they can go to prison where they will be vulnerable among prisoners they framed and mistreated if they continue believing they have a right to kill innocent civilians. They will either clean up their act or resign and sign up as mercinaries overseas killing for Blackwater and the C.I.A. If they cross a line there, their own supervisors will kill them without thinking twice. ;

Planned obsolescence kills. Sartphones with batteries that explode should be taped to the heads of executives of the companies that produce them. Kaboom. End of story. ;

& – If all companies acted Morally and Ethically Correct and treated their customers with honesty and dignity, they wouldn’t be hacked or attacked by anyone trying to get even with them, would they? –


Royals grin while police shoot unarmed minorities? Why should we embrace the vacant smiles?  ;

Canadian Forces fight the Ebola Bomb in Sierra Leone while Stephen Harper signs more bills to starve Canadians at home? ;

Cry for gone Hockey heroes, Don’t look at Mexico or Greece, or even Quebec, protests there probably mean nothing, outside of a small circle of friends? ;

& – Why have there been changes in Canada’s immigration policy? –


What drives so many young adults to believe they need to be armed to the teeth and ready to kill enemies that may be dressed as police?  ;

What kind of social pressures would drive a 14 year old and a 12 year old to want to steal somebody else’s baby? ;

‘Information is Power’ and your government wants it all. When you are the enemy-‘ They’ are not your government. Send them packing. ;

& – In the shell game of life, when they point to the sky, where are their free hands? –


Support Harrassed and Abused Students Today. Make Amanda Todd’s Life Count!  ;

If Tim Hortons and Burger King Serve GMO doo-doo Let them go Bankrupt ;

Open Your Ears and Heart to the Message of “Hands Up” and “I Can’t Breathe”- Know the Perils of Living in a Police State While Being Visible ;

& – Burn Your Paper Money. Deal With Farmers and Others The Old Fashioned Way Fupp the Money Changers –

===Read This:

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Tell me something Positive!”

One critic says Conservatives claiming they want to close the price gap between Canada and the U.S. is timed to attempt to win votes for the Harper Gang in Next Year’s Federal Elections. (?)  ;

-Entertainment types & minorities at that, in a murder-suicide- This is horrible, but don’t take your eyes off the people pulling the strings behind the media you get to see, read, watch or listen to-  ;

My psychologist friend in the states said we should let radicals broadcast their views and propaganda and never censore it because intelligent people see through their nonsense, they never really recruit anybody, their message only resonates with those who are already on their side —jim w—. ;

& – Does anybody really care who Will and Kate and Jay-Z and Beyoncé meet, where they go or what they do? And if do you care -WHY???? –


===Not This

Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “—Nothing up my sleeve—“/ slight of hand?

-Updated- Price gap bill lets competition bureau go to court over suspected gouging  ;

B.C. dancer, actress Stephanie Moseley killed in L.A. murder-suicide  ;

New Canadian ISIS video ‘silly’, radicalization experts say ;

Will and Kate meet Jay-Z and Beyoncé at Brooklyn Nets game ;



 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

Imagine Peace Tower

“Imagine Peace Tower” on the 34th anniversary of an MK-Ultra targeted individual sending John Lennon to the next world. —djo—

John Lennon

John Lennon. He believed in love and the divinity of every person on earth. The bad guys didn’t like that. So they brainwashed somebody and had him murder John. His Spirit is Not Gone. Om, Shanti, Amen.

Doreen Virtue Tweet

Another Nice Message


white deer

White Deer? We were accused of trying to pass a goat off as a deer in New Brunswick.



“Ariana Ducks”

1960's Batmobile

“Earliest Official Batmobile”

Quack Quack.

“Dawn of the Ducks”?






‘Tractor Girl’ arrives at the South Pole {  }

Man tosses snake behind Tim Hortons counter over diced onion dispute {  }

U.K. politician caught playing Candy Crush during parliamentary meeting {  }

‘Mistletoe drone’ mishap: TGI Fridray’s drone hits photographer  {  }

===Recently: >>—>

How far would you go for a Christmas tree? Nunavut man makes yearly trek to treeline {   }

MIT researchers design battery powered cheetah robot   {   }

Polar bears’ stinky feet may help attract mates: study  {  }

‘He’s just barking in your face’: Would-be police dog fired for poor performance   {  }

Man’s toilet explodes while city crew cleans sewers   {   }

Underwater robot measuring Antarctic sea ice a ‘huge step’   {   }

Students develop app that rewards you for ignoring your phone in social situations   {   }



Electric Vehicle at charging station

New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

Stephanie Moseley, aspiring actress from B.C., slain in murder-suicide  {   }

Penticton doctor ‘savagely assaulted’ by psychiatric patient   {   }

‘Calgary’s Worst Driver’: Woman gets ticket after video of botched backing up goes viral   {   }

Canada-U.S. price gap complaints could soon trigger investigations {   }

John Maguire ISIS video is ‘silly’ say radicalization experts  {  }

Ottawa’s ads called a pre-election campaign funded by taxpayers {  }

Stock market trouble has silver lining for banks: Don Pittis  {   }

Maritime storm to bring significant rainfall, snow and wind {   }

Russell Crowe’s ‘I love Newfoundland’ tweet used in Ryan Cleary rant {   }

‘Tractor girl’ drives Massey Ferguson to the South Pole  {  }

-13 photo slide show- Anti-police-brutality protest in reaction to Eric Garner death   {  }

-Blog- That time Will and Kate met America’s royalty, Jay-Z and Beyoncé  {    }


Polytechnique shooting remark sparks Peter MacKay, Tom Mulcair spat   { * Not long after the Polytechnique massacre I heard about a ‘Canadian study’ that found that mass murderers had all been humiliated in public just before they lost control and went on a killing spree.  I tried to remind several different media outlets / television reporters etc. about this as more and more of these horrendous incidents made front page / leading article status. Lately this seems to have been ‘swept under the rug’ in the pursuit of sensationalism. *  —djo—  }



Hands Up - I Can't Breathe!

“I can’t breathe!”


Adopted woman completes 23-year search for siblings, mom   {   }

Vets disability budget slashed between 2009 and 2013, records show   {   }

AFN needs ‘to engage at the community level’ to stay relevant, says chief   {   }

“Where;s the Love?” NDP MP uses Russell Crowe’s ‘I Love Newfoundland’ tweet against Tories   { * 🙂 *  }

Obama plans to diss Keystone XL pipeline on Colbert   {   }

Mountie killer told father before shootings he’d ‘had enough of authorities’   {   }

===== Recently: =====

Oil price drop threatens revenues at Canada’s banks   { * Well, that’s good news. Banks are not your friends. Gut them. *  —djo—  }

-Video- ‘Your silence is killing people’ NYC protester lectures police officers   {   }

-Video- 5 reasons to cut your own Christmas tree   { * My daughter, Rachel, had a better idea: buy a living tree and transplant it in the spring. *  —djo—  }

‘I Can’t breathe’: Protests continue in U.S. over police chokehold death decision {   }

‘Affront to his dignity’ Judge apologizes for inmate’s naked video court appearance   {   }

The surprising 50-year legacy of ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’   {   }

Prostitution law comes into force on day of action on violence again women   {   }

Loonie drops to 5-year low as Canada loses 10,000 jobs in November   {  }

Cat and dog flea treatments can be toxic to pets, humans   {   }

Why it’s so rare for people to intervene in hostile situations   {   }

===== Older Stuff =====

Orion spacecraft takes step on journey to put humans on Mars   { * Can we send all the evil ice-holes who think they have a right to tell the rest of us what we should do during every micro-millisecond of our lives? *  —djo—  }

How to make long distance space travel happen   { * There is some evidence that spending more than two weeks outside of the Earth’s magnetic field with permanently erase every memory in your brain. Do you want to volunteer to try to prove or disprove that for us? *  —djo— }

Milkweed touted as oil-spill super-sucker — with butterfly benefits   {   }

Video of women fighting off harassers shocks India   {   }

-Go Public- 1-800 charges linked to company accused of targeting seniors   {   }

Cancer cured by medicine man, First Nations man says   {   }

German woman attacked after defending teen girls may get posthumus medal  {   }

Boys, 9 and 11, buried by snowplow survived 7 hours in air pocket  {   }


===  And:  Daily Stuff ===

-Must Watch- Royals get rock-star treatment at Cavs-Nets basketball game  {   }

-Must Watch- B.C. actress Stephanie Moseley killed in L.A.  {   }

-Must Watch- Japan winter monkeys   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- How Ernest Shackleton can help world address climate change   {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Why it’s so hard to quash online harassment  {  }

-Editor’s Pick- ‘Your silence is killing people’   {  }




“Local / New Brunswick”


“Fredericton Mother”

mother and daughter

Mother and daughter in Fredericton

Youth Feminist President

President of the Fredericton Youth Feminists





Heavy snow, rain storm bearing down on New Brunswick  {   }

Frigid temperatures blamed for 18 late school buses on Monday  {   }

Controversial Shediac campground moves ahead  {   }

Brad Woodside orders review of $1.3M land dispute  {   }

===== Earlier This Week : =====

Fredericton mother unhappy with Revenue Canada Agency  { * Millions of people should be unhappy with all income tax agencies. *  —djo—  }

Liberal pledge of 5,000 jobs comes with caveat {   }

New Brunswick hit with more power outages    {   }

Bulk produce program growing in Saint John  {   }

FHS dress code protest penalties too harsh, parents say  { * Too many things about public education are too harsh on the students and families, I say.  —djo—  }

Anti-bullying signs hit hockey arenas across New Brunswick  {   }

FHS dress code protesters suspended for 3 to 5 days    { * And banned from extracurricular activites for 1 year. *  —djo—  }

New Brunswickers losing faith in electrical grid  {   }




Lots of Pollution, Lots of Oil Company Profits, The Promised “Lots of Jobs” is a pile of bull chips. —djo—


AFN Candidates

Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

>>——> Most Recent Articles Below this line <——<< 

-Opinion- Idle No More: Where is the movement 2 years later?  {  }

Red Winter, Ottawa

“Red Winter, Ottawa, January 11, 2013” (Nadya Kwandibens/ Red Works/ARP Books)

Another Round Dance

From ‘The Winter We Danced’ (Nadya Kwandibens/RedWorks/ARP Books)

Native drummers

“A round dance at the eaton centre in Toronto”








-New- Lori Campbell, adopted Regina woman, completes 23-year search for 6 siblings, mom  {  }

-Opinion- Can a new national chief make the AFN Relevant?  {  }

Winnipeg School Division considers forming indigenous committee  {  }

Lightning strike injures 2, sets mattresses ablaze in home  {  }

Rinelle Harper to be honoured at AFN opening ceremonies  {  }

-Opinion- Racial issues revealed in Ferguson alive and well in Canada  {  }

AFN to elect new leader amid questions about organization’s relevance  {  }

Ottawa takes First Nations to court over transparency law  {  }

Manitoba Metis, Hydro sign $20M deal  {  }

Yellowknife students learn outdoor skills in -33 C  {  }

Barricade erected over First Nation’s use of Ontario’s Ipperwash Beach  {  }

-Video- Pilot rescues puppies from Sandy Lake  {  }

– 7 photo slide show – Unreserved looks at 2 year anniversary of Idle No More  {  }

===== Older Stuff we think may be important: =====

Montreal filmmaker looks for next big aboriginal talent  {  }

‘Hoping cooler heads prevail’: Tensions over barricade erected on Ontario’s Ipperwash Beach  {  }

Prostitution law comes into effect on day of action on violence against women  {  }

Winnipeg police to make missing, murdered women cases a priority  {  }

Cree youth walk nearly 600K protesting against uranium extraction  {  }

-Video- Haida group animates pipeline opposition using stop motion and music  {  }

Native North America CD sheds light on lost era of indigenous music  {  }

First Nation sues Manitoba government over Bipole III [‘hydro’/electricity transmission] route  {  }

Boyle Street helps reunite aboriginals with lost treaty cards  {  }

Yukon MP Ryan Leef defends aboriginal affairs minister  {  }

Pasloski wants Valcourt to ‘correct the record’ on self-government  {  }

Artcirq’s Joey Ammaq, 25, victim in suspicious death in Igloolik, Nunavut  {  }

Fort William First Nation gas prices tumble below $1 per litre  { * If oil companies and politicians were honest, gasoline would cost less than twenty five cents per litre. *  —djo— }

49 First Nations miss latest deadline ro reveal financial reports  { * Almost every government in the ‘free world’ knows how to hide their real income. Tax revenue is less than 1/3 of what they take in. Hold their feet to the fire. Investigate: *  <—<< Link  *  —djo— }

Alleged racist comment spurs Maskwacis teen to speak out  { * A 15-year-old [First Nations] [woman] is speaking out against racism in her community after she and her family were refused service in a bowling alley in Wetaskin, Alberta *  —djo— }

Nunatu Kavut celebrating after Muskrat Falls injunction thrown out  {  }

-Audio- Yukon Premier Darrell Pasloski defends amendments to Bill S-6  {  }

Bernard Valcourt maintains Yukon First Nations are not government  {  }

Winnipeg family grateful for new home  {  }

Rankin Inlet dump scavenging controversy continues   {  }

Nunavik Inuit say ‘No’ to uranium mining  {  }

‘No timeline’: Premier Gold delay upsets Geraldton homeowners  {  }

The realities of poverty  {  }

Aboriginal gravesites halt $40M development plan in Abbotsford  {  }

Leona Aglukkaq admits reading newspaper was a ‘bad idea’ during question period  {  }

-Video- Haida group animates pipeline opposition using stop morion and music  {  }

Loretta Saunders scholarship recipient pays it forward  {  }

-Documents- ‘Sixties Scoop’ case moves forward as class action lawsuit  {  }

Number of aboriginal women behind bars doesn’t shock ex-inmate  {  }

Yukon College aims to better support First Nations students  {  }

Ottawa trip on Bill S-6 ends in insult to Yukon First Nations  {  }

-Video- First Nations Financial Transparency Act  {  }

Big spike in aboriginal women behind bars, study finds  {  }

Bill S-6 turmoil having ‘negative impact’ on industry: Casino Mining  {  }

First Nation in B.C. sets out tougher rules for mining in its territory  {  }

N.W.T. chiefs salaries proven modest under Transparency Act  {  }

-Video- Arctic explorer Vilhalmur Stefansson ‘comes to life’ in Yellowknife  {  }

Peel watershed: Yukon court strikes down government land use plan  {  }

Aboriginal gravesites halt $40M development plan in Abbotsford  {  }

Members of Opaskwayak Cree Nation protest reserve’s debt  {  }

Yukon chiefs to meet Bernard Valcourt on Bill S-6  {  }

Aboriginal right to refuse chemotherapy for child spurs debate  {  }

Leona Aglukkaq considers legal action against Rankin Inlet deputy mayor  {  }

Manitoba First Nation to get apology from premier for Jenpeg dam harm  {  }

A Tribe Called Red releases provacative song for American Thanksgiving  {  }

Mi’kmaq Confederacy clarifies roll in online gaming plan  {  }

Sioux Lookout council encouraged to be more ‘culturally aware’  {  }

-Opinion- Financial reporting for First Nations: transparency or witch hunt?  {  }

Study shows oilsands tailings ponds releasing toxic chemicals into air  {  }

52 First Nations risk losing funding for not complying with transparency law  {  }

-Review- Fabric of the Sky a powerful residential school survivor’s story  {  }

Indigenous video game designer takes stand against Custer’s Revenge  {  }

Mint’s new $5 coin features work by Cree artist Tim Whiskeychan  {  }

First Nations mistrust health system, Dalhousie researchers say  {  }

First Nations to ‘resist’ complying with financial transparency act  {  }

Students forced to sit quiet after mental health services march  {  }

Northern Quebec Cree start 850 km trek to protest against uranium mining  {  }

-Opinion- Bill S-6 is a fundamental violation of the modern day Uukon treaty relationship  {

-Opinion- ‘Am I Next?’ campaign hits home with Fredericton student  {  }

Child advocatges want fewer aboriginal children in child welfare  {  }


>>>———> { —jda— has kindly ‘built us’ an archives page for “First Nations/Indigenous” headlines we thought were important to keep around, maybe too long.  —djo— }<———<<<

{ We have moved a lot of headlines related to First Nations / Indigenous issues to a Page >>>———>  <———<<< on —jda—‘s blog   —djo— }


 { Below this line is stuff we’re having trouble thinking may have been here too long, but may be too important to delete? }


{ This is what still grabs me – from Twitter – We’re trying to trim this down, I wanted to delete these below and start fresh, but they seem a little too important to me right now.  ———djo——— }

11 steps to fascism

“11 steps to Fascism” I forgot where this came from. bad me.  —djo—


{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }

{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


-08 December, 2014 – John Maguire, Ottawa man fighting for ISIS, urges attacks on Canadians targets in video   { * What do you suppose the Canadian government did to this kid that would make him believe he was better off leaving his country and telling people they should blow up the country he grew up in? If people know they are loved and valued, they don’t advocate torturing and murdering the people who love, nurture and value them. *  —djo— }

-08 December, 2014 – Samsung Galaxy Ace II explodes causing bedroom fire { * Company says a non-approved battery caused the explosion. Owner says the battery that exploded came with the smart phone when she bought it. Samsung has offered to replace burned items. Owner says they haven’t made good on that offer yet. *  —djo—  }

-06 December, 2014 – Renowned doctor Ezekiel Emanuel says 75 is a good age for us to die   { * I read, in a book entitled, “Bringers of the Dawn” by Barbara Marciniak, that Humans were originally designed with 12 strands of DNA and ‘somebody’ tampered with the design to make us much more aggressive and shorten our life spans to a fraction of what they should have been. 5,000 years, healthy and vital- might have been a decent age – ya think? *  —djo—  }

-06 December, 2014 – Hungary mayor wants drug tests for teens, journalists, politicians  { * If he wants to screen against people being poisoned by Genetically Modified Organisms, and lock up all the executives and engineers at Monsanto, I’d say, “Go For It!” but I don’t think that’s this guy’s game. */  —djo—  }

Fracking linked to Alberta earthquakes, study indicates  { * – Carmen Langer had just left his bed to grab a drink of water when he felt his house northeast of Peace River, Alta., begin to shake. – “At first I thought I wasn’t feeling very good that day… and it was just my blood sugar, but no, it shook pretty good,” Langer said about the Nov. 2 incident.

– Moments after the shaking stopped, his neighbours were calling, asking if he had felt what they just felt. – “After a few minutes, I realized it was an earthquake,” Langer said. – There was a small earthquake on Nov. 2 in Peace River, just northeast of Peace River. The recently published study involving Alberta researcher Jeff Gu indicates fracking may trigger earthquakes in the province.  – Natural Resources Canada (NRC) registered a small, 3.0-magnitude earthquake that was “lightly felt” from Three Creeks to St. Isidor in northern Alberta at 11:14 p.m. MT. NRC said on its website there were no reports of damage, and that “none would be expected.” – Jeff Gu, a seismologist at the University of Alberta, said the earthquake could have been caused by shifting rock formations in the region — but added there could be another possible explanation. – “Certainly that region is not immune to earthquake faulting, but I would say having actual earthquakes in that area is relatively recent, relatively new,” he said. – Gu is one of three authors of a recently published study in the Journal of Geophysical Research, a peer-reviewed publication that looked at four years of earthquake data around Rocky Mountain House. The study concludes that waste-water injection into the ground is highly correlated with spikes in earthquake activity in the area. – It is the first study of its kind conducted in Canada that links industrial activity to induced earthquakes. – “The conclusion was that the industrial activities could, in some cases, potentially trigger or facilitate earthquake occurrences,” Gu said. – Alberta earthquakes increasing – Since 1985, fewer than 15 earthquakes above a 3.0 magnitude have been recorded anywhere in Alberta, according to the Alberta Geological Survey’s website. There has been an increase in earthquake activity since the 1960s, the organization says. – The Peace River earthquake is not the only one that has shaken the province in the past few months:

  • In October, a 2.7-magnitude quake was recorded about four kilometres southwest of Banff.
  • In August, a 4.3-magnitude earthquake was registered near Rocky Mountain House, causing about 500 customers in the area to lose power for several hours.

– Gu said the research into whether waste-water induction and fracking are related to earthquakes is still “really a work in progress.” –  “There has been more and more evidence, increasing evidence, in the last few years in particular — in Arkansas, in Texas and actually more recently here,” Gu said. – But he said there is nothing to fear right now. – “I’m not worried until we get a conclusive answer on whether these are caused by industry or not, whether they are naturally occurring,” Gu said. – Langer, however, is worried. – “With all the stuff that’s going on in my community, I’m feeling quite concerned about it,” he said. “We’re having all kinds of environmental problems in the community… Something has to give here.” – *  —djo—   }

– 08 December, 2014 – Stephen Harper does U-turn on election law gaggin advocacy groups  { * – Stephen Harper used to contend that money does not influence the outcome of elections. – He used to rail against any attempt to limit the amount of money outside advocacy groups could spend during campaigns. – And he used to strenuously object to any attempts to compel those groups to disclose from whom they got their money or how they spent it.

– That was, of course, before he became prime minister. – Now, Harper heads a party that accuses labour unions of trying to “bully and influence our elections from the outside” and routinely uses the spectre of dastardly union politicking to drum up donations the Conservatives say are urgently needed to ensure victory in next year’s election. – *  —djo—  }

Vancouver voters elect largest Green caucus in Canadian History  {  }


{ Other stuff, More personal background about who we are and why we do this: }

=====   {  Message copied and pasted from email on  November 25th: ———jda—— }

Re: Radio: Tuesday, November 25th, 2014  -( +14°C / 57°F & There has been sunlight and interesting shadows @ 3:00 pm in Atlantic Canada )-

– After facebook contact with a good friend from WPKN radio, where I used to hang out, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, about 50 miles from NYC, I wiggled a few wires and got the speakers back at something like peak sound and listened to a couple things.  – But I have to tell you, an airing of last year’s Thanksgiving (U.S. dates) program from First Voices Indigenous Radio knocked me out. It was that good. Tiokasin Ghosthorse played a recording of John Trudell of the Dakota Nation from Thanksgiving 1980. He talks about the difference between real power and brutality, and described the tactics that corporate amerika uses to convince good people that it’s hopeless to try to resist their ‘progress’ as they enslave and exploit us all. John Trudell also tells us that if we are true to the earth, the Earth will protect us.

This is an amazing talk and if this link works, I will encourage everybody to listen to it- *  Link  * you will have to open the page and click on “First Voices Indigenous Radio November 21, 2013 [dot] mp3. –  It should be more than worth listening to.

~~~~~ ———Jim W———


{ From a tweet:  Huffington Post: “A Tribe Called Red’s Thanksgiving Track is Tougher to Swallow Than Turkey And Stuffing (Video)”  *  Link  *  —djo— }

===== From ENENews -Energy News-  ‘Special Alert’ Issued: A sinkhole has opened beneath a dam in Tennessee and sediment is seeping from the riverbed below the dam — Upstream from a Nuclear Power Plant.   *  Link  *  =====

Lions looking at industrial pollution

===== From the “International Business Times”  — “Anonymous Hackers Threaten Canadian Police, Alleging ‘Swatting’ Suspect Was Framed”  —  *  Link  *  { * Consider the source *  —djo— } =====

{ From @democracynow “We can reduce the prison population by 50% in the next 6-7 years if we just demand greater justice”   *  Link  *   the link might be more interesting than the above quote.   —djo— }

Privacy Breakthrough?

-Polaris, “Let’s Encrypt” Will mean more ubiquitous Web Encryption and Privacy- Article below:

{ – The state of Internet security and infrastructure has been rapidly changing of late in response to concerns about online privacy and security (i.e., surveillance revelations and extensive security breaches), and a series of announcements over the past several days have put a lot of momentum behind possible solutions.

Most recently, Mozilla and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced “Let’s Encrypt,” their collaboration with Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan in attempt to take the first big step towards a more universally secure Internet. One of the biggest weaknesses in the underlying architecture of the web as it exists currently is the highly bureaucratic and complex (not to mention costly) system required for websites to obtain and deploy the SSL/TSL certificates needed to protect your web surfing experience (these are the basic pieces of information that allow the little lock icon to work in your browser, signaling your session is private and secure). “Let’s Encrypt” will extend these digital certificates to all websites by starting an easy-to-use and free-of-charge certificate authority that issues them; this means that web encryption will not just be available to big players like banking services or email providers, but will set a much higher bar for Internet security across all websites, regardless of their ability to pay for a certificate or properly install it.

We are strong, adamant supporters of this initiative and are excitedly awaiting it’s unveiling in 2015 under a new nonprofit called the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).

In addition to this, Mozilla announced it’s own strategic privacy initiative in collaboration the Tor Project and CDT. We’ll be consulting “on privacy technology, open standards, and future product collaborations” with the open-source browser to help it more effectively and appropriately bring privacy features into its products. “We want to accelerate pragmatic and user-focused advances in privacy technology for the Web, giving users more control, awareness and protection in their Web experiences,” the company explained via its privacy blog. – We believe in the possibilities that privacy innovations could make possible, and are excited and honored to be a part of the process. – What do these changes mean for the short- and long- term future of the security of the Internet? – There will soon be no excuses for not baking encryption into web services, and in turn, consumer privacy and protection into the tools we use to navigate the digital highway.  – }

Anti-Spyware Software released free.

“Free software program Detekt can find spyware on your PC.”

{ – A free tool released Thursday allows users to scan their computers for surveillance malware that has been used to spy on journalists and activists. – The open source tool Detekt is being released in partnership with human rights group Amnesty International, German digital rights group Digitale Gesellschaft, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Privacy International.

– “Our ultimate aim is for human rights defenders, journalists and civil society groups to be able to carry out their legitimate work without fear of surveillance, harassment, intimidation, arrest or torture,” Amnesty International said in an online posting introducing Detekt. – Whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance on activists and citizens. Amnesty said it is concerned about a chill on human rights activists and journalists, especially those in repressive countries, because of such surveillance.

– Detekt scans Windows-based computers for common surveillance tools used in spying on activists. Those who detect a threat on their computer can then take steps to remove it. – The software developers warn that there is no guarantee that Detekt will find every bit of spyware, as new technology is continually being developed. – “Beware that it is possible that Detekt may not successfully detect the most recent versions of those malware families,” the developers wrote on the site, which introduces Detekt. – “Indeed, some of them will likely be updated in response to this release in order to remove or change the patterns that we identified. In addition, there may be existing versions of malware, from these families or from other providers, which are not detected by this tool. If Detekt does not find anything, this unfortunately cannot be considered a clean bill of health.” – Commercial entities have developed and sold surveillance tools that read emails and instant messaging conversations, listen in on Skype calls and remotely control a computer’s camera and microphone and sold them around the world. – There is no regulation against these technologies being used by repressive governments, Amnesty says, estimating the market for surveillance software at $5 billion US a year. – “European and American companies have been quietly selling surveillance equipment and software to countries across the world that persistently commit serious human rights violations,” it said. – Amnesty is urging governments to take action to stop the spread of spyware and calls on industry to consider the human rights records of countries where it sells such software. – Targeted surveillance is only legitimate when it is based on suspicion of criminal activity and backed up by a legal order, the group said.  –  —djo— }


Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }



Obesity’s global cost hits $2 trillion a year, report suggests    { * Monsanto’s GMO food is probably the leading cause of the ‘obesity epidemic’ Don’t make me repeat the idea that public evisceration would probably not be a cruel or unusual punishment for all Monsanto’s executives, considering what they have unleashed on the population of this planet. Monsanto execs on one side of a very long street and Oil company execs on the other, and Fracking advocates down the middle? *  —djo—  }

-Blog-  ‘Terrifying new app Beam Messengers lets users see text messages as they’re being typed {   }

Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers  {  * Link *  }

=== Older Stuff: ===

‘Walk into freedom’: Murder charges withdrawn after Toronto man’s 12 years in prison  { * The case had one witness who said one of the killers had dreadlocks, police found some hair in one suspect’s home, said that was evidence that he’d gone home and cut his hair after the crime. After fighting for too many years, the lawyer got access to the hair, which turned out to be beard hair, and still had to battle the ‘old boys club’ who tried to delay and deny every request made, finally, the truth did set the wrongfully convicted man free. *  —djo—   }

-Updated- Veterans funding not as advertised, opposition MPs say  {   }

Veterans face too many barriers to mental-health help, auditor general says  {   }

‘Consumers deserve the truth’: Water-heater firm fined $7M for unfair sales tactics  {   }

Conservative trap to ensnare Liberal candidate ends up embarassing Tories  {   }

– ‘What else are they doing wrong?’ artists wonder of Revenue Canada  { * The short answer? believing the propagandist liars who tell them that the government needs tax money to offer any kind of services to the people it wants to keep down under their thumbs – They have income streams they reallllly don’t want you to know about.  Demand the truth now!  *  Link to CAFR1 dot com  *  —djo—  }

PTSD and danger among deterrents to visible minorities joining military  {   }

-Analysis- Question authority? Not if you are black in America: Neil Macdonald  {   }

Coke plans to start making fancy milk — for twice the price  { * If it’s genetically modified, it’s poison. *  —djo—  }

Law can protect social media users who blindly consent to terms of service  {   }

-Photos- Police rules of engagement around the world  {   }

Cheaper smartphones gain popularity among consumers  {   }

-Exclusive- Who are the most wanted extremists in Canada?  { * Should we list those in the Prime Minister’s Office? *  —djo—  }

Military mental health research gets funding boost  { * I think the $10 million for research pales in comparison to the $750 million the current Conservative Government spent over 9 years in partisan [ propaganda ] ads on television. *  —djo—  }

Adults, kids cross police line at Kinder Morgan protests  { * One tweet today: “The RCMP just arrested two eleven year olds at Burnaby Mountain, I feel safer already.” *  —djo— }

WestJet can’t ‘pass the buck’ on lost baggage anymore  {   }

Winnie the Pooh spanked by Polish council for not wearing pants  {   }

After 40 years in prison, 2 men exonerated, set free in Cleveland killing  {   }

Gender gouging: Women often pay more than men  {   }

-Special Report- Would you know what to do if someone told you they were raped?   { *  Link  * } }

-Analysis- Gobal corruption a bigger scourge than than terrorism: Brian Stewart  { *  Link to the CBC article.  * *** And The whole idea behind our ‘modern’ system of ‘banking’ is probably the most corrupt ‘system’ in this world. ***  —djo—  }

-Updated- Supreme Court to hear landmark case for Métis and non-status Indians  {  }



{ My friends in the U.S. tell me I’m lucky to be in Canada. They are usually correct.  —jim w— }

But are the liberals any better?

‘Conservative Math’ = “Just doesn’t add up”  — But the Liberals don’t have a flawless track record either —  —djo—

– Old Stuff- -Editor’s Pick- Riot-torn Ferguson’s distrust of police flows from a city run on fines  {   }

{ 1:00 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll — Jim W is filling in for —jda—  & Thanks again for your help, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Wednesday, 29 October, 2014 – N.B. : Forecasting a foot of snow for Sunday?

Wednesday, 29 October, 2014  -( 54˚F / 12˚C –  & cloudy  @ 2:30 pm near Ithaca The ground was all wet downtown a while ago, I thought it had rained while I was busy indoors and hadn’t noticed. Maybe the construction guys broke a water line?)-  -( 61˚F / 16˚C –  Cloudy and Threatening here  @ 2:45 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-  -( Did somebody forecast snow??? — aaaaaa! —jim w— }  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }


“If you’re not worried about your privacy, freedom, life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness- you haven’t been paying attention” -djo-


“Conspiracy Watch” was busy yesterday. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ –Renewable energy may currently make up only a small percentage of U.S. energy generation capacity, but it’s one of the fastest growing sectors. – Renewable energy generation—primarily wind and solar power—provided more than 40 percent of the new energy capacity in the U.S. in the first three quarters of this year, according to the latest U.S. Federation Energy Regulation Commission (FERC) Energy Infrastructure Update. Oil, nuclear and especially coal provided little new capacity, with renewables outstripping them more than 35 times. Only natural gas, driven by the growth of fracking, showed more growth, and many industry observers think its growth potential is finite. – The new installed capacity of natural gas declined compared to the first three quarters of 2013, from 6,643 megawatt (MW) to 5,153. Wind was the big winner, upping its installed capacity from 965 MW to 1,614 in that period. In September, new wind capacity led the way with 367 MW, followed by natural gas with 114. Coal showed no increase in existing capacity so far this year. Overall, new capacity from all forms of energy declined from 11,452 in the first three quarters of last year to 8,860 this year. – Among FERC’s project updates is that Kern County, California’s Techachapi Wind Energy Storage project is now up and running. The South California Edison Project, FERC says, “consists of an 8 MW-four-hour (32 MWh) lithium-ion battery and a smart inverter system, [and] will help store energy from the existing 5,000 wind turbines and any future additions in the Techachapi Wind Resource Area. Housed inside a 6,300 square foot facility, it is the largest battery energy storage in North America.” Such projects bode well for the continued growth of wind power. – Natural gas still leads overall energy generation capacity in the U.S. by a long shot. It currently provides more than 42 percent of the total. But fracked natural gas and oil production is expected to fall off sharply, as extraction companies hit the most productive “sweet spots” first and then move on to areas with less accessible oil and gas that’s more expensive to reach. – Despite its precipitous decline, coal hangs onto the second place spot for now, generating more than 28 percent of U.S. installed capacity. Nuclear comes in next with 9.3 percent, followed by water at 8.4 percent and wind at 5.3 percent. All other forms of energy generation capacity are far behind. Solar currently provides less than one percent. But PV Magazine, which serves the photovoltaic industry, points out that FERC’s figures only include utility-scale solar, leaving out residential and business installations, which it says are among the fastest growing sources of renewable energy. – “The steady and rapid growth of renewable energy is unlikely to abate as prices continue to drop and the technologies continue to improve,” said Ken Bossong, executive director of  the nonprofit research group the SUN DAY Campaign. “The era of coal, oil and nuclear is drawing to a close; the age of renewable energy is now upon us.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

"Stop the G20?"

I gathered so much stuff last night, I forgot where this came from- but it was tweeted.

{  Um, I can’t endorse anything that would bring us down to the level of the evil sonuvvaguns who are looking for an excuse to react violently to intilligent dissent. Pick your battles, pick your words. Your mind is your best weapon, leave their weapons out of this.  —djo— }


I have to check this one out- —djo—

{ -Followed the link above to this: * – “This is embarrassing. – Canada is dead last among industrialized nations in a new climate change performance index. – “Canada still shows no intention on moving forward with climate policy and therefore remains the worst performer of all industrialized countries,” says the report released by Germanwatch, a sustainable development advocacy group. – The index takes into account a variety of indicators related to greenhouse gas emissions, development of emissions, climate policy, renewable energy and energy efficiency. – Canada particularly stands out when comparing its low scores on emissions, renewable energy investments and climate policies.

– “This shouldn’t come as much surprise to Canadians. – Back in June, when U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced plans for historic reductions in carbon emissions, Stephen Harper reversed his long-standing wait-and-see what the Americans do position on emissions, shifting to a new line that he had actually solved the problem two years ago. – That, of course, isn’t true. Earlier this month, an audit conducted by the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development found the federal government’s policies to reduce emissions has only gotten us 7% of the way to meeting Canada’s Copenhagen Accord targets. – On the other hand, we’re dealing with a government that believes increased fossil fuel use has a correlation with improved air and water quality.” – * —djo— }

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }




{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”

70,000 dead fish in Ohio.

Tweeted, “It is the legeslators who should go to Jail for this-” 70,000 dead fish in Ohio? —Frack Halliburton?—


{ & Below this begins our usual CBC News Headlines }



Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: Life’s little surprises explode on the launchpad?


“The company behind the dramatic launch explosion of a space station supply mission promises to find the cause of the failure and is warning residents to avoid any potentially hazardous wreckage.” -djo-

MPs hail ‘hero’ guard in return to caucus room 1 week after shooting  { * “New Democrat MPs applauded a House of Commons guard who used his body to block the door to their caucus room when a gunman attacked Parliament one week ago. All three parties returned today to the caucus rooms they were in when Michael Zehaf-Bibeau attacked last week.” *  Yeah, it probably took more guts to block the door than to step out with a loaded gun and kill somebody we’d probably much rather have questioned.  —djo—  }

Company searches for cause of Antares rocket liftoff explosion   {  }

Nathan Cirillo-inspired racism ‘experiment’ ends with punch to face   { * “In the wake of Nathan Cirillo’s shooting death in Ottawa, a young filmmaker staged a “social experiment” in downtown Hamilton to see how people would react to overt racism against Muslim people.” *  —djo— }

-Analysis- Republicans have high Senate hopes — and real presidential troubles: Neil Macdonald   { * – “Republicans may well gain control of the Senate in next week’s midterms. But when a two-time loser like Mitt Romney leads the GOP list of presidential contenders, you know this is a party in trouble, Neil Macdonald writes.” –  *  —djo—  *** Several ‘Psychics’ and ‘Technical Remote Viewers’ have seen a future in which the 2016 elections in the U.S.A. will not be allowed to go forward. Something Major and disastrous happens between now and then, according to them.  —jim w— }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->


“Radio-Canada meteorologist Bill Bourque says up to 30 cm of snow may hit New Brunswick this coming Sunday.” —jimw–

Wednesday: 29 October, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

New rail measures will include more audits, handbrake use   {  }

Revenue Canada admits letters to taxpayers confusing   {  }

Extra $46 per person could reduce homelessness: report    {  }

New terror laws require evidence-based approach: watchdogs   {  }

MPs attend caucus meetings 1 week after Ottawa shootings   {  }

Ottawa unveils new measures in response to Lac-Mégantic   {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<



Daniel Radcliffe


Daniel Radcliffe raps like Blackalicious on Tonight Show   {   }

Telescope to help unravel interstellar mysteries using social media   {   }

Trick about 4:30 p.m. Halloween curfew no treat for police   {  }

10 tips from master Halloween pumpkin carvers   {   }



“Most Viewed”

Nathan Cirillo-inspired racism ‘experiment’ ends with punch to face   {   }

REvenue Canada’s letters full of gobbledegook, internal report finds   {   }

Ottawa shooting: New Democrats hail ‘hero’ guard who protected MPs   {   }

Winnipeg police search home of Andrea Giesbrecht, accused in dead infants case   {  }

Woman with intellectual disabillity sexually assaulted on bus as support worker sat nearby  {   }

“Significant snowfall’ may arrive on Sunday: Environment Canada  {   }

Antares rocket explosion: Orbital Sciences Corp. looks for cause of blast   {   }

Sexual images in Air Canada flight decks worse than airline admits: pilot  {  }

Republicans may take Senate next week, presidency a whole other matter   {   }

Prof decries Crown’s proposed Justin Bourque sentence as ‘vengeance-based’    {   }

-20 photo slide show- Fighting the Ebola outbreak   {   }

-Blog- Millennials shun voice mail in favour of texting  {  }




-Video- 5 Halloween makeup tips  {   }

iPhone users be patient: Apple Pay not not expected in Canada any time soon   {  }

Woman with intellectual disability sexually assaulted on bus as support worker sat nearby   {  }

Canadian held in Indonesia likely to face charges, family says    {  }

Maine nurse plans to end Ebola quarantine    {  }

Winnipeg polic search home of accused in dead infants case    {  }

Transport Canada tightens rail safety regulations in Lac-Mégantic aftermath    {  }

Pilot says some explicit images left on Air Canada flight deck ‘definitely pornographic’    {  }

New Zealanders to vote on changing flag    {  }

Hockey legend Gordie Howe resting after suffering  stroke    {  }

Daylight saving time 2014 ends this weekend   {  }

Watchdogs urge caution in boosting federal policing powers   {  }

-Analysis- Looking for an economic recovery that speaks English: Don Pittis   {  }

$46 a year per Canadian would dramatically reduce homelessness: report    {  }

ROM mummy Justine’s real name was Nefret-Mut, researchers reveal    {  }

-Must Watch- They’re arming the guards at Buckingham Palace    {   }

-Must Watch-  Norway flooding    {   }

-Must Watch-  85th anniversary of Black Tuesday    {   }

-Editor’s Picks-  Are Back :

-Editor’s Pick-  Looking for economic recovery that speaks English: Don Pittis    { * “Sharing this story of recovery and growing ‘animal spirits’ may just make it true.” *  —djo—   }

-Editor’s Pick-  Don’t overload CSIS: The case for a separate foreign spy agency    {   }

-Editor’s Pick-  5 Halloween makeup tips    {   }



“Local / New Bruswick”

Brace for up to 30 cm of snow on Sunday, meteorologist says  { * That’s about twelve U.S. inches. *  —djo— }

TransCanada set to file Energy East pipeline application   {  }

Prof decries Crown’s proposed Justin Bourque sentence as ‘vengeance-based’   {  }

Trick about 4:30 pm Halloween curfew no treat for police   {  }



seattle totem

“Seattle Totem”

“First Nations”

-New- $100 million Alton gas project delayed over Mi’kmaq concerns    { * “The Nova Scotia government has halted part of the construction work on the $100-million Alton Natural Gas Storage Project until Calgary-based AltaGas carries out further consultation with the Mi’kmaq, CBC News has learned.” *  —djo— }

-New- Final arguments in dispute over chemotherapy for First Nations girl  { * “An Ontario court hears final arguments in the precedent-setting case of whether a child can be forced into protective care without the say-so of the Children’s Aid Service.”  *   —djo— }

-Photos- Whitehorse man caught up in ’60s Scoop seeks peace  { *  “David Moroz and his twin brother were just babies when they were caught up in the so-called 60s Scoop, which saw aboriginal children placed in non-aboriginal homes in the 1960s. Now, Moroz is trying to seek peace for him and his mother in Whitehorse.” *  —djo— }

Edmund Metatawabin visits Winnipeg to discuss his life, book   { * Residential school survivor Edmund Metatawabin’s Governor General’s Literary Award-nominated book Up Ghost River: A Chief’s Journey Through the Turbulent Waters of Native History is a horrific account of residential school life but it includes a call for action and a hopeful message. *   —djo—  }

-Photos- Rescue dog with N.W.T. RCMP breaks down barriers  {  }

-Photos- John Amagoalik, ‘Father of Nunavut’ honoured in Iqaluit   {  }

‘I see this every day:’ Aboriginal outreach worker banned from Edmonton mall  {  }

Gameti, Wrigley RCMP detachments postponed indefinitely   {  }

Faceless Dollsbring awareness to missing, murdered aboriginal women   {  }

‘Pocahottie’ Halloween costume offends aboriginal woman  {  }

-Audio- Aboriginal Midwife Melissa Brown   {  }

-7 Photos- Arviat youth use art workshops to discuss difficult topics  {  }


{ The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }


{ Almost 4:45 pm EDT —Ready to Rock and Roll— & Thanks for your help again, Jim W, & especially since he is working today with a bruised rib, ouch!  — And also thanks for help from “—jda—“    ———djo——— }

Tuesday, 21 October, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Tuesday, 21 October, 2014  -( 52˚F / 11˚C –  & Ver cloudy  @ 2:45 pm near Ithaca )-  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington }

 { Today is Carrie Fisher’s birthday, ( & more importantly, Diane P. Torres’ birthday ) 🙂 —jim w— }

Red-Eyed Vireo?

A large number of red-eyed vireos were among the estimated 7,500 migrating songbirds killed by the flare at Canaport LNG in Saint John. (Courtesy of the Migration Research Foundation)

{ & We had more fun with computers today. The copy and past function wasn’t working at all until I threatened my newest computer, which, you may remember I got from my daughter when she upgraded- anyway, I threatened to pitch it off a mountain- and shut it off, waited an hour and now it’s working. —“gaaa”—  The funny thing is,  instead of getting all anxious and tense, I just kind of threw my hands up and felt like running my finger up and down between my lips? Mading sounds like Porky Pig?  And I went into twiddling thumbs routines more relaxed that I’ve been in a while.   —djo— }

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose them both” —Benjamin Franklin   }


Wikileaks Solidarity demonstration.

Announcement: Wikileaks Solidary outside the Ecuadorian Embassy Wednesday Oct. 22 between 5 & 7 pm London Time.

{ “-Snowden’s Film Tests Hollywood Obama Supporters: – LOS ANGELES — Early in Laura Poitras’s documentary “Citizenfour,”Edward J. Snowden, who exposed vast electronic surveillance by the United States government, tells what pushed him to go public. – “As I saw the promise of the Obama administration betrayed, and walked away from,” says Mr. Snowden, referring to drone strikes and invasive monitoring by the National Security Agency, “it really hardened me to action.”  – But do some of President Obama’s staunch Hollywood supporters share his sentiment? – Her provocative, and deeply admiring, look at Mr. Snowden — which had its premiere at the New York Film Festival on Oct. 10 — arrived here this week amid high hopes, intense curiosity and more than a few raised eyebrows over its sharp critique of Mr. Obama, a president who has enjoyed strong support in the movie world. – The intrigue is especially pitched because several of the companies behind “Citizenfour” — which takes issue with Mr. Obama’s expansion of Bush-era surveillance, and his administration’s attempt to prosecute Mr. Snowden for espionage — are led by some of the president’s close political allies. – They include Harvey Weinstein, the Weinstein Company’s co-chairman, as well as Jeff Skoll, the founder of Participant Media, and Richard Plepler, the chief executive of HBO, who all have been major contributors to Mr. Obama’s political campaigns. – “Citizenfour” has already landed high on the handicappers’ lists of prospects for a documentary features Oscar. The film also promises to jolt the award season with a dose of real-world politics, as happened in 2012, when Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln,” Kathryn Bigelow’s “Zero Dark Thirty” and Ben Affleck’s “Argo,” the year’s best picture, converged on Washington, with screenings, receptions and a Congressional uproar over the portrayal of torture by Americans in Ms. Bigelow’s film, which was about the hunting down of Osama bin Laden. – The role that Mr. Weinstein, whose Radius-TWC unit is backing the film (and distributed last year’s Oscar-winning documentary “Twenty Feet From Stardom”), will play in promoting “Citizenfour” remains unclear. In the past, he has not shied from using his association with Mr. Obama to promote issues-oriented movies. These include the biopic “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom,” which had a much-publicized White House screening last year, and the documentary “Bully,” which was screened for Mr. Obama in 2012, just minutes after he announced his support for a pair of anti-bullying bills. – Also in 2012, Mr. Weinstein arranged a high-profile Washington showing of his “SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama bin Laden,” raising complaints that its flattering portrayal of Mr. Obama — who was edited into the film before its election-week premiere — amounted to a campaign stunt. – On Tuesday, it was the Radius-TWC co-presidents, Jason Janego and Tom Quinn, and not Mr. Weinstein, who played host as Ms. Poitras introduced “Citizenfour” to film buffs and some potential Oscar voters at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. – “The film is certainly about the danger of N.S.A. surveillance, but it’s also really about courage,” Ms. Poitras said. (The movie’s title comes from Mr. Snowden’s self-designated code name when he began communicating with Ms. Poitras.) – In a later phone interview, Mr. Quinn and Mr. Janego said they had exercised considerable autonomy in acquiring rights to “Citizenfour” after Mr. Quinn visited Ms. Poitras to discuss the unfinished film at her home in Berlin. Both stressed that Mr. Weinstein and his brother, Bob, co-chairmen of the parent company, were not a driving force in the decision to distribute the film, which is to open on Friday in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Washington. – “We did not see the actual film until very late in the process,” Mr. Quinn added. –  Promotional screenings and talks are likely among the tech crowd in San Francisco and among political types in Washington, but scheduling has been hampered by that late delivery, he said. – The potential power in “Citizenfour” lies less in its revelations — though its ending points to the existence of another, as yet unidentified, government-surveillance whistle-blower — than in its intimacy and attempt to make narrative sense of the disclosures by Mr. Snowden, a former N.S.A. contractor. – At the film’s core are startlingly close encounters with Mr. Snowden, shot during eight days in a Hong Kong hotel room in 2013, as he began revealing secrets of the N.S.A. to the journalists Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill, and wrestled with the implications of his leaks. At one point, in nearly silent pantomime, he reshapes his beard and restyles his hair, preparing to slip from the hotel and eventually seek refuge in Russia. – The footage of Mr. Snowden is framed against shots of Mr. Obama and members of his administration, first denying the existence of domestic surveillance, then promising a review of programs, and finally insisting on Mr. Snowden’s prosecution. – In the Oscar race for best documentary, “Citizenfour” is likely to find itself up against some less volatile documentaries. Among those are “Red Army,”about Soviet hockey stars; “Life Itself,” about the film critic Roger Ebert; and “Tales of the Grim Sleeper,” about the predations of a serial killer in South Los Angeles. – But “Citizenfour” recalls a different political dynamic, in 2004, when Mr. Weinstein introduced Michael Moore’s anti-Bush “Fahrenheit 9/11” at the Beverly Hills headquarters of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences with a personal tribute to Mr. Moore. The two received a roaring ovation from like-minded Academy members. – But “Fahrenheit 9/11” won no Oscars. It was ruled out of the race when Mr. Moore chose to air it on pay-per-view television shortly before the presidential election. – This time around, though, some key voices are quieter. –  Mr. Plepler, whose top documentary executive, Sheila Nevins, is an executive producer of “Citizenfour,” has not yet seen the movie, an HBO spokesman said. Mr. Skoll, through a Participant Media spokeswoman, declined to comment when asked whether he had concerns about the film’s view of Mr. Obama. In an email, referring to Mr. Quinn and Mr. Janego, of Radius-TWC, Mr. Weinstein said: “This is Tom and Jason’s show. They have autonomy, and it’s all their call.” – Mr. Janego, on Wednesday, asserted that Ms. Poitras’s cinéma vérité approach leaves a comfort zone for both those who support Mr. Snowden and those who find his actions offensive. “You’re left to make up your own mind,” he said. -”  ———djo——— }



Lead Articles:

Disabled Russian Cargo ship.

Fuel-laden Russian cargo ship under tow off B.C. coast. -cbc-

Tug tows incapacitated Russian cargo ship to port in Prince Rupert  { * The first attempt to tow it anywhere failed when the rope snapped. The news last night said they were once again worried it might run aground and ruin sensitive areas around Haida Gwaii, B.C. *   —djo—  }

-Updated- Driver in hit-and-run attack on soldiers was arrested by RCMP in July     { * They’re trying to make this guy look like a probably terrorist wannabe- They shot and killed him this week. Which almost always sends me to my cliché locker, looking for something like, “Oh- isn’t that convenient?”- They seized his passport and wouldn’t let him leave the country, saying they believed he’d been radicalized, but they didn’t have enough evidence to charge him with anything? I don’t know- Something feels a bit ‘off’ here- And the photos they chose to publish: From a weird angle, looking up at him, it looks like his head is shaved and he has a beard but no moustache. In another photo the guy, who has a French name, looks like he’s wearing something like an Arab outfit -I don’t know what they call those robes with the head-dress— and his face is covered, except for his eyes- I took one look and thought, heck, that could be anybody, not necessarily the guy they’re painting as a wannabe terrorist. * —djo— }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->

PM Harper calls Quebec attack ‘despicable act of violence’  { * I know several people who think Stephen Harper is a descpicable piece of work. & Yeah, Harper sounds like he studied huard in the Ronny Ray-gun school of reading the lines the puppet masters gave him as convincingly as possible, as if he actually had a mind and thought those words up all by himself, but we know better, don’t we? *   —djo— }

Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, 53, died in Quebec attack   { God Bless Patrice Vincent. *But  I’m sorry, Warrant Officer Vincent may have been an extremely wonderful person, but if I turned around and told you that he was killed by a ‘radicalized terrorist wannabe’ – I’d be guilty of false witness, I didn’t see it- I wasn’t there, and just because somebody a uniform says something- does not make it true, quite the contrary- the military mindset works like this: The head ice-hole in charge turns red in the face and screams at his ‘inferiors’: “You tell them anything you need to tell them to get them to carry out the orders I just gave you or you can be busted back to private and we’ll get someone in here who can get this job done!” * —djo— }

NBC freelance cameraman declared free of Ebola in Nebraska   {  }

B.C. tax rates on LNG lower than originally proposed   {  }

Bodies of 4 babies found in Winnipeg storage facility  {  }

Canada raises terror threat level to medium do to chatter   {  }

RCMP says it arrested Quebec car attack suspect in July  {  }

Quebec suspect stopped while trying to go to Turkey: RCMP   {  }

RCMP confirms it seized  Martin Couture-Rouleau’s passport   {  }

Police questioned Quebec car attack suspect many times   {  }

Quebec suspect  calls 911 during chase to claim act: RCMP  {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<

-Ooops, missed it- There was a Live Chat- The truth behind Ebola: Join us at 8 p.m. ET   { * I finally got my computer up and running tonight and now it’s 8:55 pm ET, and they would never give me the kind of ‘Truth’ I’d want anyway. The whole freakin circus keeps screaming, “You couldn’t handle the truth!” because they believe we’re as stupid and as they are themselves. If the truth they discovered is so ugly and mind-blowing — Don’t ya think they would want to share that with somebody instead of keeping it a big ugly mind blowing secret? *  —djo— }

Justin Trudeau says a marriage in politics has its ‘ups and downs’  {  }



Deflated Sculpture.

In Paris, France. A controversial inflatable green sculpture was attacked and deflated.”



Baby snake with broken spine getting help   {  }

8 seconds of white noise from Taylor Swift album tops Canadian iTunes chart   { *Yeah, but, “All you’ll ever be is mean-” <—-<< quote from Taylor Swift song. After I heard that, and after she said she was bullied in school because she liked a kind of music that ‘everybody who was anybody’ in that school didn’t approve of, I pretty much figured that Ms. Swift could do no wrong. — of course she can, but—> That quote is the best answer to, “Isn’t it time you forget about all that kid stuff and grow up, become an adult, just like me?!” Look around, kids, is there anybody out there you want to be like when you grow up?  * —djo— }

Spot a bear? Why you should never get out of your car   { * I really want to make a joke about bears stealing you car if you’re stupid enough to get out when you see one. *  —djo— }

Breaking Bad dolls removed from Toys R Us website after mom’s petition   { * Um, what do you suppose a store would look like if the store’s manager removed anything that somebody found offensive? *   —djo— *** & Hey, Doug- I’ve known some pretty offensive store managers— ***  —jim w — }



“Most Viewed”

Canada’s Dumbest Charge: The 5 most frustrating fees  {  }

Dead babies in Winnipeg storage unit ‘tragic beyond belief’   { * And ‘Tragic beyond something or other’ is the fact that they had to point that out. If we were working as a culture, everybody would know that, wouldn’t they? It’s like when they made supermarket check out people wear little badges that say, “I Care” — I mean, I figured then, if they had to wear a badge that said they cared, they probably didn’t. If they tried to look sincere and told you, “I care” there probably would be no credibility in their voices. — Not the voices of the people at the cash registers, who usually most obviously cared, but the ice-holes watching everybody from behind one way mirrors. And calling the fact that they can speak with a mean and loud delivery, “Leadership”? Are you kidding? That’s tantrumming. Not leadership. *  —djo—  }

Renee Zellweger stuns fans with unrecognizable face  {  * Um, put the before and after photos together and I wouldn’t even guess the one on the left hand photo was related to the person on the right- If Paul McCartney changed his looks half this much in 1969 the ‘is Paul dead?’ rumours would have had a lot more believers. *  —djo—  }

harper sux donkey dicks

The above photo says it all.

Canadian fighter jets intercept Russian military planes  { * Is that a hypothetical statement? * – “NATO scrambled fighter jets twice in two days to intercept Russian military aircraft over the Baltic Sea, it said Tuesday amid reports that Russian military activity in the region is increasing. – Lt.-Col. Robert Gericke said the Russian aircraft were flying in international airspace and had not violated the territory of alliance members. – Two Canadian CF-18 Hornet jets were scrambled from the Siauliai Air Base in Lithuania on Monday to intercept a Russian Ilyushin-20 surveillance aircraft, which they shadowed for some 15 minutes, NATO said.”  –  NATO who? is that somebody’s name? }

Jacob to close all 92 stores  { * Did I wake up today with premature Alzheimers? None of these headlines make sense. Okay- ‘Boutique Jacob Inc.’ is a Canadian Womenswear retailer—> ” -Womenswear retailer Boutique Jacob Inc. is abandoning its restructuring efforts and closing all its 92 stores in Canada. – The Montreal-based clothing chain says efforts over the last few months to “try to breathe new life into the company” have failed. – The insolvent retailer has been liquidating inventory at its Canadian stores since filing a proposal to creditors under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act in May. – ” *  —djo— }

Paralyzed man Darek Fidyka walks after cell transplant, rehab   { *** I heard this on the radio while driving to a store this evening. They reported that some skeptical doctors believed the injured man, whose spike was reported to be ‘severed, except for one thin tissue’ might not have actually been severed. ***  —jim w— }

WestJet plane makes emergency landing in Thunder Bay   { * Thunder Bay is a city, they didn’t land in a body of water *  —djo—  }

Ebola CartoonBeer, burgers and cigarettes kill way more than Ebola.

“Yeah- It’s like the flu kills more people every year than the ‘pandemics’ the fear mongers are trying to terrorize us with-” —djo— // seconded by ———jim w——

Could Ebola rank among the deadliest commincable diseases?  { * Could this ‘Ebola Crisis’ rank among the most contrived bits of fear-mongering ever? *  —djo— }

-6 photo slide show- Swedish sub hunt likened to Cold War-era   { So, -if you’re old enough to remember when- do you feel safer now than you did during the cold war?  }

-Blog- Comedian urges Washington Redskins to adopt “sunburned white person” as their logo  { * Or at least come up with a team like the ‘Houston Honkies’ or the ‘Walla Walla White Trash Players’ – Hey, mad magazine fans out there? We really should organize a couple 43 Man Squamish skirmishes and show up with names like those I just suggested. Or how about the ‘Philadelphia Pink Skins?” —djo— }

 { Ack! it’s 9:45 pm EDT-  I should probably quit while I’m ahead, but here I go, continuing — }



-Analysis- The blizzard of fear driving America’s Ebola response: Neil Macdonald  { * Holy Bull Chips! A voice of reason? Quick- Pinch me-  —djo—  }

McDonald’s sales slide, Coke flat as consumer tastes shift   { * Yup, we did wake up in a parallel universe. But what I want to know is? If we find out way back to the one we started out in, how would we know? I mean, it’s not like somebody puts markers on the clouds sailing by saying “Earth, Parallel #-97489763551-b” —Help—  —djo— }

Home mortgage risk should be shared by banks, CMHC head says   { * Um, “CMHC” Canadian Mortgage Hijackers’ Club? — Probably not. In the article they call it the “Canada Housing and Mortgage Corp.”  But shouldn’t that be the CHMC?  Let’s aske Thomas Jefferson, Hey Tom, what do you think of this?  “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.” <—-<< That’s a direct quote, you can look it up.  The world economic mess we’re in is being manipulated by banks. The stuff you think is money, isn’t. Anybody remember Douglas Adams? Hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy? people on earth really get obsessive about green pieces of paper. Of course, Canadian money comes in several different colours. But- Banksters fraudulently manuever everybody into debt, then manipulate the value of their worthless bits of paper and try to convince you that you should sell your soul to the debt-holder >>—-> Them! HOWEVER— Since they fraudulently manuevered you into this situation, you don’t owe them one copper penny. —> Looking forward to seeing all them cheatin, lyin, ice-holes get what they deserve — When a critical mass of people like you out there wake up and scream, “What the fupp?”  — & Half past human dot com says it’s going to come to: “It’s them or us!” And there’s a whole lot more of ‘us’ than ‘them’.  —djo— }

Michael Sam, NFL’s first openly gay player, cut by Cowboys    { * I kind of wish they’d said, “Let go-” by Cowboys, instead of ‘cut’ Anybody remember hearing Loreena Bobbit on tape? *  —djo— }

-Exclusive- Woman’s ‘private and sensitive’ psychiatric report sent to her employer   {   }

Global science group demands Ottawa restore ‘freedoms and funding’ to scientists   {  }

Luka Magnotta sent email about urge to kill, U.K. journalist says    {  }

Chinese government hackers allegedly attack Apple’s iCloud  { * One guy I met told me that the leaders in China were space-alien hybrids, “And not the good aliens, either.” -Which could be true in the poetic sense, if not literal? But, when you can’t believe anything our government tells us, and you can’t believe anything the corporate media tells us? should we all stand in a big circle and play Kazoo music until they shut up and go home and leave us alone? *  —djo— }

Youngest ever Nobel-winner Malala Yousafzai to become honorary Canadian   { * But, if this puts her in a class with Stephen Harper and John Baird, — If I was her, I’d refuse that ‘honour’  —djo— }

Beijing air pollution forces marathon runners to wear masks   {  }

"Secret Space Plane"

“Secret Space Plane”

U.S. Robotic space plane lands after secret 2-year journey around Earth   { * And somebody on CBC teevee slipped today and said that there were a lot of space craft in the sky around Mars looking at the near fly-by of the comet, which was described as ‘the size of a small mountain’ but depicted as being almost round. Kind of like a maginified golf ball after somebody hit it with a sledge hammer from several different directs. *  —jim w— }

-Must Watch- More than 100 snakes found in house   {  }

-Must Watch- CF-18 fighter jets head to Kuwait    { * Why would I want to watch that? Or the 100 snakes that were found in somebody’s house? *  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Underwater pumpkin carving    {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Glenn Greenwalk in conversation about secrets, transparency and digital future  { * Now this is what I would call a “Must Watch” * —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Global deaths for communicable diseases compared   { * I wonder if they meant to say “-deaths FROM communicable diseases-” Are we on this planet to serve the bacteria? Are we dying for diseases? Ya think that might have been a Freudian sleep?  😉  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Indian status: Why Lynn Gehl’s court challenge matters   { * Heck yes, When The Angels of Light come here and show everybody what’s been going on, instead of just clearing things up with “life reviews” between lives –  Can you imagine what would happen if they stand there and say, “Well, you’ve got two choices here, you can give the country back to its true owners and pay the First Nations the full value of what you stole from them, or you can go to hell.—”  * —djo—  *** Instead of doing everything you can to turn this planet into hell? ***  —jim w— }

-World- Exoskeleton enables paralyzed groom to walk down the aisle  {  }

-Canada- Six indigenous cookbooks to warm you up   { * & Hey! Nobody caught the miss-spelling of ‘indigenous’ yesterday- *  —djo— }

-Business- Stocks power higher for a 4th day in Toronto, New York   {  }

-Business- Apple’s iCloud believed attacked by Chinese government hackers   { * While the Canadian Prime Minister was busy kissing their butts? *   —djo— }

-Politics- Cyberbullying bill draws fire from diverse mix of critics   {  }

-Politics- Federal government still mum on how to spend surplus   {  }

-Community- ‘Sexy’ kids Halloween costumes ifnite fierce debate about parental responsibility   {  }



Gas Flare.

“Environment Canada accuses company of violating laws that protect sensitive and threatened species.”

“Local / New Bruswick”

Canaport LNG faces charges for bird kill  { * A photo of an individual bird from the endangered species is at the top of today’s page here. “LNG” = Liquid Natural Gas? – The company can be fined up to $1,000.000.00 per incident.  —djo— }

2nd-degree murder charge laid in death of N.B. teen in Alberta  {  }

Kelvin Constant sentenced to 5 years in fatal Fredericton stabbing  {  }

NDP’s Dominic Cardy will run in the Saint John East byelection  {  }

Tidal Bore sculpture unveiled in Moncton  { *Not that Moncton has boring tides- This granite sculpture looks like the Bay of Fundy tides that surfers sometimes hitch a ride on.   —djo— }

Rexton shale gas protests remembered one year later   {  * I talked to a First Nations man who believes that elemental beings set fire to police cars. Hey, if leprechauns and ‘others’ from that world are on our side, we should encourage them. Thank them and honour them for fighting for us. *  —jim w— ***Update, after I wrote this on Saturday, I fell asleep and had a dream encounter with a ‘being’ about three feet tall & dressed all in black, looking like a leprechaun ninja- scared the hell out of me- 😉 ***  —jim—  }

Residential electricity customers underpaying, NB power says  {* All power companies are way over charging- Jim W says. *  —jim w—  *** Update*** Today, in the news somebody said, “It won’t be long before they raise the rates-” Stick around, see how fast Utility company managers can run away when enough people find out how they buried technology that could have us all using renewable energy that the sun, the wind, the rain, running water, and the tides could give us for free- and become really really angry about being lied to and ripped off. *  —djo—  }

For the birds: NCC counting species in northern N.B.  {  }



seattle totem

“Seattle Totem”

“First Nations”

-New- Lynn Gehl challenges Indian status denial in Ontario court    {  }

Vote with your heart, Winnipeg mayoral candidate pleads    { Robert-Falcon Ouellette is telling voters to vote with their hearts instead of voting strategically.  *** Karma = If you vote for a planet killer who gets elected and kills the planet —> You ARE as guilty as he (or she) is *** —jim w— }

RCMP say driver of semi that hit truck ‘unable to avoid impact’   {  }

Move over Paleo: Six indeigenous cookbooks to warm you up    {  }

Manitoba Hydro evicted from northern dam station   {  }

6 things to know about N.W.T.’s infrastructure plans   {  }

Who gets to be ‘Indian’: 6 reasons why Lynn Gehl’s court challenge matters   {  }

Ouellette announces plan to make Winnipeg safer for Aboriginal women   {  }

University of Regina said the number of First Nations students is up by 50 per cent over the past 5 years  {  }

Food Banks Canada project to deliver fresh food to remote First Nations   {  }

Closing arguments begin in case of underfunding aboriginal child services   {  }

Watchdog says B.C. government ignoring recommendations to help children   {  }

Healing garden planned to remember residential schools in St. Albert   {  }



{ Almost 11:00 pm EDT — After computer problems and a bunch of life’s little surprises —-> Ready to Rock and Roll— & Thankful for help from Jim W again —   ———djo——— }

Wednesday, 01 October, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Wednesday, 01 October, 2014  -( 52˚F / 11˚C – & cloudy right now  @ 8:450 am in Ithaca )- { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson }

Large turtle tangled in nets.

Leatherback turtle freed from lobster trap in Shediac Bay

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


Other Sources: The Toronto Star:

CETA a much-announced trade pact of dubious value:   { –By: National Affairs, Published on Tue Sep 30 2014 –Free trade with Europe is the centerpiece of Stephen Harper’s time in government. It is so crucial that the prime minister announces it over and over again. -The latest re-announcement came Friday. This time, it was to celebrate the almost final text of what is officially known as the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the 28-member European Union. -That followed celebrations last year on an agreement in principle. There will undoubtedly be another gala when, after a “legal review” the final, final CETA text is released. – And there may be to 30 more over the next few years if the agreement is successfully ratified by the European Council, the European Parliament and the 28 member nations of the EU, – In ancient times, political rulers marked such victories with human sacrifice and lavish excess. Harper made do by spending a mere $338,000 to fly a gaggle of visiting European bureaucrats back to Brussels on a Canadian government jet. – The pact is far from a done deal. In Europe, the politics of CETA have become enmeshed in the debate over a similar accord being negotiated between the EU and Washington. – Critics fear that a section in CETA allowing companies to override domestic laws could set a precedent for the Americans to exploit. – There is also dispute within the EU over whether such trade and investment deals need to be ratified by all 28 member states. – But let us assume for a moment that the Canada-Europe deal eventually comes into effect. What can we expect?  – At first glance, the answer is not much. The government promises 80,000 new net jobs. But as Jim Stanford, an economist with the labour union Unifor has pointed out, this is a bogus number based on the assumption that no one can ever be unemployed. – Expect the price of European luxuries to fall as tariffs are removed. But don’t expect a big job uptick here. – Ottawa says Canadian beef and pork producers will gain better access to European markets thanks to CETA. And perhaps they will. – Yet as a recent analysis from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives points out, the European Union is already a net exporter of pork and beef. – This doesn’t mean there is no appetite in Europe for, say, Canadian pork chops. But unless European farmers are singularly inefficient, it does suggest the market would be limited. – Conversely, a deal with Europe promises to be less disruptive than earlier free trade pacts. – The Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement of 1989 and the North American Free Trade Agreement of 1993 virtually wiped out entire domestic industries. – This time, it seems that job losses would be more limited. – With significant exceptions (particularly in Ontario), the new pact would make it near impossible for governments or government agencies to favour locally owned firms. That could affect businesses ranging from school bus operators to caterers. – Canadian cheese makers would be hurt as would domestic automakers. But neither is likely to be destroyed. – The application of European drug patent rules would result in Canadians paying more for their pharmaceuticals. Provincial governments, all of which operate public drug plans, were particularly grumpy about this. But Ottawa has appeased them by offering subsidies. – Trade analyst Scott Sinclair says he expects the provinces will quietly pass laws implementing their CETA obligations. – The real danger in this deal has nothing to do with trade. Rather it is a provision, similar to one enshrined in NAFTA, that would permit corporations to overturn domestic laws.  – In effect, CETA includes an investors’ bill of rights aimed at penalizing government actions that interfere with profitability. – European businesses would be able to challenge such actions before a special dispute-settlement board. Irish banks, for instance, could challenge regulations designed to safeguard the Canadian financial system. – European firms could also challenge government regulations that “unduly” complicate or delay business activities. – Theoretically, Canadian companies would have reciprocal rights in Europe. But we don’t have good track record. – Under NAFTA, several U.S. companies have managed to overturn Canadian laws. No Canadian company has ever successfully used that trade pact to override a U.S. law. – Thomas Walkom’s column appears Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.  / —djo— }

A lot of people in streets below camera.

Aerial Photo of Hong Kong, showing the scope of the “Umbrella Revolution” protests.

{ Is today international anything day? —> Doug, who appreciated international coffee day . }


Lead Articles:

-Analysis- Echoes of Tiananmen [ Square ] in Hong Kong’s ‘most civil’ disobedience: Patrick Brown   { “Last week, a Chinese court sentenced a human rights advocate to life in prison and confiscated all his assets, leaving his family destitute. In Hong Kong, meanwhile, a detained student protester was released on a writ of habeas corpus. That’s what’s at stake in these demonstrations, Patrick Brown writes. Echoes of Tiananmen in Hong Kong’s ‘most civil’ disobedience.”  —djo— }

Honk Kong protesters call for territory leader to resign   {  }

U.S. health officials confirm 1st Ebola case in Dallas   {  }

PM to brief caucus as he mulls expanded Iraq mission   {  }

Renowned Quebec skier J.P. Auclair dies in Chile avalanche   {  }

‘Deadbeat’ parents across Canada owe $3.7B in support   {  }

-Update- ‘Well-being’ of girl focus of search after witness sees man take her into B.C. woods   { “Police and search-and-rescue volunteers began scouring the fields and woods adjacent to an industrial area in Abbotsford, B.C., on Tuesday night after a driver reported seeing a young girl lying on the side of the road, and a man taking her away.”  —djo— }

-New- MSF ramps up in Liberia as UN sets ambitious Ebola target   {  “MSF” is the french translation for the title of “Doctors Without Borders” — -The UN mission dealing with the Ebola response has set bold goals to try and contain the outbreak, but in Liberia’s capital, medical providers like Doctors Without Borders are working flat out just to keep up. Nurse Tashan Bremond says it’s not all bad news: “We’re telling them they can be survivors.”- —djo— }



Chimp sucking on moss.

“Wild Chimp dips moss sponge in water, drinks from it- learned trick from its mother” & is now all the rage—


Wild chimp’s gadget kicks off new trend within his group   {  }

What’s cooler than cool? This french horn OutKast cover   {  }

-Repeat- Dragons’ Den judge’s Porsche goes up in flames   {  }

-Repeat- The quotable George Clooney   {  }

*** Must be a slow week for offbeat news ***



“Most Viewed”

AC/DC giutarist Malcolm Young has dementia, band confirms   {  }

Topsail soccer stabbing victim now conscious, talking   {  }

Tom Mulcair’s EU trade deal choice could signal election strategy   { *Tom Mulcair said he’d wait to see the fine print of the Canada-EU trade deal before passing judgment. – Now that the full text of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement is out, the NDP leader is walking a fine line between his party’s competing interests. – ** Exclusive: PM gives pricey free ride home to EU leadersHarper confident as final EU trade deal released – Analysis: Celebrating a trade deal that hasn’t been sealedInteractive: The EU-Canada deal -** – The NDP will discuss the deal in caucus Wednesday morning. – The first vote in the House of Commons on CETA is weeks — perhaps months — away, depending on how quickly International Trade Minister Ed Fast brings forward legislation to implement it. – But the Conservatives already know how they want to frame the NDP. – Take Monday’s question period. When the NDP criticized the expensive plane ride the Harper government provided EU leaders last Friday, Fast suggested New Democrats couldn’t be expected to see the importance of the business event that justified the expense. – “They wanted us to cancel this event because we know they are anti-trade, anti-investment and have no credibility on trade whatsoever,” Fast said. – Ready to govern or oppose? – Mulcair has been rolling out policy planks this fall designed to appeal to traditional NDP voters in 2015. – A recent speech to the Teamsters talked about protecting workers and going after corporate “freeloaders.” He has floated the idea of a $15 an hour minimum wage for federal workers. – Will his stand on CETA also tack toward’s the party’s traditional, trade-deal-wary flank to make sure it stays put? – Or will that impulse give way to a more pragmatic need to support a deal most of Canada’s business community really wants? – Opposing CETA would be a step back from Mulcair’s recent more open approach to the merits of trade deals. – After the death of Jack Layton in 2011, Mulcair’s pitch for the party leadership was based on continuing Layton’s legacy of targeting voters in the centre of the political spectrum and working hard to look like a government-in-waiting. – The NDP supported Canada’s agreement with Jordan and, more recently, its new agreement with South Korea. It also makes warm noises about negotiating with Japan, India and Brazil. – “We want to knock down non-tariff barriers. We think that more trade is a good thing for Canada,” Mulcair told The Canadian Press last year. – “It’s a good starting point to be dealing with Europe,” he said in that interview and repeated in the months since. “They generally speaking have institutions quite similar to ours, they have the rule of law, they have independent tribunals, they’ve got long-standing institutional stability. That is a good thing for us to be dealing with.” – In principle, a deal with Europe was the kind of “fair trade” the NDP could safely embrace. – – Conditional support – -But the NDP also put down markers for its potential support of CETA, including help for cheese producers facing competition from new imports and provincial governments and consumers who will have to pay more for prescription drugs when patent changes take effect. – The NDP also says municipal procurement changes should protect “buy local” programs, to address the concerns of more than 50 local city, town and regional councils that have passed anti-CETA resolutions. – With growing concern in Germany in particular about investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms in the deal, the NDP jumped on that bandwagon, too. – Mulcair said Friday he was “reticent” about the deal. – But he and his trade critics have been clear they aren’t necessarily opposing it, even as they criticize the Harper government’s handling of the file. – Saying the NDP will “consult widely and understand thoroughly” buys them time.* ***The article at the top of this page on CETA was tweeted by Elizabeth May, the head of the Green Party of Canada and I think it’s a safe bet she is not in favor of this Economic Treaty*** The snarky blatherings of Conservative Party Parrots on the floor of the House = They’re accusing the NDP of having no idea about how trade should work. How about I accuse the Conservatives of knowing how trade works while they pocket the profits of selling thirty million something plus Canadians out to forces who would love to kill and eat everybody and do not have one ounce of compassion or empathy and just want to have the power of life and death over everybody, including the brain dead Conservatives who believe they will come out of this on the very fat side of ‘rich rich rich’?  —djo— }

Target baby PJs say, ‘boys are heroes, girls can only date them’   {  }

-21 photo slide show- Hong Kong police, protesters clash in historic standoff   {  }




-Live- Protesters to Hong Kong boss: Quit or we occupy buildings   {  }

-New- Ex SNC-Lavalin exec Riadh Ben Aïssa to be sent back to Canada   {  }

‘Canada is well prepared’ Health ministers reassure as 1st Ebola case hits U.S.   {  }

Why does the U.S. Secret Service keep messing up?   {  }

Race into space opening new horizons to private sector   { Do you believe this is a good thing? The Space race in the sixties ‘gave us alot of technological advances’ in electronics, computers, surveillance, high tech weapons for cops to use on civilians, MK Ultra- maybe even secret deals between evil human dark ops types who want total control over everybody and everything and evil dark aliens who would be happy to allow those human evil dark ops morons to embrace the illusion that they have allies in outer space, until the aliens spring the final trap- & make the planet hostile to human life and move in and take over? —> Yawn, that was a stupid bad movie plot the first time I heard about it—> Corporations are Not Good.  Corporations with the ability to leave the planet while controlling everything and everybody might even be worse. But at least we’re talking about it. Right?  —djo— }

ISIS fight: Stephen Harper to brief Conservative caucus on options    { How’s this for an option? : We hypnotize Stephen Harper and convince him that he’s Rambo, dress him up in camoflaged fatiques with an American flag patch on one shoulder and a Canadian flag patch on the other- Hand him a parachute and drop him in the middle of an ISIS training camp with “I am a spy for the great satan” written all over him in perfect Arabic- whatever dialect most of them can read. Then have a lot of drones send us live video of whatever happens next. That might just solve a lot of problems.  —djo— }

Canada’s blood supply ‘critically low’   {   }

 RCMP pulls support from anti-radicalization handbook   { * Does this mean they have a pro-radicalization handbook in mind? Or did they realize that by some definitions, they’re pretty radical themselves and might find their mindset illegal if enough people read the handbook they were backing? }

Recovery effort resumes after Japan volcano eruption, death toll now 48   {  }

Stop meddling in wireless market, Telus tells CRTC   { * & Government watch dog agencies have been taking orders from corporations for how long now? Is it a good thing that they are seen to be doing this in full daylight? In public?   —djo— }

-Must Watch- Hong Kong protests: Do you hear the people sing?    { *Images from the protests set to a Hong Kong quintet performing the song from Les Miserables*  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Why emergency services need a ‘culture change’ to deal with PTSD   { * [ Officer ] Ghadban’s death [ is ] the 22nd suicide since April 29*  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- 5 things to know about Hong Kong’s ‘umbrella revolution’  { *** & Yesterday on the Keiser Report “:Minsky Moment in Global Economy (E660)” In which Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert were discussing the ‘Hong Kong riots’, which they said could be the next ‘Minsky Moment’ in’ the global financial ponzi scheme’ -They talked about what we’ve been told is a peaceful demonstration in favour of democracy. Keiser and Herbert were calling it an ‘Affordable Rent Riot’.  Am I on the same planet they are? Did I wake up in the same ‘parallel dimension’ I went to sleep in? Are we still dreaming? Are there a couple of us dreaming the same dream? Or are we all off in our little nightmares, feeding some alien battery system with our human energy? Is there a “Neo” out there? Can we wake ourselves up? Can we call on what we have been told were ‘Angels’? Can we call out to the the Light that might be able to keep us all alive and close enough to sane to fake it from here? “HELP!” -Amen  //  —djo—  }

-Editor’s Pick- What you need to know to protect yourself  [ from Ebola? ]   { *Person-to-person contact is riskiest* >>—-> Become a Hermit and wear a space suit. Stop breathing, don’t eat, don’t drink, — in a week or so you won’t have to worry about Ebola? “Wash hands before masking” *** My brain hurts. My soul hurts. Why are we putting up with these morons who are trying so hard to convince us they should be our ‘leaders’?*** —djo— ***** Having a rough morning in Ithaka, you can probably tell.***** }

-Blog- Sexual consent app ‘Good2Go’ takes the guesswork out of hooking up   { * Until a five year old figures out how to hack it and sends zillions of rapists after everybody?* —djo— }

-Canada- Lock up chronic runaways to keep them safe: Winnipeg police officer   { *It figures, trust a cop to actually believe that him taking control of you is in everybody’s best interest.*  —djo— }

-Politics- NDP motion to reform QP defeated despite Tory backbench support   { “QP” = Question Period. *At least Tom Mulcair and the New Democratic Party tried to help fix a couple problems that have been occuring during question period.* —djo— }

-Business- Ford ads 1,000 jobs to Oakville, Ont. plant   { *Hey! I think I actually found some good news here- Should I pinch myself?* —djo— }

-Technology & Science- Forget Windows 9, Microsoft unveils Windows 10   { *No matter what bad news I’ve read about Apple lately, I still wouldn’t trust Microsoft as far as I could pick up and toss an elephant-* —djo— }

-Technology & Science- Lower wireless prices lead to worse service, Telus tells CRTC   { *#1 = Never trust anything your Government tells you. #2 = Corporations are much less trustworthy than governments. Therefore: #3 = Don’t even think about trusting anything a corporation tells you.  —djo— }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Leatherback turtle freed from lobster trap in Shediac Bay   {  }

RCMP release sketch of man who followed teen girl home   {  }

Saint John honours Const. Douglas Larch with park   {  }

Progressive Conservatives seek recounts in 6 ridings   { “New Brunswick’s Progressive Conservatives are seeking recounts in six ridings “to restore faith in the democratic process,” says party president Jason Stephen. – The ridings in question include: Saint John East, Saint John Harbour, Charlotte-Campobello, Carleton-Victoria, Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou, and Fredericton North. – “This is not partisan politics,” Stephen told reporters after filing papers at the Saint John Law Courts on Tuesday, the deadline to request a judicial recount.”  Kris Austin of the People’s Allaince Party also filed for a recount in the district/riding he ran in. —djo— }

UNB faculty awarded 12.5% increase by arbitration award   { *UNB faculty had been very upset after somebody leaked the increase that the head of the university received compared to what they got, before the arbitration happened.   —djo— }




-New- First Nations girl’s family rejects chemo, hospital goes to court to force treatment   { “Lawyers from the McMaster Children’s Hospital in Hamilton have gone to court in an attempt to force a First Nations girl back into chemotherapy, but her mother says the judicial system has no authority over her child’s treatment.” —djo—  }

 Squamish Nation members demand financial report after manager removed   { “Some members of the Squamish Nation are calling for greater fiscal transparency in the wake of revelations that a band councillor has been removed from her management position following an independent financial investigation.”  —djo— }

Northern Saskatchewan school excelling in ‘mathletics’   { “Many schools in Saskatchewan strive for success in athletics. But Father Porte Memorial School on the Black Lake Dene Nation is making a name for itself in mathletics. – The school has a web-based math program. The grade seven class is currently ranked in the top five in Canada. – Principal Steven Thatcher has seen improvements in marks and attitudes towards math. – “No confidence, kids were having a rough time. Now with mathletics, they succeed so when they succeed they get more self confident and you can just see their math scores just getting a lot better,” he said.”  —djo— }

Manitoba chiefs say child welfare system [is] ongoing ‘genocide’   {  }

7 N.W.T. First Nations publish chief, council salaries so far   {  }

Province working to get Stoney Nakoda flood victims back in homes   {  }

Grocery bus attempts to beat high N.W.T. food prices   {  }

-11 photo slide show- National Orange Shirt day promotes healing and reconciliation   {  }



{ & Ouch! it’s 12:04 pm and I’m just starting to check for typos and colorize the headlines.   Ouch again, @ 12:40 pm — ready to apply tags and reach for the “Publish” button.  ———djo——— }

Monday, 29 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Monday, 29 September, 2014  -( 56˚F / 13˚C – & Cloudy right now, scattered clouds later, @ 8:30 am in Ithaca )- { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson }

Sunset over water with lighthouse on the left.

“Sunset at Peggy’s Cove” From the Weather forecast page.

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


Protesters with umbrellas open as tear gas cannisters fly at them.

This was tweeted: “The Umbrella Revolution” under fire in Hong Kong. Those are tear gas cannisters being fired at the protesters. The protesters want free democratic elections, the government wants to contol everything. That’s fascism, not communism.

{ Is it really international coffee day? —> Doug, who’s probably addicted to caffeine . }


Lead Articles:

-Go Public-Foreign worker paid $25K to get visa, but arrived to find no job   { “An Ontario immigration consultant is under investigation for charging foreign clients up to $25,000 to help them enter Canada to work at low-skill jobs. In at least one case, the worker arrived to find the employer no longer existed.”  —djo— }

Ottawa providing assistance to imprisoned Canadian in Cuba   {  }

Luka Magnotta murder trial opens Monday in Montreal   {  }

Feds criticised for $300K bill to fly EU officials to T.O.   { Apparently, Prime Minister Stephen Harper flew a bunch of his European co-horts to Toronto and sent the bill to Canadian Taxpayers.  “T.O.” = Toronto, Ontario.  —djo— }

Employment Minister Kenney defends reforms to TFW program   { “TFW” = Temporary Foreign Workers. Some companies have been accused of hiring Temperary Foreign Workers at the expense of Canadians who wanted those -usually minimum wage- jobs, but the employers wanted to get away with paying the foreigners less than minimum wages, and some were treated as virtual slave labour. The governmental clamp down on the hiring of all TFW’s has hurt some honest businesses by trying to shut the programme down completely. I’ll have to look into whatever changes this guy is talking about. —djo—  }

-Exclusive- Stephen Harper gives pricey free ride home to European leaders   { “CBC News has learned Prime Minister Stephen Harper gave visiting European delegates a free flight home to Brussels last week, after adding a Toronto reception to their schedule that made it impossible for the visitors to make a planned commercial flight home in time for a Saturday meeting. ” – * There still is some confusion over whether or not the big trade deal actually went through – my conspiracy-investigating buddies called the deal a blatantly overt plot to sell Canada out to the Banksters who want to destroy everybody’s economy and force every government in the world to be totally dependent on the evil banksters.  — shrug, I have too little information to totally agree with that- but it certainly looks suspicious.  —djo— }

-Photos- Liberia struggles to fight Ebola as newest, largest clinic reaches capacity   {  }

Vote Compass: What Toronto mayoral cadidate is most aligned with your views?   { * If I have time later, I might take this quiz, poll or whatever it might be, I doubt than any of them would be somebody I’d go out of my way to vote for- & I might be taking the quiz half to see if it might be rigged— My friend and co-editor, Jim W,  sent me a link a while back to a test to see where in the political spectrum you and your ideals put you. We both scored on the left, between Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. —djo— }



Peace love and potota salad

“Peace Love & Potato Salad”


Free house up for grabs in Ottawa’s Manor Park — but there’s a catch   { * You’d have to move the house, probably in two pieces, to another spot and then reassemble it. This would probably cost ‘tens of thousands of dollars’ and Land is more expensive in Canada than I expected. The owners decided it would be cheaper to build a whole new house on their lot than upgrade this one to suit their growing family’s needs. They’re saying it would be a shame if they have to bulldoze it down and cart it off to landfill. —And knocking it down and carting it away would cost real money, Doug interjected— The house has to be gone by October 15th. – It looked like an okay house to me, but I suppose it might be lonely and suffer from separation anxiety — When I read the headlines I thought they were going to say it was haunted. No such luck.  —djo— }

Man who raised $55K for potato salad throws party   { “An Ohio man who jokingly sought $10.00 US to buy ingedients to make potato salad and got “Tens of Thousands f Dollars” threw a ‘charity-minded’ party with more than 30,000 pounds of potato salad and other food available” – Short article, couple photos of the guy, a tray of potato salad and it looks like a video you can click on. —there’s a definite “tens of thousands of dollars” theme today.—  —djo—  }

-Repeat- White sided dolphins make rare appearance near Victoria, B.C.   {  }

-Repeat- Why eating insects may be on the menu of the future   { * One ‘scientific predicter of the future’ thought we’d more likely be eating a form of blue-green algae. But don’t go grabbing a bunch of algae and start chomping down on it- some of them are poisonous.  —djo— }



“Most Viewed”

Ottawa police officer Kal Ghadban takes own life at Elgin Street headquarters   { There’s a couple Ottawa Help Lines listed below this short article, including one labeled “Mental Health Crisis Line”. We keep losing ex-military and ‘First Responders’ through suicice this year. It’s been an epidemic. “Help! Make it go away – Amen”  —djo—}

Brooklyn Honderich, 2, missing in Norwich Township   { A two year old wandered from her parents dairy farm near Woodstock, Ontario just before 7 pm yesterday. A helicopter and two canine units are looking for her, as well as a lot of neighbours and friends. They say she’s about three foot three inches talls and weighs about 29 pounds. She was wearing a blue and white striped tank top, tan coloured overalls and grey capri pants, she has light brown hair in ponytails.  I don’t feel good about this one, I know I’d be going nuts- my first reaction to the headline was, “Wow, can you imagine a nation wide headline for a child who disappeared from a farm in Iowa or Ohio?” Every parent’s worst nightmare.  —djo— }

Ottawa Lotto Max winners say money doesn’t solve everything   { * Wisdom at the price of getting what you thought you really wanted? — Meanwhile too many people are going broke buying lottery tickets they can’t afford. gaaaa-  —djo— }

Downsizing: Lies, damn lies, and french fries   { At least they’re not calling them ‘Liberty Fries’. —djo— }

Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters resist calls to disperse   { I don’t feel real good about this one either.   —djo— }

-15 photo slide show- George Clooney’s wedding in Venice  { I think it was edited down from 22 photos yesterday, yup- so I won’t raise the “Repeat” flag  —djo— }




International media flurry expected as Luka Magnotta trial begins in Montreal   { * What is this? Are various nations competing for the ‘Most interesting murder trial of the year’ award? Gaaaa!  —djo— }

-New- Massive police search underway for toddler who wandered from Ontario home   {  Re-write of an ‘above’ headline?   —djo— }

-New- 5 more bodies found after Japanese volcano eruption   {  }

Trudeau Liberals woo high-profile aboriginal candidates ahead of 2015  { ‘2015’ refers to the scheduled national election. The next national / federal election could come sooner if any more ‘fit hits the shan’ – —djo— }

Ukraine soldiers suffer worst loss of life since ceasefire began   {  }

5 injured as propane explosion rocks Montreal neighbourhood   { My sweetie in Montreal messaged me last night to say it happened in an ‘nice’ area. & She was wondering whether it might have been terrorists, or angry ex-spouses, or a gas leak.  —djo—  }

Barack Obama has come to grips with thorny Syria strategy   {  }

Caifornia adopts ‘yes means yes’ bill aimed at reducing sexual assault   {  }

Canadian’s 15-year sentence in Cuba ‘outragious’, MP says   { -A Canadian businessman sentenced in Cuba to 15 years in prison on corruption-related charges should be sent back home, said a Toronto-area MP who called the conviction a “travesty of justice.”-  —djo— }

-Analysis- Mulcair’s dilemma: Canadians like him, but will they vote for him?  { This headline ran yesterday, and I thought it was a bit less snarky than comments aimed at other political figures. Today I’m wondering if it’s a delayed reaction word-bomb, supposed to make people leaning toward the NDP think twice before voting that way. —djo— }

Mississauga’s mayor leaves office after 36 years  { Some friends called her “Hurricane Hazel” and figured she’d still be in office after her hundred and fiftieth birthday.  —djo— }

George Clooney keeps rumour mill whirling after Venice wedding   { I read a bit of this and I have no idea why they invoked the “whirling rumour mill’ bit. —djo— }

-Must Watch- Japan volcano rescue operation   {  }

-Must Watch- Cat narrowly escapes alligator attack {  }

-Editor’s Pick- The perils of a recovering U.S. economy: Don Pittis   {  }

-Politics- Russian ship played key role in Canada’s recent Franklin discovery   { “Find was billed as expression of Canadian sovereignity in North” & “A Russian-flagged vessel played a key role in Canada’s recent discovery of a sunken ship from the missing Franklin expedition, a scenario that faced a regulatory challenge and gave senior Conservative officials pause. – Prime Minister Stephen Harper has billed the Franklin search as an expression of Canadian sovereignty in the North — particularly in light of the “imperial ambitions” of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

– “The mapping and surveying activities that are part of the search are also considered a sign of domestic prowess in the Arctic. – A Russian-owned ship became part of the multi-partner Victoria Strait Expedition after it became apparent that the Canadian alternative, a former coast guard icebreaker, couldn’t carry the private financial donors underwriting part of the search. — * Underline ‘private financial donors underwriting part of the search’: Who were they and what do they expect in return?  —djo— }

Spy watchdog’s oil ties prompt B.C. Civil Liberties Association complaint   {  }

-Business- Encana agrees to buy Texas-based Athlon Energy in $7.1B deal   {  }

-Business- Japan’s SoftBank in talks to buy animation giant DreamWorks   {  }

-Business- BlackBerry stamps its Passport, Rockefellers get out of oil: Business Week Wrap   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Ex-PM Kim Campbell pitches reform to boost gender parity   { She’s suggesting that each riding should run two candidates, one male, one female. I have no idea from reading this article whether she means there should be two candidates from each party, or does she want to limit the election to two contenders and cut out all the other parties? That doesn’t make sense. Kim Campbell took over as Prime Minister when Brian Mulroney escaped before his term in office expired. Most blame Mulroney, but some blame her for the fact that the Progressive Conservative Party went from Number One to a distant 5th party status with only 2 representatives elected to Parliament.  * one of my favourite ‘psychics’ believes we’re about to see a similar political blood bath with the next Canadian federal elections.  Others are saying that if the Canadian electorate votes for another Conservative Government they will deserve whatever horrendous consequences they get. I have no idea what’s going on up there politically- just reporting what I read. * And what the ex-Prime Minister has to do with local New Brunswick news is beyond me. —djo— }

Today’s weather: Jim Abraham’s synopsis   {  }

-Repeat- Coastal Red Oak  multi-year project aims to boost numbers   {  }

Slain Moncton Mounties among fallen officers honoured in Ottawa Sunday   {  }




-New- Diagnosis education: Sioux Lookout hospital sets up classroom   { “The Meno Ya Win Health Centre will again offer classes to children and their expectant moms who have to stay in Sioux Lookout for extended periods.” * I don’t know about this. Unless the program was conceived and run by First Nations individuals, it would seem to me to be way too much like the old indoctrination strategy from the ‘Residential schools’ that were set up to strip the culture from First Nations kids. But, I’m here, and I don’t know who is running the programme, or why it was said to be something good for expectant mothers and their kids, who are taken out of their normal environment and placed in the centre.  —djo— }

Oppenheimer Park campers vow to stay as Vancouver seeks injunction   { “Vancouver police estimates there are more than 200 tents at Oppenheimer Park.” – “Oppenheimer Park campers say they aren’t going anywhere as the City of Vancouver goes to court today to seek an injunction to have them removed. – Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson said last week that living conditions at the site have deteriorated and the campsite is no longer safe.

– “But many of the tenters say they would hate to see the camp go because volunteers there have helped them and others. – “Like when I go to work I need a lunch, they provided me with a lunch,” said camper Ricky Comeau who describes himself as working-homeless. – “You know what I mean? They make sure my stuff is safe when I go to work. I love it!” – Volunteers running a neighbourhood lunch program over the weekend say they’re aware of the controversy, but are impressed with the camp. – “They have some pretty good organization it seems,” said volunteer Wisam Abdulla. – “Sometimes in front of the bottle depot we just kind of get raided, whereas here it was nice and orderly.” -Organizer Swampy Cree says the camp is attracting people from all over the province. She says the region needs a more coordinated approach to homelessness. – Others tasked with maintaining order at the camp express frustration because the camp is attracting people from all over the region. – Organizer Swamp Cree says the region needs a more coordinated strategy to homelessness.  —djo— }

Trudeau Liberals woo high-profile aboriginal candidates ahead of 2015   {  }



{ 11:14 am – time to look for typos and get out the crayons again…   11:45 am, I’ve gone blind, but it looks okay. Time to push the “Publish” button.   ———djo——— }

Sunday, 28 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Sunday, 28 September, 2014  -( 59˚F / 15˚C –  Sunny & clear here, @ 9:30 am in Ithaca )- { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson }

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


Smoke from a Volcano

Mount Ontake is Japan’s 2nd highest Volcano and is spewing smoke about 200 kilometers west of Tokyo.

{ Thank You -Jim W- for filling in for me – I’m back, – I think, -counting fingers and toes etc, yeah, I think I’m all here —> Doug, who’s finally getting over his ‘mild flu’. }


Lead Articles:

31 feared dead in Mount Ontake eruption in Japan   {  }

Ferguson, Mo. police seek 2  suspects after officer wounded   {  }

Toronto’s Rob Ford appears in public to rally supporters   {  }

Canadian businessman sentenced to 15 years in Cuba    {  }

Hong Kong police use tear gas on pro-democracy protestors   {  }

Witness says U.S.-led airstrikes hit Syrian oil refinery   {  }

-Analysis- U.S. economy climbs, but expect turbulence: Don Pittis   {  }

The world’s most dangerous country? Pakistan’s fight against religious extremism   {  }



Killer whales are the largest member of the dolphin family and are easily recognized by their distinctive black and white markings and giant dorsal fin. Adult males may reach lengths of eight to nine metres and weigh up to five tonnes.

[ Orcas ] are the largest member of the dolphin family and are easily recognized by their distinctive black and white markings and giant dorsal fin. Adult males may reach lengths of eight to nine metres and weigh up to five tonnes.


Why eating insects may be on the menu in the future   {  }

White-sided dolphins make rare appearance near Victoria, B.C.   {  }

New York postal carrier hoarded 40,000 pieces of mail   { A 67-year-old New York City postal carrier has been charged with failure to deliver about 40,000 pieces of mail- which were found in his home, vehicle and locker, dating back as far as 2005. He was released on his own recognizance and ordered to abstain from excessive alcohol consumption.   —djo— }

[ Orca ] thrills group in rare Bay of Fundy sighting   { A whale watching guide said it has been 16 years since the last time an orca was spotted in the Bay of Fundy and says yesterday’s sighting is one of the most incredible things he’s seen in his 20 years as a guide. }



“Most Viewed”

Tom Mulcair’s polls dilemma: Canadians like him, but will they vote for him?   { Tom Mulcair is the leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada, which has the second most seats in Parliament right now. This headline does not have the snarky tone that’s been used in headlines about Justin Trudeau, son of Pierre Trudeau, and leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. Headlines concerning Stephen Harper, Prime Minister and Head of the Conservative Party of Canada may not be snarky enough. [ wink ]  —djo— }

Halifax police searchhome where deck collapsed, inuring 6 {  “Police ‘executed a search warrant’ and searched the small apartment ‘to allow further processing of the scene-‘ before they allowed tennants to return home. 6 people in their twenties were sent to the hospital with injuries when the second storey deck they were on collapsed down onto the first storey deck. The article states that there was no mention of anybody being injured on the deck directly below the one that collapsed. The building made news twelve years ago when neighbours complained that the home’s owner was turning it into an apartment building. That’s when two decks were added. The issue went to court in 2002 and the owner of the building was ordered to pay ‘thousands of dollars’ to the city. * Must have forgotten to pay for a permit first. * & A year ago, on September 15th, a deck collapsed in Dartmouth, across the river from Halifax, and sent people to a hospital back then. —djo— }

Head lice: Most-used treatments no longer very effective, scientists say   {  }

George Clooney, Amal Alamuddin get married in Venice   {  }

Canada’s Smartest Person is ‘out of control’ says show’s co-host   {  }

Woman, 74, charged after 15-year-old stabbed near his eye   { Another headline says the Nova Scotian woman is alleged to have stabbed the 15-year-old near his eye. I like that version better, it’s more honest.  —djo— }

ISIS-controlled oil refinery hit in U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria, winess says   { This is a repeat of the headline in Lead Articles but I already had most of it typed when I realized that, so I left it here.  —djo— }

-22 photo slide show- George Clooney’s wedding in Venice   { Aren’t you glad you’re not the kind of celebrity who has photographers and reporters chronicalling, questioning and making snarky comments about every move you make?  —djo— }

-Repeat-Blog- Gay teen claims he was forced to wear ‘GAYTARD’ name tag at work   { In a fast food restaurant-   —djo— }




Head lice develop high rates of resistance to treatments that dominate the market   {  }

-Photos- Neil Young, Willie Nelson headline Keystone XL protest concert   {  }

-Video- How to stop the flow of funds to ISIS   {  }

Oklahoma beheading suspect awake in hospital, faces 1st-degree murder charges   {  }

Charges stayed against accused drig kingpin due to nearly decade-long delay   { I think they mean the charges were dropped. The article says British Columbia police knew where the man was in India but did not try to have him extradited. —djo— }

-Must Watch- Japan volcano eruption   {  }

-Must Watch- Amputee mountain climber   { It says a 31-year-old double-leg amputee successfully reached the peak of Jianmen Pass in China. I didn’t feel any need to watch this.  —djo— }

-Politics- Canada sets lowest standard at World Conference on Indigenous Peoples   {  Mathew Coon, the Grand Chief of the Grand Council of the Crees, said at the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, that Canada contradicted its own endorsement of the UN Declaration [ on the rights of Indigenous Peoples? ] this week at the UN. A UN special envoy had described Canada’s efforts on behalf of the well-being of Indigenous Peoples was ‘insufficient’.  —djo— }

-Health- Health websites could be overrun by commercial interests, experts fear   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Fredericton cab driver assaulted in attempted robbery   {  }

Saint John stabbing victim ‘a very kindhearted guy,’ says friend   {  }

17-year-old seriously injured in Moncton   { Police are releasing almost no details on this one. They said it was an assault that happened in the west end of Moncton at 4:30 am on Saturday but won’t be any more specific.  —djo— }

Coastal red oak multi-year project aims to boost numbers   { Volunteers with the Nature Conservancy of Canada ‘are hoping their efforts will help the declining coastal red oak return it its former glory. The Northumberland Strait is the only area in the world where coastal red oaks grow. Squirrels, raccoons and other small animals eat most of the acorns.  —djo— }




-Blog- Stolen Huxhukw mask surrendered to Albert Bay RCMP  {  }

-Opinion- Canada sets lowest standard at World Conference on Indigenous Peoples   {   This is repeated from ‘Other’ above, but I’m wondering if the U.S. track record is any better or worse than the Canadian efforts they’re complaining about.  —djo— }

-Don’t Miss- Teepee raising competition   {  }

& Sadly, everything else is repeated from yesterday or as far back as last week. —djo—



{  10:56 am checking for typos and coloring the headlines:   11:15 am “Publish”ed     ———djo——— }

Tuesday, 23 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Tuesday, 23 September, 2014  -( 43˚F /6˚C –  & looks like a good day @ 8:30 am in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. ———djo——— }


Brian Gallant in front of "Liberal" red background.

‘Liberal Leader Brian Gallant appears to have won the New Brunswick election amid a vote-counting “fiasco”-‘

 Discrepencies between tabulator machine-counted votes and manually entered vote tallies caused Elections New Brunswick to bring everything to a halt for a couple hours while they re-entered the votes from electronic chips from the vote counting gizmoes. The Progressive Conservatives and the People’s Alliance Party may want a recount of the physical paper ballots.  —djo—


Lead Articles:

-Updated- Brian Gallant’s Liberals elected amidvote-counting ‘fiasco’   {   }

-Coming up Live- N.B. Liberals prepare for transition after election marred by vote-count fiasco   {  }

U.S. and 5 Arab countries bomb ISIS targets inside Syria   {  }

Ebola cases could skyrocket to 21,000 in next 6 weeks: WHO    {  }

Netflix refuses CRTC demand to hand over suscriber data   { CRTC = The Canadian version of the FCC. Netflix says it will not violate the confidentiality of its customers and so far is not bound by the same rules as a broadcast or cable television company. }

Aboriginal throat singer Tanya Tagaq wins Polaris prize   {  }

-New- Israeli PM says shooting down Surian fighter jet doesn’t mean war is widening   {  }

-Live- UN Climate Summit: 4 things to know about the talks   {  }

Do the math: How parents can fight the fear of arithmatic   {  }



Mushroom in the woods

” A typical porcini (Boletus edulis var. clavipes) is shown in its natural habitat in Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario. (Brent Dentinger/Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew) “


3 new mushroom species discovered in London grocery store   { It took me several minutes of reading and re-reading to guess that this was a grocery store in London, Ontario, Canada. -Not London, England- Photography credits to ‘Royal Botanical Gardens’ were no help, the caption to a photo showing: “A typical porcini (Boletus edulis var. clavipes) is shown in its natural habitat in Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario.” – was a bright moment – —djo— }

City marks 200th birthday with a 61-metre bratwurst   { Gotta be Germany, right? Wrong! – It was Belleville, Illinois, USA  —djo— }

Reporter quits live on-air in support of marijuana legalization   { Charlo Greene quit her job in Anchorage, Alaska where she was a reporter for KTVA television. ‘-What many viewers didn’t realize prior to her hasty departure from the station, however, is that she is also the owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club — a medical marijuana collective that connects “patients in need to Alaskan cardholders with green.”-‘  —djo— }

Bald eagle rescue 101: how to hitch a ride on a fishing boat   { In the “Most Viewed” area the link to this article bears the headline: “Bald eagle rescue by fisherman posted on YouTube”  * And I’m really impressed with today’s ‘Offbeat’ news after several days of boring repeats- —djo— }



“Most Viewed”

New Brunswick election 2014 results: Brian Gallant’s Liberals set for transition after win   {  }

Tim Hortons, Burger King merger fallout: US cracks down on tax inversions   {  }

How Alexander Sodiqov was freed following espionage charges   {  }

Benjamin Netanyahu cautions about interpreting Syrian fighter jet shooting   { & two links down: “Golan Heights: Israel military shoots down Syrian fighter jet” }

Raymond Lee Caissie. 43, charged with murder of Serena Vermeersch   {  }

-Repeat- -17 photo slide show- People’s Climate Marches around the world   { No- the climate doesn’t march around the world- even if it really does – this article is about the numerous marches held around the world to let banksters and other string pulling manipulators know that a lot of people are not happy with elitists poisoning their food, poisoning their water and decimating their forests   —djo— }

-Blog- Emma Watson’s U.N. speech on gender equality prompts debate over feminism, Beyoncé   {  }




-New- How a PhD student was able to return to Canada after arrest on espionage charges   { * * They’re repeating article headlines in various spots around their page here with a slight change in wording- everybody must have been up all night waiting for the New Brunswick election returns.   —djo— }

-Updated- Barack Obama to address expanded airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria   {  }

Inuk throat singer Tanya Tagaq takes top honours at Polaris Music Prize   { * & I haven’t mentioned lately that Canadians wonder what we do with all out ‘U’s in the ‘lower 48’- I told them U.S. citizens use them all up chanting “USA Number One!” and never stop to count all the negative number ones they qualify for, number one in the most citizens in prison for b.s. charges- #1 in testosterone-poisoned culture-  -don’t get me started- —djo— }

Canadian arrested at JFK airport after 15 kg of marijuana found in checked bag  { I think they also said she had handguns and ammunition in her luggage or on her. If this happened on a domestic flight inside of Canada, my friends up there tell me, there would be a very good chance that a person with a gun, especially a realistic looking toy gun, or a phoney grenade, and maybe a package of loose tea suspiciously packaged – might actually be an inspector testing the security screening of any airline anywhere inside the country.  —djo— }

Vancouver Aquarium uses drone to track killer whales   { *** They’re ‘Orcas’ not killer whales- —djo— }

High-risk sex offender charged with murder of B.C. teen   { * And Fear-mongering headlines are still in style, even in relatively intelligent media?  —djo— }

Canadian wireless costs still among highest in world   { This is only a symptom of a much larger problem. * Okay, everybody go to Coast to Coast am, click on ‘become a member’ and listen to last night’s (September 22, 2014) 3 hour interview with Former Canadian Minister of National Defence Paul Hellyer. He will tell you, with authority, that an elitist cabal of greedy bankers have been trying to run the world from behind the scenes since the end of World War II -possibly longer- and part of their agenda has been to cut buying power, disempower the middle class, make everybody believe that trade unions are full of criminals and communists – And the elitist cabal members might even be plotting to kill off millions or billions of us if they can get away with it, to make the survivors more manageable – They believe in running the world on the model of The Bank Of England – Lending twenty times the amount of money they have actual assets for and enslaving by means of debt – countless billions on the planet – until after the revolution when they’re all wearing orange jump suits and working on chain gangs to make up for their crimes against humanity. If you tried to get away with what banks do all the time, you’d be heading to prison for a very long time, but they blackmailed most of the governments in what we used to think of as ‘the free world’ into granting them charters/licenses to get away with fraud and maybe worse.  —djo— }

-Storify- Calgary MP responds to ISIS threat with ‘secure bedroom selfie’   { She just might be the blond who stands behind Stephen Harper in most shots from ‘Question Time’ –  trying to look disgusted at what we’re supposed to interpret as ‘inane comments’ from anybody but a Conservative Party of Canada member.  [—gag—]   —djo— }

Ebola cases could quadruple in the next 6 weeks, WHO warns, but not all experts agree   {  }

Israel says it’s killed 2 Hamas suspects that helped spark weeks of fighting   {  }

Driver fined $162 after stopping police for illegal left turn   { “Duh- we only enforce the laws, we don’t have to abide by them-” ?   —djo— }

3 missing Afghan Army oficers in custoday at Canada-US border   {  }

-Must Watch- Toothpaste portrait of Robin Williams   {  Everything is beginning to sound like offbeat news – well, almost everything  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Elephant baby’s public debut   { If I’d gone to sleep last night instead of working all night, I’d swear I woke up in a parallel universe – but this one is more fun than the one I woke up in yesterday- —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Mission to Mars   { Did we move into a much more positive area of the material universe? Somebody go check Starfire Tor’s website, facebook page or whatever to see if she has a clue- Or am I just over tired and in that wonderful zone where everything almost makes sense and people almost seem a magnitude warmer and friendlier than they did a couple hours ago?  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- The story behind Liberal leader’s abortion strategy   { “The Liberals hope the policy distances them from socially conservative ex-MPs” & there’s a thumbnail photo of Justin Trudeau that makes him look like he’s full of himself – which he could be- but we need really impartial coverage here, guys. —djo— }



“Local / New Brunswick”

– A lot of the above election coverage is repeated under ‘New Brunswick’-

David Coon makes history with seat for Green Party   { David Coon won a seat to the provincial legislature from Fredericton South – Becoming the second green party candidate to win a seat in any provincial legislature. The Green Party received 6.6% of yesterday’s vote. —djo— }

Liberal wave ousts 9 cabinet ministers   { *** On the provincial level, a lot of the sitting premier’s top officials were sent packing- premier David Alward put a lot of stress on shale gas development, claiming ‘energy jobs’ could save the economy and keep New Brunswickers from seeking jobs out west.  Green Party Leader David Coon said something like “It’s not just the fracking issue- it’s the PC party’s record.” The PC candidates may have gotten a bit of a boost when “Say Yes” buttons began appearing on their road side posters and David Alward’s smug Conservative expression sneered out at everyone in television spots that felt like ‘say yes to jobs, say yes to fracking, say yes to four more years of conservative majority rule-‘ But what might have been one of the most telling arguments against the conservatives’ return to mandate level power was the number of jobs that disappeared while they were promising prosperity through fracking and they probably cut thier own throats with ‘pension reform’- Or did they actually believe that all the provincial government job retirees they had just screwed out of large chunks of earned pension money were going to smile and vote them back into power for another round of such tomfoolery?  —————Jim W }

New Brunswick election may see manual recount amid vote-machine glitches   {  }

Grand Manan fatal plane crash GPS fails to offer clues   { An air ambulance returning home after delivering a patient somewhere crashed and killed the philanthropic pilot and a much loved and respected EMT on Grand Manan Island last month-  —djo— }

N.B. election sees 8 female MLAs elected in 49 ridings   {  }

Minto voters say jobs are a top election concern   { *** But Minto is one of the places where the “Jobs” mongering PC received only 26 more votes than the non jobs mongering 2nd place People’s Alliance candidate who will almost certainly ask for, and get a recount. —————Jim W }




-Opinion- Canada’s lack of leadership on climate issues alarming   { * Let me butt in and say that when a politician speaks about ‘leadership’ they mean, ‘I get up and dictate and you do what I say – and like it!’ – not the kind of leadership where somebody stands up and acts out of conscience because they know in their heart and mind that that’s the right thing to do. Real leaders walk a difficult path and do not demand that anybody follow their example, but they are happily surprised when others try to live up to higher standards. —djo— }

-Don’t Miss- Manitoba judges reserve decision in Brian Sinclair appeal   { Brian Sinclair was a double amputee who died of a treatable bladder infection while he was waiting for 34 hours in a Winnipeg emergency room. His family filed a lawsuit against a health authority- claiming his charter rights were violated when he died in that hospital waiting room in 2008. – A lower court struck the lawsuit down, saying Brian Sinclair’s charter rights died with him. – But the family lawyer said it’s absurd that a man who died because he didn’t receive the care due him under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms isn’t allowed to sue because he’s dead.  The three judges hearing this appeal are thinking about it.  —djo— }

Pennsylvania teacher suspended over ‘Redskins’ newspaper flap   {  “Redskins” is the nickname of Neshaminy’s sports teams. Newspaper staff at the Bensalem school in Pennsylvania decided last year they would no longer use the term, which they say is offensive. – The faculty adviser for the student newspaper embroiled in a battle over the word “Redskins” has been suspended for two days without pay. –  The Philadelphia Inquirer reports Neshaminy High School teacher Tara Huber was disciplined for “willful neglect of duty and insubordination.” –  The suspension came three months after students published the June edition, in which they disobeyed an order by administrators to print an op-ed containing the word “Redskin.” The newspaper is also having $1,200 docked from its funds.  —djo— }

-Don’t Miss- Bridge Builders: Lucy Fowler combat Metis stereotypes   { Metis have battled for- and recently been awarded the same rights and considerations of other First Nations Tribes. Their origins are usually believed to be a combination of original French settlers and various First Nations Tribes. —djo— }

Councillor urges Winnipeg to back inquiry into murdered, missing women   {  }

Attawapiskatt Chief Theresa Spence may face motion of non-confidence   {  }

Judge orders election translation for Alaskan aboriginals   { *This is in Alaska – A federal judge ordered the state to take additional steps to provide voting materials to Alaska’s aboriginal voters with limited English ahead of the upcoming state election. – “Buttons for poll workers will say ‘Can I help?’ translated into Yup’ik or Gwich’in.”  —djo— }



{ 11:26 am – after a couple distractions, ready to check for typos and colourize the headlines.  12:10 pm mouse-ing toward the ‘Publish’ button   ———djo——— }

Monday, 22 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Monday, 22 September, 2014  -( 49˚F / 9˚C –  & raining @ 8:30 am in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. ———djo——— }


Quote of the day? Song lyrics from the flower child days: “Love is but a song we sing – /Fear- a way we die / You can make the mountains ring / -Hear the angels cry” – by Dino Valenti – It was performed by the old Kingston Trio, by Joni Mitchell, Judy Collins, HP LoveCraft, The Youngbloods, and Jefferson Airplane and then I lost count. It was called “Let’s Get Together” before the Youngbloods released it as “Get Together” And the Dave Clark 5 released a version as “Everybody Get Together”


5 political leaders in a row.

Leaders of the five political parties involved in today’s provincial elections in New Brunswick. Left to right: David Coon – Green Party, Dominic Cardy – NDP, David Alward – PC party, Brian Gallant – Liberal, Kris Austin – People’s Alliance party.


Lead Articles:

-Updated- Suspect in Clinton businessman shooting arrested, charged with 1st-degree murder   {  }

Storm leaves 23,000 cusomers without power across N.S.   {  }

Ebola death toll now at 2,792 in 5 African nations: WHO   {  }

Male teen charged in death of Surrey, B.C., teenager    {  }

Canadian in Syria blocked from bringing husband home to safety   { Another headline to the same article: “Ottawa blocks Canadian from getting Syrian husband out of danger.”  —djo—  }

-Analysis- People are drinking the drugs we take   { * This one’s scary: “What happens when the excreted drugs get into drinking water?”  —djo— }

-New- Downsizing: When hitting the road hurts like hell   { * This is a series about a large reporter trying to lose weight.   —djo— }




No new offbeat news?  😦



“Most Viewed”

ISIS audio urges attacks on ‘unbelievers’ in Canada   {  }

High winds in Nova Scotia leave 50,000 in the dark   {  }

Nude celebrity photo leak: More images posted to online forums   { Repeat? or are there more since yesterday? & Why should we care?  —djo— }

Rockefellers to join in divesting $50B of oil fortune to fight global warming   { They’re probably buying up gold and silver in the belief that their manipulations are about to hit the fan and drive down the economies of everyone in the ‘free world’.  —djo— }

Justin Trudeau’s abortion policy keeps people talking   {  }

-17 photo slide show- People’s Climate Marches around the world   { Yesterday I got email and told you about the Conservative sector of the ‘Main Stream Press’ getting snarky and trying to undermine the sincerity of marchers around the world.  —djo— }




5 Things to watch for in New Brunswick’s provincial election   { 1. Does election coverage interfere with the season premier of ‘The Black List’? 2. Does it interfere with the season premier of ‘Sleepy Hollow’? * My turn to get snarky– —djo—  }

The story behind Justin Trudeau’s abortion strategy   { * How about the story behind headlines that try to make a political strategy look like cold hearted manipulation?  —djo— }

Unpaid academic internships ‘taking advantage’ of students, critics say   { And over the weekend an article in the Huffington Post suggested that banks were changing their strategies to make it harder for middle class people to get mortgages etc, while making it easier for the top small percentage of the richest segment of the population to cash in on everybody else’s difficulties.   —djo— }

No word on when Mayor Rob Ford will exit hospital   {  }

Cost of policing continues to climb despite reduced cri, study finds   { * Well, heck, somebody has to pay for all those shiny new military weapons and vehicles every police force in the world wants to show off –   —djo— }

Government’s plan to revoke passports raises human rights concern   { ‘A new passport order gives Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Chris Alexander the power to deny passports on the grounds of national security, – “revoking and refusing passports to those going abroad to take part in terrorist activities.”- ‘  * The trouble is, there have been too many cases of people who have been thought to be terrorists because they have a Muslim name. The man who used to be Cat Stevens was denied entry into the USA a couple years back because the Muslim name he took with his new religion also belonged to someone they believed was a terrorist. At least one Canadian citizen was taken from a plane in the USA and shipped off to a country where nobody questions their torture methods and tortured for a couple years. I think he sued the Canadian Government for a lot of money when he released. And if I remember right, there were three or four more cases that were almost identical in their legal system. ** So the kids I went to school with, who used to blurt out, ‘In the Future, the US will be more like Russia and Russia will be more like the USA-‘ -whatever their sources were, were right? And Canada is following the USA down the road to totalitarianism?  —djo— }

Pioneer of mixed-race prom seeks funds for Museum of Human Rights visit   { A teenager “from southern Georgia who planned her high school’s first mixed-race prom last year is raising money to visit Winnipeg after being honoured by the newly opened Canadian Museum for Human Rights.” * And what has me worried is: – Aren’t Museums places where you go to look at things that have gone extinct or out of style? Would the Museum of Human Rights be a place where we might go to celebrate the idea that we once had Human Rights?  —djo— }

Student suspended for selling banned Pepsi takes business to sidewalk   { * Well, heck, the kids who have been addicted to intestine-rotting GMO ‘modified corn sweetener’ in popular soft drinks have to get their suicidal fixes somewhere- * Me being snarky again.  —djo— }

NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft reaches orbit around Mars   {  }

-Must Watch- Worldwide climate change rallies   { ‘Climate change’ is probably more accurate than the ‘global warming’ headline I saw somewhere else. —djo— }

& The Editor’s Picks are left over from yesterday.

-World- 130,000 Syrians flee to Turkey in 4 days to escape ISIS advance   { * Up 30,000 from yesterday? Ever wonder who might want to stay up all night dreaming up new ways to make sure you’re nervously believing the world might explode into terror attacks and war exploding everywhere at once?  —djo— }

-World- Australia seeks broad anti-terror powers after foiled beheading plot   { * When I was a kid in the late sixties, early 70’s we had an exchange student from Australia come talk to us in school and while people in the USA were starting to doubt the war in Vietnam was us trying to make the world safe for everybody else, Australians seemed to be genuinely concerned that the Red Menace -Communists- who had replaced the -Yellow menace- -Japanese soldiers during WWII- might just swoop down and take over and rape all those nice pure white girls. Australia might be a little more susceptible to propaganda scare tactics than areas more removed from international hot spots. ** Um, anybody got any ideas on how we can reverse the barage of fear mongering b.s. scare tactics that are aimed at out hearts and minds? —djo— }

-World- Visiting Afghan soldiers go missing from Cape Cod military base   {  }

-Politics- Korean president to talk trade during Parliament Hill visit   {  }

-Politics- Tories revive union bill that provoked Senate rebellion, move to limit debate   { * Quick, somebody move to limit the Tories grasp on power-   —djo— }

-Health- Why Winnipeg? How a Canadian lab became an Ebola research powerhouse   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- 2014 CBC Poetry Prize winner announced   {  }

-Arts & Entertainment- Happy Birthday Leonard Cohen: Q opens the vault   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

5 cropped photos from a debate.

The five party leaders in today’s election.

5 things to watch for in New Brunswick’s provincial election   { Here’s their list :  1. Alward’s shale gas strategy – * Can conservative party lies that fracking is safe and necessary for the economy blind enough voters to give the unholy [ censored ]’s another win? * 2. Can Brian Gallant hold lead? * Can the Liberals pull in enough votes to win this one – after they pointed out that, all the time the Conservatives were telling everybody that Fracking meant jobs and prosperity, 3,000 actual jobs disappeared and campaign promises met half their goals- 3. Possible NDP breakthrough – Dominic Cardy did well in the debates after having moved his party a little closer to the centre of the political spectrum, recruiting ex-Liberals and ex-PC members to switch to the NDP banner and ‘pitching the party as the one that takes fiscal matters seriously’.  4. Green Party Leader David Coon – There was a tweet yesterday that Jim W sent me – A poster that was seen in University campus windows that said, “99% Less Bullshit”, showed David Coon’s smiling face- and listed web sites, twitter accounts, and facebook pages-  5. New riding map creates tight races – 55 voting districts were reduced to 49 – They don’t mention People’s Alliance candidate Kris Austin under #5 but his photo is there – *** Okay, I’ve probably done enough damage here- let’s move on to another headline.  —djo— }

New Brunswick: A different kind of election night   { ‘Elections New Brunswick is using vote tabulators to quickly count the votes in Monday’s provincial elections.’ & Link >>—-> <—-<< Jim W has a link to a recorded interview from the aftermath of the 2004 US Federal elections where-in a lawyer has explained how the Republicans stole the election to fraudulently put G.W. Bush in the White House for a second term – the second time he did not win an election legally, but found his butt in the seat of power. —djo— }

8 ridings to watch in the New Brunswick election   { ” 1. Fredericton South- “could be the closest race in the province on election night.” Green Party leader David Coon is running against Progressive Conservatives’ Craig Leonard, NDP’s Kelly Lamrock, Liberal Roy Wiggins and Independent candidate Courtney Mills.  “2. Saint John Lancaster” where former Liberal MLS Abel LeBlanc bolted from the Liberal Party in favour of the NDP. “3. Miramichi” Where ridings/districts were rearranged so sitting MLAs are running against each other. And a former PC MLA is also running in this riding as an Independent. “4. Memramcook-Tantramar ” is another riding in which two sitting MLAs are running against each other.  “5. Carleton-Victoria” Where the Liberal candidate was first charged with fraud in connection with a business he was a partner with, and then the charges were dropped. “6. Saint John Harbour” Where Tory Carl Killen won his race in 2010 by either 7 or 8 votes, depending on which paragraph you read here.  “7. Moncton Centre” The change in ridings/districts here has pitted two MLAs against each other who were famous for launching blistering partisan attacks at one another in New Brunswick’s ‘Question Period’ “8.  Fredericton West-Hanwell” where NDP leader Dominic Cardy is trying to win a seat that could be the NDP’s first seat in the legislature since 2005. ”  —djo— }

2 men stabbed at Esgenoôpetitj First Nation   {  }

New Brunswick election 2014: Voters head to the polls today   { Redundancy R Us? —djo— }




RCMP investigate claim officer made derogatory Facebook post   {  }

Assembly of First Nations says its proposals on missing women ‘tossed aside’ by Ottawa   {  }

NDP forces Commons debate on murdered, missing indigenous women   {  }

Only 3 First Nations candidates running in New Brunswick election   {  }

’60s Scoop adoptees find ‘some kind of belonging’ at national gathering   {  }

-Sadly it looks like every article on this page is a repeat-



{ 11:14 am – Checking for typos and colorizing the headlines.    11:45 am— Almost ready to hit the ‘Publish’ button ———djo——— }

Sunday, 21 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Sunday, 21 September, 2014  -( 79˚F /26˚C –  & ‘mostly cloudy’ @ 2:30 pm in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. ———djo——— }


Weather radar

This is the storm that Atlantic Canadian residents are being warned about.

Thick pollution obscures city.

“A Bad Air Day” in Beijing. Reminds people of Los Angeles before the really strict automobile pollution controls kicked in.



Lead Articles:

UN Climate Summit to lay groundwork for global plan to curb emissions   {  }

Thousands take part in climate change march in Manhattan   { & Marches around the world are under verbal attack by conservative propaganda machines and ‘mainstream journalists’ who have been bought and sold by them. }

Oliver urges weaker G20 countries to use stimulus programs   { *Elsewhere, this link says, “Oliver urges weaker G20 economies to follow Canada’s stimulus model” }

N.B. election campaign winding down; election Monday   {  }

Pope Francis praises Albania’s religious harmony   {  }

U.S. senator asks Obama to oppose Ontario nuclear waste plan   {  }

Canadian actress, playwright Linda Griffiths dead: family   {  }

4 children killed in crash weren’t wearing seatbealts   { There’s a photo of a messed up quad cab pickup and an explanation that, in a northeastern Pennsylvania crash the 4 children were not in booster seats or wearing seatbelts when the car in which they were traveling caused a high-speed multi-vehicle crash.   😦  But, as horrible as that is, I wonder why this story would make a sort of front page on the CBC News web site. Is it time for Alex Jones or somebody to speak up and ask, “What are they trying to deflect us away from?”   —djo— }

-New- Rising BC Ferries fares drive some to abandon island life   { Yesterday a BC minister of transportation and infrastructure [ almost typed ‘infra-struction’ ] responded with snarky attitude to a claim by BC Municipalites that the failure of the BC Government to continue subsidising the Ferries was costing municipalities more than $2 billion dollars in lost tourist income. But after I saw how quickly they tore up the railroad tracks when a huge section of railroad west of Ottawa could not find a buyer, I had a sick-to-my-stomach feeling that if anybody wanted to dis-empower whole sections of the population they could isolate them by removing their ability to get around and communicate with each other, let’s hope this is not step “B” in a carefully crafted plan to institute political slavery in Canada. —djo— }

China’s witches’ brew of pollutions goes around the world    { I’m worried about the choice of subliminal verbal images here. Using any group, including witches, as a scapegoat image bothers me.   —djo— }




Nothing new in ‘Offbeat’ today 😦



“Most Viewed”

Nude celebrity photo-leak: More images posted to online forums    { “Most likely connected to iCloud hack leak online” * “Gag” —djo— }

Alex Salmond says Scotland’s voters ‘tricked’ out of independence   {  “Salmond, who is stepping down as leader of the pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) after failing to persuade Scots to leave the United Kingdom, accused Britain’s three main political parties of winning last Thursday’s referendum by 55-45 percent by making a false promise of new powers. – “I think the vow was something cooked up in desperation for the last few days of the campaign and I think everyone in Scotland now realizes that,” said Salmond, referring to a pledge by Prime Minister David Cameron and other leaders before the vote to rapidly expand Scottish autonomy in the event of a “No”. – “It is the people who were persuaded to vote no who were misled, who were gulled, who were tricked effectively,” Salmond told BBC TV, saying he thought the last-minute promise had swayed the referendum’s outcome. – ‘I think the vow was something cooked up in desperation for the last few days of the campaign and I think everyone in Scotland now realizes that.’- Alex Salmond – If Britain voted to leave the European Union in a referendum pledged by Cameron in 2017, Salmond suggested that independence-minded Scots might push for another breakaway vote.”  —djo— }

Wind, rainfall warnings blanket Atlantic coastline   {  }

ISIS drives thousands of Syrians across border to Turkey   {  }

Calgary snow cleanup moves to curbsides, back lanes   {  }

-10 photo slide show- Philippines floods displace thousands   {  }




-New- Calgary cougar shooting to get full review, justice minister says   { A four legged cougar, not a woman prowling for younger men as potential lovers, was shot outside a Calgary hospital.  —djo— }

-In Depth- Battle for your breakfast buck: Fast food attacks cereal’s supremacy   {  }

N.W.T. man spends $100K in search for Franklin’s grave   { “N.W.T.” = North West Territories.  —djo— }

Fire that destroyed 140-year-old church deemed ‘suspicious’   {  }

Corporate sponsors treading carefully in NFL’s domestic violence scandal   {  }

St. John’s woman learns how infant sister became victim of Nazi extermination   {  “Brunhild Stobbe was one of thousands of German children murdered by decree for being ‘unworthy’. In this case the 18 day old baby was found to have the ‘Rh negative’ blood condition, which was considered to be an impurity that moved the infant into the ‘incurably insane’ category. Therefore she was terminated by doctors. – All medical practitioners in Germany were under orders to report any children with developmental issues. Especially targeted were cases of Down syndrome, abnormal brain development, malformed spines and cerebral palsy. – ‘It was horrible for me to see that word “murdered.” And I cried. I looked at the other little stones, and they said murdered, murdered, murdered. And it really shocked me’—Gudrun Williams, Brunhild’s sister.  –
The files were passed on to a special ministry that decided whether the cases warranted further attention. – If they did, the parents were contacted and promised special treatment for their children, who were then admitted to special wards in hospitals across the country. – Like Brunhild, most of them never made it home. The standard procedure was to inject them with phenobarbital, which caused a slow death with symptoms resembling routine illnesses like pneumonia, tuberculosis and typhus.” *The cause of death on this baby’s death certificate read, “Pneumonia, idiocy” &  *This one warrants more than a sad face here.  —djo— }

‘I felt a bit bereft’: National newspapers no longer sold in Yellowkinfe   {  }

GM, Chrysler recalling hundreds of thousands of vehicles   { “General Motors and Chrysler are both recalling hundreds of thousands of vehicles with faulty parts that can cause injury. The impacted models include the Cadillac XTS, Chevrolet Impala sedans, the Jeep Grand Cherokees and Dodge Durangos. – General Motors is recalling 221,558 Cadillac XTS and Chevrolet Impala sedans because the brake pads can stay partially engaged even when they’re not needed, increasing the risk of a fire. – Chrysler is recalling almost 189,000 Jeep Grand Cherokees and Dodge Durangos in the U.S. to fix a fuel pump problem that can cause the SUVs to stall.”  —djo— }

100,000 Syrians fleeing ISIS have entered Turkey in past 24 hours   {   }

-Must Watch- Friends Central Perk Cafe in Beijing   { “Exact replica of cafe from hit sitcom allows fans to enjoy a cup of coffee and watch the show”   —djo— }

-Must Watch- Vladimir Putin’s Polish Doppelganger   { “Mr Slawomir was invited to the U.K. for a photo session as the Russian president’s double”   —djo— }

-Must Watch- 542 Batmen set world record   { “Nexen employees in Calgary set Guinness World Record for largest gathering of people dressed as the caped crusader”  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- NFL sponsors pulling back, but not out, over domestic violence scandal   {  }



“Local / New Brunswick”

New Brunswick election campaign in its final day   {  }

Why does New Brunswick elect so many young premiers?   {  }

Atlantic coastline to be pounded by wind, rain   { That’s the big photo up top, which I inserted a long time after I started this today.  —djo— }

Climate change rallies held across Maritimes   {  }

Man arrested afte Saint John cab driver assault, bar fight   {  }

-East Coast Music- The Wilderness of Manitoba taking over New Brunswick   { *I did a double take at this headline. But, in the words of Bob Mersereau, “The Wilderness Of Manitoba has always had a rich sound, but it started out with lots of harmonies and a decided folk leaning. Quite beautiful actually. That beauty is still here on the group’s latest, but the music has moved over to a stronger pop-rock base. If it was a supermarket product, the album could be labelled, “Now with more drums! And extra-catchy too!” Indeed, for a band that was nominated for the Best Folk/Roots album at the last Juno’s, this album has lots of moments that Lyndsey Buckingham would covet. Heck, Christine McVie might want to rejoin this band.” In case you’re too young to understand the connection between Lyndsey Buckingham and Christine McVie- He’s comparing the group to Fleetwood Mac in the 80’s —djo— }




First Nations MP addressing Commons.

NDP MP Romeo Saganash talks about learning how a family member died after years of his family not knowing what happened or how it happened.

NDP forces Commons debate on murdered, missing indigenous women   {  }

Climate action rally at Peace Arch draws busloads of people  {  }

Frog Lake First Nations grandmothers march against substance abuse   {  }

Everything else on the Aboriginal page is a repeat from yesterday-



{ 7:00 pm — After unexpected visits from family members and a couple happy distractions, I’m back on track here, ready to check for typos and use the crayons.   🙂   7:30 pm eastern time, ready to push the “Publish” button   ———djo——— }

Saturday, 20 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Saturday, 20 September, 2014  -( 70˚F /21˚C –  & ‘mostly cloudy’ in Ithaca @ 5:30 pm in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. ———djo——— }


— Oooops – I composed a message asking for one of my helpers to put this together for me this morning and then never sent it. It was still waiting to be sent when I got home about five minutes ago. Jim & Jim were apparently also quite busy today- Sorry for the inconvenience —djo—

Man in rain with Scottish flag draped over his shoulders.

“Scotland turned its back on independence – and with that on a chance to reinvent its economoy and society,” writes Don Pittis.


Lead Articles:

Egyptian-Canadian Journalist inside a cage

Mohamed Fahmy as he appeared in court, inside a cage.

Mohamed Fahmy: Egypt’s president won’t interfere with courts in Canadian’s case   { Mohamed Fahmy is the Egyptian-Canadian journalist —djo— }

About 60,000 Syrian Kurds flee to Turkey as ISIS  advances   {  }

NATO chief says Ukraine has ceasefire ‘in name only’   {  }

Doug Ford kicks off his Toronto mayoral campaign   {  }

Ray Rice jersey swap attracts 7,000 Baltimore Ravens fans   {  }

Ebola burial team attacked in Sierra Leone amid lockdown   {  }

-New- Second man arrested in 2 days trying to enter White House   { The most interesting thing under this article is the related story: “Toddler apprehended by Secret Service at White House” -they caught a toddler somewhere where he or she should not have been?  —djo— }




Smiling man with beaver house behind him.

“Explorer Rob Mark snaps a selfie on top of the world’s largest beaver dam.” – but they don’t show the dam, just the pond behind it.

Oktoberfest begins in Munich   { What is offbeat about this? —djo— }

‘Nearly empty’ Picasso museum reopens in Paris   {  }

U.S. explorer first person to reach massiver beaver dam in Alberta   {  }

Polar bears chew through silicone in Winnipeg zoo’s underwater tunnel   { “Yum”? -We’ll have to ask them how it tasted, anybody out there speak the polar bear dialect? Are you crazy enough to want to go talk to one of them? —djo— }



“Most Viewed”

Why chimps kill other chimps — U.S. study uncovers main reason   { Male chimps kill other male chimps in order to increase the probability that they will be the ones who get to father the most baby chimps. -Scientists used to believe that the reason chimps killed each other had a lot more to do with tensions that increased when human communities expanded into chimp territory. Nope, it’s mostly sexual and a little bit territorial with keeping chimp guys away from ‘their’ chimp women.  —Sounds like high school and university fraternity attitudes.—  —djo— }

Onslow man, 19, facing attempted murder charge   { The 19-year-old Nova Scotian ran over a 17-year-old ‘with a car repeatedly’ according to police.   —djo— }

B.C. Ferries won’t get more government subsidies: Todd Stone    { “The B.C. government is trying to undercut a report that claims rising ferry fares are hurting the economy ahead of the Union of B.C. Municipalities’ annual general meeting next week. – Last week, the UBCM released a report that concludes B.C. missed out on more than $2 billion in economic activity over the past decade because of rising fares on BC Ferries

“- But in a letter to the UBCM’s president, B.C. Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Todd Stone said he rejects the conclusions of the report. – B.C. Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Todd Stone rejects the findings in the Union of B.C. Municipalities’ recent report that blames funding cuts to BC Ferries for robbing the B.C. economy of billions of dollars. – “Our sense of this report is it’s highly simplistic in terms of the analysis that’s been done,” he told CBC News on Friday. – “The assumptions that have been made that kind of underpin the findings of this report are so massively overstated that you could drive a ferry through them. – “It’s far too simplistic to suggest that just because someone may not have taken a ferry, they didn’t spend money in B.C. in some other facet.”  – ”  —djo— }

Jean Chrétien says Canada is all in on Iraq mission   {  }

Phoney cops scam money from tourists in Vancouver   {  }

Fire destroys St. John the Baptist church in Edmundston   {  }

ISIS takes over Syria Kurdish villages as thousands flee to Turkey   {  }

Leonardo DiCaprio film holds open casting call in Yellowknife   {  }

-11 photo slide show- Scotland tensions rise after referendum   {  }

-Blog- Scotland referendum: Alex Salmond gave up chance to negotiate, CBC readers say   {  }




-Analysis- What’s in store for Scotland? Ask Quebec: Don Murray   { The main British parties in London are now talking about turning huge chunks of tax power over to Scotland’s assembly.   —djo— }

‘We could see palm trees bending in half’: Newlyweds head home after Mexico hurricane   {  }

‘The building is lost’: Fire destroys 140-year-old N.B. church   { Edmunston is in New Brunswick, Edmonton is in Alberta.  —djo— }

-Analysis- Polls suggest Liberals poised for government in N.B., despite PC gains   { * Liberals are calling for a moratorium on Fracking and Exploring for frackable shale gas and pointing out the track record of the sitting PC party, showing that 3,000 jobs have been lost in the past 4 years – all the while the PC party is claiming that Shale Gas -Fracking- and exploration -Fracking- are the key to New Bunswick’s economic future. So far, it looks like the people of New Brunswick see through the PC party’s propaganda.  —djo— }

Car veers off road, rolls over, sending 5 exchange students to hospital   { * This happened near Truro, Nova Scotia, late Friday night. One student is in an Intensive Care Unit, One was expected to remain in hospital for 48 hours, the remaining 3 were expected to be released within 24 hours. “The people in the car are all between the ages of 20 and 21, and are international exchange students from Asia attending school at St. Francis Xavier in Antigonish.”  —djo— }

First Nations girl refuses chemotherapy, may be forced back into treatment   { Link: >>—-> And I just learned there’s a whole ‘Aboriginal’ page on the site – Looks like we’re about to expand our headline coverage here- —djo— }

Ottawa crash leaves woman trapped in car for 40 minutes   {  }

U.S. Secret Service under scrutiniy after intruder gets into White House   {  }

-Must Watch- Man runs on White House lawn   {  }

-Must Watch- Dramatic SUV rescue   { “Group of Salt Lake City [ Utah ] residents flip an SUV to free 3 teens trapped inside”  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Polls suggest Liberals poised for government in N.B.  { Probably the same article listed above, but this headline on the right side also says: “Éric Grenier takes a look at the numbers heading into the campaign’s final weekend” – Éric Grenier “is the founder of, a website dedicated to political polling in Canada and electoral forecasts.”  —djo— }

-World- Nigeria town under seige by Boko Haram, at least 23 civilians dead   {  }

-Analysis- Is ISIS expanding worldwide?   {  }

-Politics- U.K. government sought referendum advice from Jean Chrétien   {  }

-Politics- NDP forces Commons debate on murdered, missing indigenous women   {   }

-Business- Flying fees backlash and hotel room tips debated: the business week in review   {  }

-Business- Expect to pay $83K more for a Canadian home than you initially planned: Survey   { * That’s the average amount the Bank of Montreal’s Fall Home-Buying Report came up with.   —djo— }

-Business- Canada’s bank oligopoly is good for consumers, says outgoing TD CEO  { Yes, and foxes are probably trying to tell you that they are the best guards for hen houses, and alligators will try to tell you they’re protecting the gazelles they look out for from drowning, -chomp chomp-.   —djo— }



“Local / New Brunswick”

Children followed by strange man in 2 separate incidents   {  }

‘The building is lost’: Fire destroys 140-year-old N.B. church  {  }

Missing 13-year-old Moncton boy found safe   {  🙂  }

Michael Camp: Outmigration looms over final days of the election   {  }

-Timeline- Campaign 2014   {  }



“Aboriginal News”

Link to >>—-> <—-<<  page

Activist Pam Palmater recalls 1st time she stood up for her rights   {  }

’60s Scoop adoptees find ‘some kind of belonging’ at national gathering   { “They were taken from their families as small children and grew up without their aboriginal culture and identity. Now a one-of-a-kind national gathering is bringing the adoptees together.” —djo— }

Residential school experiences form basis of Royal Winnipeg Ballet Production   {   }

Only 3 First Nations candidates running in New Brunswick election   { “Curtis Bartibogue is running as the NDP candidate in Miramichi Bay-Neguac, focusing his campaign on natural resource management and First Nations relations. – The other aboriginal candidates are Sheila Croteau, who is running for the Green Party in the riding of Portland-Simonds, and Raven-Chanelle Arsenault-Augustine, who is running for the People’s Alliance in Kent North.” —djo— }

New society plans educational TV channel for Nunavut   {  }

-12 photo slide show- Back-to-school braids   { Makes me wish I grew up close to an area that celebrates First Nations Culture.  —djo— }

-Features- Truth and Reconciliation: nearly 4 years of hearings wrap   {  }

-Features- Embedded   { “CBC Thunder Bay wants to help you break out of your cultural comfort zone.” * And I’m wondering if anybody thinks that might be a good thing? —djo— }



{ & it’s 7:45 pm here in Ithaca and I actually feel like I accomplished something, even if I somehow lost the function that underlines in red all the words this process thinks are misspelled- time to check really close for typos and get out the crayons for the headlines-    8:20 pm -tell me it’s better late than never?- Clickin the “Publish” button-  ———djo——— }