Category Archives: Step back

Tuesday, 23 September, 2014 – CBC News Headlines:

Tuesday, 23 September, 2014  -( 43˚F /6˚C –  & looks like a good day @ 8:30 am in Ithaca )-

{ We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }

{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. ———djo——— }


Brian Gallant in front of "Liberal" red background.

‘Liberal Leader Brian Gallant appears to have won the New Brunswick election amid a vote-counting “fiasco”-‘

 Discrepencies between tabulator machine-counted votes and manually entered vote tallies caused Elections New Brunswick to bring everything to a halt for a couple hours while they re-entered the votes from electronic chips from the vote counting gizmoes. The Progressive Conservatives and the People’s Alliance Party may want a recount of the physical paper ballots.  —djo—


Lead Articles:

-Updated- Brian Gallant’s Liberals elected amidvote-counting ‘fiasco’   {   }

-Coming up Live- N.B. Liberals prepare for transition after election marred by vote-count fiasco   {  }

U.S. and 5 Arab countries bomb ISIS targets inside Syria   {  }

Ebola cases could skyrocket to 21,000 in next 6 weeks: WHO    {  }

Netflix refuses CRTC demand to hand over suscriber data   { CRTC = The Canadian version of the FCC. Netflix says it will not violate the confidentiality of its customers and so far is not bound by the same rules as a broadcast or cable television company. }

Aboriginal throat singer Tanya Tagaq wins Polaris prize   {  }

-New- Israeli PM says shooting down Surian fighter jet doesn’t mean war is widening   {  }

-Live- UN Climate Summit: 4 things to know about the talks   {  }

Do the math: How parents can fight the fear of arithmatic   {  }



Mushroom in the woods

” A typical porcini (Boletus edulis var. clavipes) is shown in its natural habitat in Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario. (Brent Dentinger/Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew) “


3 new mushroom species discovered in London grocery store   { It took me several minutes of reading and re-reading to guess that this was a grocery store in London, Ontario, Canada. -Not London, England- Photography credits to ‘Royal Botanical Gardens’ were no help, the caption to a photo showing: “A typical porcini (Boletus edulis var. clavipes) is shown in its natural habitat in Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario.” – was a bright moment – —djo— }

City marks 200th birthday with a 61-metre bratwurst   { Gotta be Germany, right? Wrong! – It was Belleville, Illinois, USA  —djo— }

Reporter quits live on-air in support of marijuana legalization   { Charlo Greene quit her job in Anchorage, Alaska where she was a reporter for KTVA television. ‘-What many viewers didn’t realize prior to her hasty departure from the station, however, is that she is also the owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club — a medical marijuana collective that connects “patients in need to Alaskan cardholders with green.”-‘  —djo— }

Bald eagle rescue 101: how to hitch a ride on a fishing boat   { In the “Most Viewed” area the link to this article bears the headline: “Bald eagle rescue by fisherman posted on YouTube”  * And I’m really impressed with today’s ‘Offbeat’ news after several days of boring repeats- —djo— }



“Most Viewed”

New Brunswick election 2014 results: Brian Gallant’s Liberals set for transition after win   {  }

Tim Hortons, Burger King merger fallout: US cracks down on tax inversions   {  }

How Alexander Sodiqov was freed following espionage charges   {  }

Benjamin Netanyahu cautions about interpreting Syrian fighter jet shooting   { & two links down: “Golan Heights: Israel military shoots down Syrian fighter jet” }

Raymond Lee Caissie. 43, charged with murder of Serena Vermeersch   {  }

-Repeat- -17 photo slide show- People’s Climate Marches around the world   { No- the climate doesn’t march around the world- even if it really does – this article is about the numerous marches held around the world to let banksters and other string pulling manipulators know that a lot of people are not happy with elitists poisoning their food, poisoning their water and decimating their forests   —djo— }

-Blog- Emma Watson’s U.N. speech on gender equality prompts debate over feminism, Beyoncé   {  }




-New- How a PhD student was able to return to Canada after arrest on espionage charges   { * * They’re repeating article headlines in various spots around their page here with a slight change in wording- everybody must have been up all night waiting for the New Brunswick election returns.   —djo— }

-Updated- Barack Obama to address expanded airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria   {  }

Inuk throat singer Tanya Tagaq takes top honours at Polaris Music Prize   { * & I haven’t mentioned lately that Canadians wonder what we do with all out ‘U’s in the ‘lower 48’- I told them U.S. citizens use them all up chanting “USA Number One!” and never stop to count all the negative number ones they qualify for, number one in the most citizens in prison for b.s. charges- #1 in testosterone-poisoned culture-  -don’t get me started- —djo— }

Canadian arrested at JFK airport after 15 kg of marijuana found in checked bag  { I think they also said she had handguns and ammunition in her luggage or on her. If this happened on a domestic flight inside of Canada, my friends up there tell me, there would be a very good chance that a person with a gun, especially a realistic looking toy gun, or a phoney grenade, and maybe a package of loose tea suspiciously packaged – might actually be an inspector testing the security screening of any airline anywhere inside the country.  —djo— }

Vancouver Aquarium uses drone to track killer whales   { *** They’re ‘Orcas’ not killer whales- —djo— }

High-risk sex offender charged with murder of B.C. teen   { * And Fear-mongering headlines are still in style, even in relatively intelligent media?  —djo— }

Canadian wireless costs still among highest in world   { This is only a symptom of a much larger problem. * Okay, everybody go to Coast to Coast am, click on ‘become a member’ and listen to last night’s (September 22, 2014) 3 hour interview with Former Canadian Minister of National Defence Paul Hellyer. He will tell you, with authority, that an elitist cabal of greedy bankers have been trying to run the world from behind the scenes since the end of World War II -possibly longer- and part of their agenda has been to cut buying power, disempower the middle class, make everybody believe that trade unions are full of criminals and communists – And the elitist cabal members might even be plotting to kill off millions or billions of us if they can get away with it, to make the survivors more manageable – They believe in running the world on the model of The Bank Of England – Lending twenty times the amount of money they have actual assets for and enslaving by means of debt – countless billions on the planet – until after the revolution when they’re all wearing orange jump suits and working on chain gangs to make up for their crimes against humanity. If you tried to get away with what banks do all the time, you’d be heading to prison for a very long time, but they blackmailed most of the governments in what we used to think of as ‘the free world’ into granting them charters/licenses to get away with fraud and maybe worse.  —djo— }

-Storify- Calgary MP responds to ISIS threat with ‘secure bedroom selfie’   { She just might be the blond who stands behind Stephen Harper in most shots from ‘Question Time’ –  trying to look disgusted at what we’re supposed to interpret as ‘inane comments’ from anybody but a Conservative Party of Canada member.  [—gag—]   —djo— }

Ebola cases could quadruple in the next 6 weeks, WHO warns, but not all experts agree   {  }

Israel says it’s killed 2 Hamas suspects that helped spark weeks of fighting   {  }

Driver fined $162 after stopping police for illegal left turn   { “Duh- we only enforce the laws, we don’t have to abide by them-” ?   —djo— }

3 missing Afghan Army oficers in custoday at Canada-US border   {  }

-Must Watch- Toothpaste portrait of Robin Williams   {  Everything is beginning to sound like offbeat news – well, almost everything  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Elephant baby’s public debut   { If I’d gone to sleep last night instead of working all night, I’d swear I woke up in a parallel universe – but this one is more fun than the one I woke up in yesterday- —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Mission to Mars   { Did we move into a much more positive area of the material universe? Somebody go check Starfire Tor’s website, facebook page or whatever to see if she has a clue- Or am I just over tired and in that wonderful zone where everything almost makes sense and people almost seem a magnitude warmer and friendlier than they did a couple hours ago?  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- The story behind Liberal leader’s abortion strategy   { “The Liberals hope the policy distances them from socially conservative ex-MPs” & there’s a thumbnail photo of Justin Trudeau that makes him look like he’s full of himself – which he could be- but we need really impartial coverage here, guys. —djo— }



“Local / New Brunswick”

– A lot of the above election coverage is repeated under ‘New Brunswick’-

David Coon makes history with seat for Green Party   { David Coon won a seat to the provincial legislature from Fredericton South – Becoming the second green party candidate to win a seat in any provincial legislature. The Green Party received 6.6% of yesterday’s vote. —djo— }

Liberal wave ousts 9 cabinet ministers   { *** On the provincial level, a lot of the sitting premier’s top officials were sent packing- premier David Alward put a lot of stress on shale gas development, claiming ‘energy jobs’ could save the economy and keep New Brunswickers from seeking jobs out west.  Green Party Leader David Coon said something like “It’s not just the fracking issue- it’s the PC party’s record.” The PC candidates may have gotten a bit of a boost when “Say Yes” buttons began appearing on their road side posters and David Alward’s smug Conservative expression sneered out at everyone in television spots that felt like ‘say yes to jobs, say yes to fracking, say yes to four more years of conservative majority rule-‘ But what might have been one of the most telling arguments against the conservatives’ return to mandate level power was the number of jobs that disappeared while they were promising prosperity through fracking and they probably cut thier own throats with ‘pension reform’- Or did they actually believe that all the provincial government job retirees they had just screwed out of large chunks of earned pension money were going to smile and vote them back into power for another round of such tomfoolery?  —————Jim W }

New Brunswick election may see manual recount amid vote-machine glitches   {  }

Grand Manan fatal plane crash GPS fails to offer clues   { An air ambulance returning home after delivering a patient somewhere crashed and killed the philanthropic pilot and a much loved and respected EMT on Grand Manan Island last month-  —djo— }

N.B. election sees 8 female MLAs elected in 49 ridings   {  }

Minto voters say jobs are a top election concern   { *** But Minto is one of the places where the “Jobs” mongering PC received only 26 more votes than the non jobs mongering 2nd place People’s Alliance candidate who will almost certainly ask for, and get a recount. —————Jim W }




-Opinion- Canada’s lack of leadership on climate issues alarming   { * Let me butt in and say that when a politician speaks about ‘leadership’ they mean, ‘I get up and dictate and you do what I say – and like it!’ – not the kind of leadership where somebody stands up and acts out of conscience because they know in their heart and mind that that’s the right thing to do. Real leaders walk a difficult path and do not demand that anybody follow their example, but they are happily surprised when others try to live up to higher standards. —djo— }

-Don’t Miss- Manitoba judges reserve decision in Brian Sinclair appeal   { Brian Sinclair was a double amputee who died of a treatable bladder infection while he was waiting for 34 hours in a Winnipeg emergency room. His family filed a lawsuit against a health authority- claiming his charter rights were violated when he died in that hospital waiting room in 2008. – A lower court struck the lawsuit down, saying Brian Sinclair’s charter rights died with him. – But the family lawyer said it’s absurd that a man who died because he didn’t receive the care due him under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms isn’t allowed to sue because he’s dead.  The three judges hearing this appeal are thinking about it.  —djo— }

Pennsylvania teacher suspended over ‘Redskins’ newspaper flap   {  “Redskins” is the nickname of Neshaminy’s sports teams. Newspaper staff at the Bensalem school in Pennsylvania decided last year they would no longer use the term, which they say is offensive. – The faculty adviser for the student newspaper embroiled in a battle over the word “Redskins” has been suspended for two days without pay. –  The Philadelphia Inquirer reports Neshaminy High School teacher Tara Huber was disciplined for “willful neglect of duty and insubordination.” –  The suspension came three months after students published the June edition, in which they disobeyed an order by administrators to print an op-ed containing the word “Redskin.” The newspaper is also having $1,200 docked from its funds.  —djo— }

-Don’t Miss- Bridge Builders: Lucy Fowler combat Metis stereotypes   { Metis have battled for- and recently been awarded the same rights and considerations of other First Nations Tribes. Their origins are usually believed to be a combination of original French settlers and various First Nations Tribes. —djo— }

Councillor urges Winnipeg to back inquiry into murdered, missing women   {  }

Attawapiskatt Chief Theresa Spence may face motion of non-confidence   {  }

Judge orders election translation for Alaskan aboriginals   { *This is in Alaska – A federal judge ordered the state to take additional steps to provide voting materials to Alaska’s aboriginal voters with limited English ahead of the upcoming state election. – “Buttons for poll workers will say ‘Can I help?’ translated into Yup’ik or Gwich’in.”  —djo— }



{ 11:26 am – after a couple distractions, ready to check for typos and colourize the headlines.  12:10 pm mouse-ing toward the ‘Publish’ button   ———djo——— }