Category Archives: Battle for intenet neutrality

Betcha Stephen Harper Won’t be Happy I Found This:

Sunday, 26 July, 2015 -( 77˚F / 25˚C & Partly Cloudy @ 8:00 pm in Ithaca  &&&  61˚F / 16˚C w/ light rain in New Brunswick, Canada @ 9:00 pm ADT   &&&  68˚F / 20˚C & Mostly Cloudy in North Pole, Alaska @ 4:00 pm Alaska Time )-

Jim W found this in a box that he and Cathi H hadn’t found & opened since they moved in September of 2013 – he scanned it and sent it to me, and Yeah- I’m gonna run with it-

Man getting hit by a stick at a Conservative Party of Canada rally for Stephen Harper in 2004.

From the Toronto Star – Saturday, June 5, 2004 – Front  Page of B Section “National Report” : — The caption under the photo that day was, “A member of Canadians for Equal Marriage, right, gets hit by a stick during a rally for Conservative Leader Stephen Harper in Guelph this week. Harper supports the concept of traditional marriage.”

— Thanks, Jim W 🙂

— djo —

Email from Net Neutrality Activists:

Thursday, June 25th, 2015 –

— Below the five equal signs is a message that’s been copied and pasted from my email. Anything that might have been a link in that email is probably not in the document below.

— & This came in email today with a ‘reply-to:’ address  { } You’ll have to copy and paste that if you want to reply to them.


We got an amazing response to this email we sent the other day, and it’s not too late to take action to support Net Neutrality.

Bad news: The House Appropriations Committee just voted for 3 provisions that gut Net Neutrality less than a week after the rules finally went into effect.

All of the provisions are poison for Net Neutrality, killing or delaying net neutrality for up to a decade. Big Cable is exploiting the courts and Congress to win one net-neutrality killer lawsuit or bill. To make it so there’s simply no more appetite whatsoever to keep attacking the open Internet, we need to intervene big time.

So we’ve filed to formally intervene in the DC Circuit’s US Telecom Association v. FCC, on the side of the FCC, and will fight Comcast tooth and nail until we win, alongside some of the smartest lawyers and groups out there.

Can you chip in $5 to support our intervention in favor of Net Neutrality?

Yes, I can chip in $5 to fight Team Cable in court.

Yes — and I’ll chip in $5 every month because I know this fight isn’t going to end soon.

Net Neutrality is already one of the top issues of our time, and the new rules have the strongest legal standing possible. But we need to do the work to make the courts and everyone understand them inside and out.

To make sure we show up in court with resounding support, we’re launching huge educational campaigns. We’ll reach people from both sides of the aisle in online/offline communities and critical ad campaigns at key moments, so that support for net neutrality gets stronger day by day.

Team Cable has an array of lawyers and lobbyists hungry to prove themselves and get bigger bonuses. But we’ve got the support of the same powerful grassroots that stopped SOPA, crushed CISPA, and submitted a record number of comments to the FCC in favor of these rules. 

Smart interventions can take on and take down big, entrenched powers. But to get the defense of Net Neutrality off the ground requires a lot of support, including money for things like design, ads, and phone calls. That’s why your donation is critical — so we can go big to protect the open Internet.

We’re only days into net neutrality, and lawsuits are already mounting. Can you make a donation to help save the free and open Internet?

Yes, I’ll chip in $5 to save net neutrality.

As a movement, we won Net Neutrality. Millions of people weighed in and forced the FCC to produce the strongest open Internet protections in history.

That’s the kind of thing we can do when we all take action together — help us launch that kind of effort again now to protect Net Neutrality.

Yes, I’ll donate.

Thanks for joining the fight for the future.

~ Tiff, Holmes, Evan, Charlie, Jeff, and the whole Fight for the Future team

Want more awesome more often?

* Like us on Facebook

* Follow us on Twitter

* Keep us fighting, chip in what you can.

If you would like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails click here.

This message was sent by:

Fight for the Future

PO Box 55071 #95005

Boston, MA 02205


——— djo ———

Monday, 17 November, 2014 – News Headlines:

Monday, 17 November, 2014  -( 38˚F / +3˚C –  & raining out there @ 1:30 pm near Ithaca )-  -( 32˚F / +0˚C –  With Light Snow making it beautiful outside @ 3:00 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

{ —jda—‘s blog disappeared from the list of NaBloPoMo blogs on the ‘BlogHer’ page — Jim W went over 50,000 words at NaNOWriMo On Tuesday, November 11th — Now = 74,408 words. & We really are trying to trim away stuff that maybe has been here too long. Trouble is, we think it may be important.  —djo— }

— “Other Media” :  —

french pipeline warning

Our friend, Draelen, sent us this- “Project #pipeline #energyEast: Levisiens want a referendum. The opposition intensifies [& Link] & 1 reply:  @patbonin Referendum? The people have been brainwashed and are afraid it goes better for the cowardly minority than the stubborn- (?) “

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

"Stick Your Pipelines!"

Double-Tweet: Stop the pipeline – stop Kinder-Morgan & “Injunct This!” vs KinderMorgan on Burnaby Mountain. Many Canadians don’t want pipelines.

Police Brutality in Greece

Thanks to Draelen again, – Police Brutality at a rally commemorating the 17th of November uprising against the Facist Military Regime- Remember the movie “Z” ? [ “Z with a horizontal bar, like a European # 7?” ]

Polar Bears and Climate Change

“Uht-” Looks like the Bear of the Day is White today. —djo—

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you >>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel

{ -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry disappeared from the list. & Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel hads gone over 80,000 words as of November 17th. }

{ 738 new tweets since this time yesterday. Heavy Traffic? in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }


If you really want to see all of today’s CBC headlines go to their website, listed as a link below this line:


Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “Million$ earmarked for security at Canadian diplomatic missions left unspent; Energy East pipeline ‘advocates’ targed in TransCanada PR move; Tattoo-removal procedures leave clients ‘horrified’, scarred for life; & Electric vehicles move closer to widespread use, say experts.”

Orange Cats Are Trouble

If an Orange Cat is behind this, the world is in for one heck of an interesting ride- —djo—

Today’s lead article on the CBC /news/ page = “Million$ earmarked for security at Canadian diplomatic missions left unspent” – “A CBC News investigation shows the Foreign Affairs Department has failed to spend millions of dollars earmarked over the last three years for boosting security at diplomatic missions abroad.” .  —jim w—


 >>—->  We Are All One Spirit  <—-<<

cool photo

“Australians bury heads in sand to mock government climate stance” -From an article listed earlier in “Offbeat”. —djo—

The second Lead Article today: “Energy East pipeline ‘advocates’ targeted in TransCanada PR move” – Sounded like a bad movie plot to me, with corrupt officials hiring hit men to take out protesters. But, the caption clears that up with, “TransCanada is launching an aggressive campaign to get public support and recruit “advocates” for its Energy East pipeline.”  —djo—


Stop Sign

“Dalhousie Program”


Struggling with your grades? Take an STD test for bonuse points   { * & I remember an old Playboy Magazine cartoon where a University level school nurse is questioning a horrified co-ed, “What do you mean you’ve never had an STD? Aren’t you ‘Popular’?”  —djo— }

Australian police in charge of Harper’s G20 motorcade poke fun at Bieber, Céline   {  * & Don’t forget Nickelback *  —djo— }

Drunk birds sober up in Environment Yukon holding tank   {   }

What caused a million spiders to ‘balloon’ out of this field at once?   { * Did somebody tell the spiders that if they stayed they’d be subjected to Justin Bieber music? *  —djo—  }

===== Greatest recent ‘Offbeat’ hits ===== >>——>

Microsoft fixes 19-year old Windows bug  { * – Microsoft Corp issued patches on Tuesday to fix a bug in its Windows operating system that remained undiscovered for 19 years. – The bug, which is present in every version of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onward, allows an attacker to remotely take over and control a computer.

– IBM Corp’s cybersecurity research team discovered the bug in May, describing it as a “significant vulnerability” in the operating system. – “The buggy code is at least 19 years old and has been remotely exploitable for the past 18 years,” IBM X-Force research team said in its blog on Tuesday. – *

*** The bugs were not “undiscovered”, Government Hackers spoke about this on Coast to Coast A.M. before the summer of 2002. Art Bell was the host. This program is not listed in the current Coast to Coast A.M. archives, at least I could not find it by searching ‘hackers’. 3 men who were quite ‘enthusiastic’ and talkative about their experience working for hackers for US Government agencies that ‘officially do not exist’ -one of them told us he has an ashtray with one of those officially non-existent agency’s official logo on it- told us that microsoft was fully aware of holes in their operating system but were not going to do anything about it because the government of the US liked it the way it was. They said it was simple for any hacker to get into your computer if you were ‘running windows’ -“Especially if you have printer sharing turned on.” && They also said they liked Apple Computers back then because it was possible to tell a Mac to do only one thing at a time, not like windows computers which could have all sorts of nonsense going on undetected in the background.  – AND Another Coast to Coast A.M. guest, much more recently, related talking to a computer pioneer a long time ago, when dial ups were the latest thing, and when the computer guy finished showing him something, he would not leave the room without shutting off his computer, and disconnecting the phone line from his computer. When the C2C guest asked the computer guy what that was all about, the computer guy said that he, as in insider, knew that the US Government could already get into anyone’s computer that was connected to Delphi or GEnie or AOL, even if the computer had been turned off. — And, now that almost every computer in the world has WiFi capabilities- you can never fully disconnect yourself from the possibility that they can turn your computer on and gather any information you have, or were ever connected to- any time they want to do that- With the possible exception that you might be ‘safe’ if you live inside a Faraday cage, a hundred feet or more beneath the surface of this planet. Welcome to the future, it sucks.  —jim w—   }



Electric Vehicle at charging station

New Electric Vehicle at a charging station

“Most Viewed”

Tattoo-removal procedures leave clients ‘horrified’, scarred for life   {   }

Pat Perkins to be next MP for Whitby-Oshawa, CBC News projects   {  }

Brentwood homicide victims’ families issue plea to Calgary media  {   }

Sea star wasting disease likely caused by virus  {  }

Peter Kent, B.C. councillor, promises to she himself on fire in YouTube video  {   }

Conservative Jim Eglinski elected in Yellowhead riding   {   }

Electric vehicles move closer to widespread use, experts say  {   }

Calgary sex assault: 2 brothers charged after teen taken from bust stop   {   }

Jerusalem synagogyue leaves 4 dead, police shoot 2 suspects  {   }

Foreign Affairs lets millions of security dollars lapse   {   }

-9 photo slide show- Nine awkward political moments   {   }

-Blog-  Time magazine apologized for including ‘feminist’ in poll for words to ban   {   }


-Blog-  ‘Terrifying new app Beam Messengers lets users see text messages as they’re being typed {   }

Tory anti-pot ad mocked and condemned by YouTube viewers  {  * Link *  }




Arctic Ground Squirrel


Antibiotic resistance poses ‘alarming’ health threat in Europe, a blind spot in Canada  {  }

Psychiatrist who assessed Magnotta worked for police and then the defence   {   }

WestJet reaches tentative deal with its 1,200 pilots   {  }

Average Canadian home now worth more than ever  { * They should probably replace the word “worth” with “costs”.  —djo— }

-New-  :

-Must Watch- MH17 crash aftermath   { * Amateur cellphone video captures immediate aftermath of Malaysian Airlines Flight crash in Eastern Ukraine *  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Greenpeace confrontation on the high seas    { * “Greenpeace demo turns ugly as Spanish navy boats ram their Zodiacs during a protest against undersea drilling. *  —djo—  *** Now, here’s the dilemma: Greenpeace believes they’re trying to save the world from evil bad guys destroying the planet and ruining all our lives. Police and Military believe they’re trying to protect the world from law-breaking bad guys. I can see both sides, but I believe the Greenpeace guys are on ‘correct’ side in this. ***  —jim w— }

-Must Watch- Santa robbry caught on tape   { * An Australian guy in a santa claus suit, with a fake beard, cleared out two cash registers, put the money in his Santa toy sack and escaped in less than a minute. Do you know any kids who might guess that that’s how the real Santa might be able to afford all those presents he gives away every year? *  —djo—  }

-Editor’s Pick- Pornography, kids and sex education: what to do?   { * The article says, “Porn industry is the main sex educator of kids, says child advocate” * What do you think? Maybe somebody with the backing of Medical, Psychological, Ethical, Moral and Legal sensitivity and sensibilities should make a video that shows kids how it’s done, what to look out for and how to avoid problems and parents should leave it somewhere where they know the kids will find it and write, “Don’t you dare watch this!” on a sticky note? That might work.  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- How marijuana got so strong and what it means for legalization    {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Canada’s record on child poverty is ‘bloody terrible’    {   }

===== Keep around for a while? : ===== 

-djo’s Editor’s Pick- Questionable cancer ‘cures’    { * From Friday – Doctors and researchers know and have known since 1925 that sugar feeds cancer cells. Starve the Cells – kill the cancer. Effective herbs and naturally occurring ingredients in some plants also shrink and eliminate most cancerous growths but this information is supressed by Big Pharmaceutical companies who do not care if theire stuff kills you, they want to make a profit on your suffering. The really questionable stuff comes from ‘Big Pharma’ and the the Doctors they pay to spread their lies.    —djo—   }

-djo’s Editor’s Pick- Sugar wars    { * From Friday: “White sugar, brown sugar, honey, juice? It’s all the same, nutritionally speaking.” * But what is significant here are the omissions: GMO modified sugars might even be ‘nutritionally’ as good as ‘Pure Cane Sugar’ BUT- the modified stuff will rot you from the inside out a lot quicker. GMO food is poison. *  —djo— }



War Memorial

“Remembrance Day”

“Local / New Brunswick”

PC Glen Savoie wins Saint John East byelection     { *  We didn’t ‘publish’ this earlier today because I wanted to include a winner here, if one clearly emerged. Then I fell asleep. Sorry- My sweetie says if I apologize enough people will think I’ve been a Canadian all along. 🙂  —djo— —in New York State— }

School dress code ‘sexualizes’ young women, feminist group says  {   }

Judge to rule on public release of evidence in Justin Bourque case   { *** News organizations and civil rights watchdogs want the information released. Those who believe they shouldn’t release that evidence say it might bother the families of the deceased. ***  —jim w—  }

Catch limits increase for endangered bluefin tuna called ‘short-sighted’   {   }



AFN Candidates

Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

>>——> Most Recent Articles Below this line <——<< 

First Nations students in Ontario and Alberta failing in literacy, math  {  }

-Opinion- ‘Oh, we are all racists’  {  }

-Photos- Petition to put women on Canadian banknotes draws nearly 50K signatures  {  }

Métis educator Bryanna Scott seeks to build bridges  {  }

Rinelle Harper only one part of Winnipeg’s race divide  {  }

-Analysis- Mirror, mirror on Winnipeg’s wall  {  }

-Photos- 1st indigenous circumpolar women’s gathering wraps up  {  }

Lawrence Martin elected Mushkegowuk Grand Chief  {  }

No bodies found under barn where Glenna Mae Breckenridge says her dad buried boys  {  }

-Video- Chemotherapy ruling  {  }

‘Little affinity between native spirituality and Christianity’, says pastor  { * Rumours from the spiritual community of Truth Seekers who look beyond dogma believe that ‘Saint Paul’ was a false prophet maneuvered into power by Romans who wanted to control the new ‘Christian’ church, and succeeded. Therefore ‘Little affinity exists between “Modern Christianity” and what Jesus taught us.’ *  —djo— }

-8 Photos- Kinder Morgan pipeline: First Nations fight back with fish  {  }

>>>———> { —jda— has kindly ‘built us’ an archives page for “First Nations/Indigenous” headlines we thought were important to keep around, maybe too long.  —djo— }<———<<<

{ We have moved a lot of headlines related to First Nations / Indigenous issues to a Page >>>———>  <———<<< on —jda—‘s blog   —djo— }



{ This is what still grabs me – from Twitter – We’re trying to trim this down, I wanted to delete these below and start fresh, but they seem a little too important to me right now.  ———djo——— }

11 steps to fascism

“11 steps to Fascism” I forgot where this came from. bad me.  —djo—

Orwell on war

“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-



“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }




{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }


{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”



Fracking linked to Alberta earthquakes, study indicates  { * – Carmen Langer had just left his bed to grab a drink of water when he felt his house northeast of Peace River, Alta., begin to shake. – “At first I thought I wasn’t feeling very good that day… and it was just my blood sugar, but no, it shook pretty good,” Langer said about the Nov. 2 incident.

– Moments after the shaking stopped, his neighbours were calling, asking if he had felt what they just felt. – “After a few minutes, I realized it was an earthquake,” Langer said. – There was a small earthquake on Nov. 2 in Peace River, just northeast of Peace River. The recently published study involving Alberta researcher Jeff Gu indicates fracking may trigger earthquakes in the province.  – Natural Resources Canada (NRC) registered a small, 3.0-magnitude earthquake that was “lightly felt” from Three Creeks to St. Isidor in northern Alberta at 11:14 p.m. MT. NRC said on its website there were no reports of damage, and that “none would be expected.” – Jeff Gu, a seismologist at the University of Alberta, said the earthquake could have been caused by shifting rock formations in the region — but added there could be another possible explanation. – “Certainly that region is not immune to earthquake faulting, but I would say having actual earthquakes in that area is relatively recent, relatively new,” he said. – Gu is one of three authors of a recently published study in the Journal of Geophysical Research, a peer-reviewed publication that looked at four years of earthquake data around Rocky Mountain House. The study concludes that waste-water injection into the ground is highly correlated with spikes in earthquake activity in the area. – It is the first study of its kind conducted in Canada that links industrial activity to induced earthquakes. – “The conclusion was that the industrial activities could, in some cases, potentially trigger or facilitate earthquake occurrences,” Gu said. – Alberta earthquakes increasing – Since 1985, fewer than 15 earthquakes above a 3.0 magnitude have been recorded anywhere in Alberta, according to the Alberta Geological Survey’s website. There has been an increase in earthquake activity since the 1960s, the organization says. – The Peace River earthquake is not the only one that has shaken the province in the past few months:

  • In October, a 2.7-magnitude quake was recorded about four kilometres southwest of Banff.
  • In August, a 4.3-magnitude earthquake was registered near Rocky Mountain House, causing about 500 customers in the area to lose power for several hours.

– Gu said the research into whether waste-water induction and fracking are related to earthquakes is still “really a work in progress.” –  “There has been more and more evidence, increasing evidence, in the last few years in particular — in Arkansas, in Texas and actually more recently here,” Gu said. – But he said there is nothing to fear right now. – “I’m not worried until we get a conclusive answer on whether these are caused by industry or not, whether they are naturally occurring,” Gu said. – Langer, however, is worried. – “With all the stuff that’s going on in my community, I’m feeling quite concerned about it,” he said. “We’re having all kinds of environmental problems in the community… Something has to give here.” – *  —djo—   }

Vancouver voters elect largest Green caucus in Canadian History  {  }


{ 10:10 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —  — & Thanks again for your help again, Jim W, and  “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Tuesday, 11 November, 2014 – News Headlines:

Tuesday, 11 November, 2014  -( 64˚F / +18˚C –  with blue skies @ 3:30 pm near Ithaca )-  -( 48˚F / +9˚C –  & clear @ 4:30 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

{ Remembrance Day, Canada / Armistice Day, USA / ‘Uncle Ed’ Lowery’s Birthday  —jim w— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you >>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel

{ 302 new tweets since this time yesterday. Not as light as yesterday in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Bear at picnic table.

Looks like bears are in the news again. 🙂 —djo—

Net Neutrality / Net Freedom

President Obama made a surprising speech defending Net Neutrality yesterday, in effect saying the internet needed to be guarded against unethical providers slowing down service to some customers and charging more than they need to for some services ‘just because they can’. —djo—

Military Vehicle for Police?

This, from David Icke, was retweeted by Alex Jones. shortly after FFTF tweeted a poster celebrating at least a partial victory over those who want to control the internet, overcharge because they think they can, and limit internet freedom because they want to.

Spirit of Idle No More

A different kind of ‘Remembrance Day Message’ = ‘Stop letting people get away with abusing and murdering First Nations Women!’

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }




Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “I wish they call it a ‘veterans’ memorial’ not a war memorial- sounds like they want to glorify war, not pay tribute for those who fought and died to protect our freedoms and prosperity.” —  { -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry is #1066. Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel hads gone over 48,500 words. }

Mikhail Gorbachev

Saturday: Mikhail Gorbachev warns we’re on the brink of a new Cold War.

berlin wall b4 & after

Sunday: “Berlin Wall – Before & After”

-Saturday-World on ‘brink of a new Cold War,’ warns Gorbechev  { * “Tensions between the major powers have pushed the world closer to a new Cold War, former Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev said Saturday.” *  —djo—  }

John Lennon's Gretsch guitar

John Lennon’s Gretsch Guitar to be auctioned off?

Remembrance Day ceremony in Ottawa draws 50,000 as war memorial rededicated   { * -Canada’s National War Memorial, the scene of a horrifying shooting less than a month ago, is rededicated to add the dates of the Afghanistan mission and the South African War.- *  —djo—  }

CF-18 jets hit ISIS weapons in northern Iraq, DND says  { * -The Department of National Defence says the Canadian Forces hit another ISIS target in Iraq today.- *  —djo— }

Divers visit WW II shipwreck site in N.L. to lay wreath   { * -A crew of divers from Conception Bay South visited the site of a WW II shipwreck on Monday to lay a wreath in memory of the sailors who perished.- * —djo— }

Canada’s crude secret? The oil patch is doing better than you think  { * I should post a link here to Reverand/Chaplain Lindsey Williams’ book ‘The Energy Non-Crisis’ in which he explains that top executives from Exxon Oil told him at an “All Management and Supervisors must attend” meeting in Alaska that he, as pipeline Chaplain, was told he must attend, “There is no oil shortage, There never was any oil shortage, and with we know now, There never will be any oil shortage.” -Through a process they don’t understand, planet Earth creates oil without involving any decaying dinosaurs, it’s a natural process and is not ‘Fossil Fuel’. Oil companies are lying, artificially inflating prices and threatening and bribing elected officials around the world. New Oil Discoveries in Texas are being made all the time. Farmers sell their rights to the highest bidder, then learn that what they just signed makes it against the law for them to share the details. The oil companies could be pumping zillions of gallons of cheap crude out of US wells, but do not want to flood the market, want to keep up the illusion of dwindling supplies so they can keep robbing you blind. I don’t believe that public evisceration of every oil company executive in this world would be cruel or unusual after what they’ve done to honest citizens of every nation on this planet in the last century. *  —djo—   }


===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->

Harper-China 2014-Nov-08

Harper selling Canada to Chinese interests?

Tuesday: 11 November, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

Remembrance Day ceremonies held across Canada    {  }

Princess Anne, GG lay wreaths at National War Memorial     {  }

Jaimie Purdon to be interim executive producer of CBC’s Q   {  }

Canada’s CF-18s hit ISIS artillery in Bayji, northern Iraq  {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<


solar panel bike

“Solar Panel Bike”


Solar panel bike path in Netherlands officially opens  {  }

‘Singles Day’ in China breaks record for biggest online shopping day ever  {   }

Edmonton tuba players get ready for Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade  {   }

Massachusetts town moves to ban the sale of all tobacco products  {   }




The Brandenburg Gate in November of 1989.

“Most Viewed”

ISIS weapons hit by CF-18 jets in northern Iraq, DND says   {   }

Remembrance Day draws huge crowds as National War Memorial rededicated   {  }

Vladimir Putin upstages Chinese President Xi Jinping with gallant gesture  {    }

Canadian oil comparatively strong amid global crude sell-off, TD says  {  }

Fighting ISIS: Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg 1st foreign woman to join Kurds in Syria  {  }

Muzzling federal scientists may be damaging to government itself   { * This one may deserve the “Well-‘Duh’!” award of the day for elucidating the painfully obvious, but I’ll be charitable. The caliber of morons who run for office these day may need to be figuratively hit in the forehead with a rubber mallet before they can see what is right in front of their eyes. *  —djo— }

Windsor-Detroit border crossing starting to clear, OPP  {   }

Rosetta mission ready for landing on comet  {   }

Ontario students exempt from Remembrance Day Ceremonies  {   }

Mayonnaise lawsuit sees Hellmann’s sue over lack of eggs  {   }

-Sunday-Royal Bank to test our Toronto company’s Nymi technology    { * – You’ve heard of paying retailers with the tap of a smartphone, but Royal Bank thinks shoppers are ready to take another big step: wearing payment options on their wrist. – The bank has paired with Toronto-based technology developer Bionym to test a wristband called Nymi (pronounced Nim-ee), which identifies owners through their unique heartbeat and then lets them charge purchases to their credit card. – The device looks like a watch, and will soon grace the wrists of 250 RBC clients and staff under a pilot project in Toronto that runs through February. – Eventually, the bank hopes to roll out its RBC PayBand across the country. – *  *** & I’ve got friends who believe this is another step down the slippery slope to the ‘Number of the Beast’ Biblical Prophecy – and they’re convinced that the devil himself is behind this plot to poison everybody’s souls with some kind of curse that will make it impossible for billions of good people to ever go to Heaven. *** —djo—}

-24 photo slide show- Remembrance Day marked across Canada   {   }

-Blog- Ted Cruz deems net neutrality ‘Obamacare for the Internet,’ Twitter reacts  {   }




Arctic Ground Squirrel


‘I was my worst enemy’ Luka Magnotta told Psychiatrist   {  }

-Analysis- Wanted, new ways of dealing with sexual misconduct: Neil Macdonald  {   }

Spacecraft readies for ‘nerve-racking’landing on comet  {   }

Putin’s Chivalrous gesture upstages Chinese counterpart at summit   {   }

Canadian-Israeli becomes 1st foreign woman to join Kurds fighting ISIS   {  }

-Video- Video of Leafs-Senators fan brawl in stands goes viral   {   }

-New- Muzzling federal scientists may be damaging to government itself   {  }

-Updated- Windsor-Detroit border crossing starting to clear, OPP  {  }

Atkins, Weight Watchers called ‘no panacea’ in the long term    {  }

School board says students fearing Rembrance Day events can skip them   {  }

-Analysis- Farewell to cash? Expect it to be a very long goodbye: Don Pittis   { * &, Like I’ve said before, a LOT of people believe this is the next step in the Biblical “Number of the Beast” prophecy coming true & they fear that billions of humans will be enslaved by the dark side and commit unpardonable sins because they can’t allow their families to starve to death rather than ‘bow to the beast’ *  —djo—  }

Gap slammed for promoting ‘Remembrance Day deal’   {  }

Moviegoer sprayed with mace in dispute over cellphone   {  }

No eggs? Then you can’t call it ‘mayo’ Hellmann’s lawsuit says   {  }

Why I remember on Nov.11: Peter Mansbridge  {  }

-Must Watch- Remembrance Day in Canada    {  }

-Must Watch- Ottawa Remembrance Day    {   }

-Must Watch- International Remembrance   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Remembrance Day 2014: How Canadians Remember    {   }

-Editor’s Pick- ‘No job for a boy’: WW I through the eyes of a Canadian teen soldier    { * – Dozens of letters from Sask. boy paint vivid portrait of First World War’ – *  —djo—   }

-Editor’s Pick- Remembrance Day: Poppies, around the world   {   }



War Memorial

“Remembrance Day”

“Local / New Brunswick”

Protocol followed in Moncton derailment, says CN   {   }

Liberal supporter says nomination convention left ‘horrible taste’  {   }

Remembrance Day ceremonyfrom Saint John   {   }

Remembrance Day Marked across Canada   {   }



AFN Candidates

Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

Chrisma Denny’s family says society has ‘failed’ her  { * The family of a missing woman from Cape Breton believes she wouldn’t have disappeared if there was more support for homeless and aboriginal women. *  —djo—  }

-Opinion- First Nations contributions to WW I and WW II: Lest we forget  {  }

MANFF [Manitoba Association of Native Firefighters] loses federal funding: Flood evacuee, critics seek answers  { * -First Nations flood evacuees and those who help them say it’s about time that the Manitoba Association of Native Fire Fighters has lost its federal funding amid accusations about misspent money.- / Earlier: -An Aboriginal aid agency in charge of 2011 flood evacuees has been stripped of its federal funding effective immediately.- *  —djo—  }

Remembrance Day poem to be read in aboriginal language  {  }

Francis Pegahmagabow, unsung WW I hero, to get overdue recognition  {  }

‘Just move it’ gets P.E.I. aboriginal people physically active  {  }

Aboriginal Affairs short of cash for education, social programs: document  {  }

Jim Prentice, northern Alberta chiefs to discuss oilsands concerns  {  }

Police identify Rinelle Harper, 16, as victim of Midtown Bridge attack  {  }

Behchoko boy, 14, takes own life after bullying   {  }

B.C. First Nation considers growing medical marijuana on its reserve  {  }

-Opinion- Time for some serious thought about Inuvik’s future   {  }

-Updated- Missing Sask. teens believed found, being returned home  {  }

Clyde River supports Greenpeace petition against seismic testing  {  }

Adrienne Clarkson on why Canada’s multiculturalism works  {  }

Toronto rally ‘overwhelms’ struggling homeless First Nation house-builder  {  }

Australians share indigenous protected area strategies with N.W.T.  {  }

Christma Denny’s disappearance spurs postering campaign  {  }

Gary Moostoos rejects apology from City Centre mall manager  {  }

AFN national chief candidates address key issues in election  {  }

-Photos- Unreserved: The radio show in pictures, November 8  {  }

-Video- Mother glad Nunavut govenment is taking action following infant’s death  {  }

Manitoba Association of Native Firefighters loses federal funding  { * -An Aboriginal aid agency in charge of 2011 flood evacuees has been stripped of its federal funding effective immediately.- *  —djo—  }

Decorated First Nations vet Tommy Prince a Canadian hero  {  }

Shoal Lake no. 40 gets backing from IJC  {  }

Homeless woman fined for building her own home   {  }

Head of B.C. Missing Women Commission says no to national inquiry   { * “Wally Oppal, the commissioner of the British Columbia Missing Women Commission, is saying no to the possibility of a national inquiry into more than 1,100 missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada.” * *** He says now is the time for action, not an inquiry. ***  —djo— }

-Feature- Nunavut put community’s health ‘at risk’ by mishandling nurse  { * -When a baby in a Nunavut hamlet died of a lung infection in 2012, questions arose about the nurse who allegedly failed to treat him. A CBC investigation reveals a history of complaints about the nurse and a government that refused to fire her.- *  —djo— }

-Video- Derek Nepinak calls for boycott of Sun Media, Winnipeg Sun newspaper  {  }

Minister of Child Services offers Onigaming support after suicides   {  }

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice  {  }

-8 Photos- Kinder Morgan pipeline: First Nations fight back with fish  {  }


{ We’ve left a lot of First Nations news on this page after it was taken down from the ‘aboriginal’ page at the CBC web site. & The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }



{ This is what grabbed me recently when I fired up my Twitter pages.  ———djo——— }

11 steps to fascism

“11 steps to Fascism” I forgot where this came from. bad me.  —djo—

encrypt things

“Encrypt Things”

Net neutrality tweet

@ Retweeted: @guardiantech by @fightfortheftr


Harper’s Approach to Climate Change

Orwell on war

“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-



“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

FFTF Nov 2014

“Call out the instigators, because there’s something in the air-” NEVER Surrender! —djo—


War Is Terrorism

War Is Terrorism

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }




{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


{ “On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

2nd verse of  “Defence of Fort M’Henry” By Francis Scott Key }


Fracking linked to Alberta earthquakes, study indicates  { * – Carmen Langer had just left his bed to grab a drink of water when he felt his house northeast of Peace River, Alta., begin to shake. – “At first I thought I wasn’t feeling very good that day… and it was just my blood sugar, but no, it shook pretty good,” Langer said about the Nov. 2 incident.

– Moments after the shaking stopped, his neighbours were calling, asking if he had felt what they just felt. – “After a few minutes, I realized it was an earthquake,” Langer said. – There was a small earthquake on Nov. 2 in Peace River, just northeast of Peace River. The recently published study involving Alberta researcher Jeff Gu indicates fracking may trigger earthquakes in the province.  – Natural Resources Canada (NRC) registered a small, 3.0-magnitude earthquake that was “lightly felt” from Three Creeks to St. Isidor in northern Alberta at 11:14 p.m. MT. NRC said on its website there were no reports of damage, and that “none would be expected.” – Jeff Gu, a seismologist at the University of Alberta, said the earthquake could have been caused by shifting rock formations in the region — but added there could be another possible explanation. – “Certainly that region is not immune to earthquake faulting, but I would say having actual earthquakes in that area is relatively recent, relatively new,” he said. – Gu is one of three authors of a recently published study in the Journal of Geophysical Research, a peer-reviewed publication that looked at four years of earthquake data around Rocky Mountain House. The study concludes that waste-water injection into the ground is highly correlated with spikes in earthquake activity in the area. – It is the first study of its kind conducted in Canada that links industrial activity to induced earthquakes. – “The conclusion was that the industrial activities could, in some cases, potentially trigger or facilitate earthquake occurrences,” Gu said. – Alberta earthquakes increasing – Since 1985, fewer than 15 earthquakes above a 3.0 magnitude have been recorded anywhere in Alberta, according to the Alberta Geological Survey’s website. There has been an increase in earthquake activity since the 1960s, the organization says. – The Peace River earthquake is not the only one that has shaken the province in the past few months:

  • In October, a 2.7-magnitude quake was recorded about four kilometres southwest of Banff.
  • In August, a 4.3-magnitude earthquake was registered near Rocky Mountain House, causing about 500 customers in the area to lose power for several hours.

– Gu said the research into whether waste-water induction and fracking are related to earthquakes is still “really a work in progress.” –  “There has been more and more evidence, increasing evidence, in the last few years in particular — in Arkansas, in Texas and actually more recently here,” Gu said. – But he said there is nothing to fear right now. – “I’m not worried until we get a conclusive answer on whether these are caused by industry or not, whether they are naturally occurring,” Gu said. – Langer, however, is worried. – “With all the stuff that’s going on in my community, I’m feeling quite concerned about it,” he said. “We’re having all kinds of environmental problems in the community… Something has to give here.” – *  —djo—   }



{  7:25 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —  — & Thanks again for your help, Jim W,  ( especially since he is still working today with a bruised rib, which makes it painful to do simple things, like scroll or click with a mouse- = ouch! )   — Also  thanks to “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Monday, 10 November, 2014 – News Headlines:

Monday, 10 November, 2014  -( 57˚F / +14˚C –  with some  clouds @ 3:45 pm near Ithaca )-  -( 46˚F / +8˚C –  & cloudy & dark @ 5:15 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

{ Today would have been my sister, Diane’s, 58th Birthday —jim w— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you >>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel

{ 423 new tweets since this time yesterday. Not as light as yesterday in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Bear at picnic table.

Looks like bears are in the news again. 🙂 —djo—

Big oil vs Narwalls

We think that GreenpeaceCA Originated this one.


French ad for Season 3 of Continuum, on DVD available on January 6th. —Somebody’s Birthday— They haven’t confirmed or cancelled anything for season 4 yet. eep. —jim w—




Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “And the Wall— Came Tumbling Down!” — But- Is there life beyond a propaganda enforced ‘Thunderdome’? —  { -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry is #1066. Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel hads gone over 40,000 words already. }

Mikhail Gorbachev

Saturday: Mikhail Gorbachev warns we’re on the brink of a new Cold War.

berlin wall b4 & after

Sunday: “Berlin Wall – Before & After”

-Saturday-World on ‘brink of a new Cold War,’ warns Gorbechev  { * “Tensions between the major powers have pushed the world closer to a new Cold War, former Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev said Saturday.” *  —djo—  }

John Lennon's Gretsch guitar

John Lennon’s Gretsch Guitar to be auctioned off?

-Saturday- ‘Winter arrives this weekend’ Environment Canada warns Albertans   { * “Winter is coming. That’s the message — literally — from Environment Canada to Albertans ahead of the weekend, when an Arctic air mass is expected to pummel the last remnants of autumn into wintry submission.” *   —djo— }

-New- Canadian military bases for Iraq mission named after soldiers slain in attacks  {  }

-Feature- ‘No job for a boy’: WW I through eyes of a Canadian teen soldier   {  }

-Updated- Missing Sask. teens believed found, being returned home   {   }

-Program Guide- Remembrance Day: How to watch and listen live on CBC  {    }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->

Harper-China 2014-Nov-08

Harper selling Canada to Chinese interests?

Monday: 10 November, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

Recent earthquakes in Alberta linked to fracking: study  {  }

Cold snap bringing freezing temperatures to B.C., Alberta    {  }

Suicide attack at Nigerian high school kills 48 students  {  }

Searchers say they’ve spotted teens missing on Sask. lake   {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<


edmonton tuba players

Edmonton tuba players


Edmonton tuba playuers get ready for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade  {  }

Massachusetts town moves to ban the sale of all tobabcco products  {   }

#YYCSnowPups celebrate arrivala of winter in southern Alberta  {   }

Wanted: Indoor pool for dog needing therapy  {   }




The Brandenburg Gate in November of 1989.

“Most Viewed”

Missing Sask. teens believed found, being returned home   {   }

AppleiOS bug makes iPhones, iPads vulnerable to Masque Attack   {  }

Fracking linked to Alberta earthquakes, study indicates  { * – Carmen Langer had just left his bed to grab a drink of water when he felt his house northeast of Peace River, Alta., begin to shake. – “At first I thought I wasn’t feeling very good that day… and it was just my blood sugar, but no, it shook pretty good,” Langer said about the Nov. 2 incident.

– Moments after the shaking stopped, his neighbours were calling, asking if he had felt what they just felt. – “After a few minutes, I realized it was an earthquake,” Langer said. – There was a small earthquake on Nov. 2 in Peace River, just northeast of Peace River. The recently published study involving Alberta researcher Jeff Gu indicates fracking may trigger earthquakes in the province.  – Natural Resources Canada (NRC) registered a small, 3.0-magnitude earthquake that was “lightly felt” from Three Creeks to St. Isidor in northern Alberta at 11:14 p.m. MT. NRC said on its website there were no reports of damage, and that “none would be expected.” – Jeff Gu, a seismologist at the University of Alberta, said the earthquake could have been caused by shifting rock formations in the region — but added there could be another possible explanation. – “Certainly that region is not immune to earthquake faulting, but I would say having actual earthquakes in that area is relatively recent, relatively new,” he said. – Gu is one of three authors of a recently published study in the Journal of Geophysical Research, a peer-reviewed publication that looked at four years of earthquake data around Rocky Mountain House. The study concludes that waste-water injection into the ground is highly correlated with spikes in earthquake activity in the area. – It is the first study of its kind conducted in Canada that links industrial activity to induced earthquakes. – “The conclusion was that the industrial activities could, in some cases, potentially trigger or facilitate earthquake occurrences,” Gu said. – Alberta earthquakes increasing – Since 1985, fewer than 15 earthquakes above a 3.0 magnitude have been recorded anywhere in Alberta, according to the Alberta Geological Survey’s website. There has been an increase in earthquake activity since the 1960s, the organization says. – The Peace River earthquake is not the only one that has shaken the province in the past few months:

  • In October, a 2.7-magnitude quake was recorded about four kilometres southwest of Banff.
  • In August, a 4.3-magnitude earthquake was registered near Rocky Mountain House, causing about 500 customers in the area to lose power for several hours.

– Gu said the research into whether waste-water induction and fracking are related to earthquakes is still “really a work in progress.” –  “There has been more and more evidence, increasing evidence, in the last few years in particular — in Arkansas, in Texas and actually more recently here,” Gu said. – But he said there is nothing to fear right now. – “I’m not worried until we get a conclusive answer on whether these are caused by industry or not, whether they are naturally occurring,” Gu said. – Langer, however, is worried. – “With all the stuff that’s going on in my community, I’m feeling quite concerned about it,” he said. “We’re having all kinds of environmental problems in the community… Something has to give here.” – *  —djo—   }

How Parliament Hill harassment exposed me to the dark side of power  {  }

Fighting ISIS: Canadian-Israeli woman joins Kurds in Syria  {  }

Mexico missing students: attorney general unrepentant about controversy   {  }

Home insurance dispute over value of contents follows Christmas fire  {   }

Brian Whitlock charged with killing his mother  {   }

2 missing girls, aged 16 and 11, may be in Ottawa, police say  {   }

Child-care affordability varies widely across Canada  {   }

-Sunday-Royal Bank to test our Toronto company’s Nymi technology    { * – You’ve heard of paying retailers with the tap of a smartphone, but Royal Bank thinks shoppers are ready to take another big step: wearing payment options on their wrist. – The bank has paired with Toronto-based technology developer Bionym to test a wristband called Nymi (pronounced Nim-ee), which identifies owners through their unique heartbeat and then lets them charge purchases to their credit card. – The device looks like a watch, and will soon grace the wrists of 250 RBC clients and staff under a pilot project in Toronto that runs through February. – Eventually, the bank hopes to roll out its RBC PayBand across the country. – *  *** & I’ve got friends who believe this is another step down the slippery slope to the ‘Number of the Beast’ Biblical Prophecy – and they’re convinced that the devil himself is behind this plot to poison everybody’s souls with some kind of curse that will make it impossible for billions of good people to ever go to Heaven. *** —djo—}

-10 photo slide show- Germany marks 25 years since Berlin Wall’s fall   {   }

-Blog- Remembrance Day 2014: Show us how you will remember – #HowIRemember  {   }




Arctic Ground Squirrel


-Go Public-Christmas fire leads to insurance battle over home contents   {  }

-Analysis- How Parliament Hill harassment exposed me to the dark side of power  {   }

-Interactive- Remembrance Day 2014: How Canadians Remember   {   }

Canadian woman with Israeli military experience joins Kurds to fight ISIS   {   }

Luka Magnotta tells psychiatrist her felt ‘weird energy,’ ‘voices’ controlling him   {  }

‘The reality parents face’: Child-care affordability depends on where you live   {   }

‘I’ve had enough’: Under-fire Mexican attorney general says he’d repeat massacre gaffe   {  }

Canadians urge government to ban woman-choking ‘pickup artist’ Julien Blanc  {  }

Convicted dog killer charged with 2nd-degree murder of his mother    {  }

Women’s World Cup turf war gets support from men’s team   {  }

Apple iOS bug makes iPhones, iPads vulnerable to Masque Attack   {  }

‘Industrial activities’ could trigger earthquakes in Alberta, researcher says   {  }

How Princess Anne’s Ottawa visit will honour ‘everyday heroes’   {  }

Brrrrr! Alberta, Prairies get wintry blast of cold, snow warnings in northern Ontario   {  }

Garth Brooks launches answer to iTunes  {  }

-Must Watch- John Lennon’s Gretsch guitar to be auctioned    { * ‘Paperback Writer’ guitar and Kate Bush handwritten lyrics among items up for auction in Wigan, England *  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Biggest NYC subway station opens    {  * The Fulton subway station, New York’s biggest, has opened in lower Manhattan. The Fulton subway hub links the new World Trade Center and the rest of the city, with an estimated 300,000 commuters expected to use it daily. *  —djo—  }

-Must Watch- The Royal Winter Fair   { * “The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair opened for the first time on Nov. 22, 1922. It remains the premiere agricultural fair in the country.”  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Rare PoW camp newspapers show ‘overlooked; WW I experience    { * “Life in prisoner of war camp included theatre, library and worry over uncertainty of future.” *  —djo—  }

-Editor’s Pick- Adrienne Clarkson stresses importance of belonging    { * – Former Governor General: ‘We are most fully human… when we commit to the community’ – *  —djo—   }

-Editor’s Pick- Berlin Wall: 25 years after fall of communism   { * Compare historic photos of Brandenburg Gate. checkpoint then and now.  *  —djo—  }



War Memorial

“Remembrance Day”

“Local / New Brunswick”

Remembrance Day: How to watch and listen live on CBC   {   }

2 bodies found in Moncton apartment identified  {   }

Family of Morgan Dunbar wants to help others after teen’s suicide   {   }

Pool plea for Moncton pooch Rosco a success   {   }

-Sunday- 3rd Skillsoft email raises privacy concerns in N.B.   { * – A New Brunswick woman says she received another email from a company that mistakenly exposed thousands of email addresses a few days ago and said the problem has been fixed.

– Cheryl Hay was surprised to open her email Saturday morning and find another message from Skillsoft, a company that offers government-funded online training courses. – She says it’s the third one since Thursday. Plus, she says, it contains the email addresses of more than 4,000 people. – “People are exposing their work locations and it’s a breach of privacy regarding the fact that they may not want their employers knowing they’re taking training or just the fact that they’re trying to do some training on their own without a whole bunch of other people knowing,” Hay said. – Skillsoft sent an email Thursday offering assistance to those who had signed up for its courses. The problem was it CCed everyone, which meant everyone’s email address was visible to everyone else. – On Friday, the company told CBC News the problem was fixed. – Chris Cummins, vice-president of inside sales for North America, says no more emails have been sent, however, some people are receiving the one sent out Thursday on delay. – “Certainly we are here and ready to answer any questions that anybody has. They can get in touch with us directly at the SkillsNB email address that we communicated out on Friday morning as well,” Cummins said. –  Cummins says several people got in touch with the company Saturday to say they had received emails. He says each case is being dealt with individually. – New Brunswick’s privacy commissioner is investigating. – *  —djo—   }



AFN Candidates

Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

Francis Pegahmagabow, unsung WW I hero, to get overdue recognition  {  }

B.C. First Nation considers growing medical marijuana on its reserve  {  }

-Opinion- Time for some serious thought about Inuvik’s future   {  }

-Updated- Missing Sask. teens believed found, being returned home  {  }

Clyde River supports Greenpeace petition against seismic testing  {  }

Adrienne Clarkson on why Canada’s multiculturalism works  {  }

Toronto rally ‘overwhelms’ struggling homeless First Nation house-builder  {  }

Australians share indigenous protected area strategies with N.W.T.  {  }

Christma Denny’s disappearance spurs postering campaign  {  }

Gary Moostoos rejects apology from City Centre mall manager  {  }

AFN national chief candidates address key issues in election  {  }

-Photos- Unreserved: The radio show in pictures, November 8  {  }

-Video- Mother glad Nunavut govenment is taking action following infant’s death  {  }

Manitoba Association of Native Firefighters loses federal funding  { * -An Aboriginal aid agency in charge of 2011 flood evacuees has been stripped of its federal funding effective immediately.- *  —djo—  }

Decorated First Nations vet Tommy Prince a Canadian hero  {  }

Shoal Lake no. 40 gets backing from IJC  {  }

Homeless woman fined for building her own home   {  }

Head of B.C. Missing Women Commission says no to national inquiry   { * “Wally Oppal, the commissioner of the British Columbia Missing Women Commission, is saying no to the possibility of a national inquiry into more than 1,100 missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada.” * *** He says now is the time for action, not an inquiry. ***  —djo— }

-Feature- Nunavut put community’s health ‘at risk’ by mishandling nurse  { * -When a baby in a Nunavut hamlet died of a lung infection in 2012, questions arose about the nurse who allegedly failed to treat him. A CBC investigation reveals a history of complaints about the nurse and a government that refused to fire her.- *  —djo— }

-Video- Derek Nepinak calls for boycott of Sun Media, Winnipeg Sun newspaper  {  }

Minister of Child Services offers Onigaming support after suicides   {  }

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice  {  }

-8 Photos- Kinder Morgan pipeline: First Nations fight back with fish  {  }


{ We’ve left a lot of First Nations news on this page after it was taken down from the ‘aboriginal’ page at the CBC web site. & The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }



{ This is what grabbed me recently when I fired up my Twitter pages.  ———djo——— }

11 steps to fascism

“11 steps to Fascism” I forgot where this came from. bad me.  —djo—

encrypt things

“Encrypt Things”

Net neutrality tweet

@ Retweeted: @guardiantech by @fightfortheftr


Harper’s Approach to Climate Change

Orwell on war

“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-



“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

FFTF Nov 2014

“Call out the instigators, because there’s something in the air-” NEVER Surrender! —djo—


War Is Terrorism

War Is Terrorism

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }




{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


{ “On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

2nd verse of  “Defence of Fort M’Henry” By Francis Scott Key }



{  6:25 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —  — & Thanks again for your help, Jim W,  ( especially since he is still working today with a bruised rib, which makes it painful to do simple things, like scroll or click with a mouse- = ouch! )   — Also  thanks to “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Sunday, 09 November, 2014 – News Headlines:

Sunday, 09 November, 2014  -( 46˚F / +8˚C –  &  Cloudy @ 2:45 pm near Ithaca )-  -( 41˚F / +5˚C –  & cloudy & dark @ 6:15 pm Closer to Halifax- My turn for weird computer glitches. —jda—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you >>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel

{ 304 new tweets since this time yesterday. That’s a really light day in the ‘Tweet-us-sphere’  —djo— }

Bear at picnic table.

Looks like bears are in the news again. 🙂 —djo—

Harper looking like a puppet beside Prince Charles.

rkn429 retweets some very interesting stuff- & Harper’s on the wrong side of history for a lot of reasons, this one highlights him being on the wrong side for not supporting a inquiry into missing and murdered First Nations Women.


From Half Past Human dot com: Lots of News about ‘Rebellion’ in Europe and U.S.A.

French anti cyber bullying message.

-Anti-Cyber-Bullying Message — “In case of cyber-intimidation: Stop – Don’t participate- Block- interfere with cyber intimidators- Talk – with an adult you trust-“

We Were Seeds

“Governments Kill more of their Own Citizens than all of the wars in the past century combined.” Katherine Albrecht (?)

Wolves in a Group Howl, dancing.

According to “Medicine Cards” Wolves represent tribe members who leave the tribe, venture out to new worlds, new experiences, then return and teach the ones who stayed behind about new ideas, new ways, new concepts – new cultural wealth.




Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: “And the Wall— Came Tumbling Down!” — But- Is there life beyond a propaganda enforced ‘Thunderdome’? —  { -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry is #1066. Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel is up to 36,000 words already. }

Mikhail Gorbachev

Mikhail Gorbachev warns we’re on the brink of a new Cold War.

berlin wall b4 & after

“Berlin Wall – Before & After”

-Yesterday-World on ‘brink of a new Cold War,’ warns Gorbechev  { * “Tensions between the major powers have pushed the world closer to a new Cold War, former Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev said Saturday.” *  —djo—  }

Bundled human.

“Winter Arrives This Weekend” in Alberta

-Yesterday- ‘Winter arrives this weekend’ Environment Canada warns Albertans   { * “Winter is coming. That’s the message — literally — from Environment Canada to Albertans ahead of the weekend, when an Arctic air mass is expected to pummel the last remnants of autumn into wintry submission.” *   —djo— }

Weather hampers search for 5 teenagers missing in Northern Sask.  {  }

ISIS leader wounded in U.S. airstrike, Iraq officials say   { * – “Are ‘Iraq officials’ any more trustworthy sources than the propaganda pushers on our side of the Atlantic?” *   —djo— }

Stasi’s massive surveillance kept tabs on East Germans at any cost   { * “So what did we do? Copy their madness and go them one better with amazing new inventions like facebook and the NSA’s policies and resources? God Bless Whistleblowers! *  —djo— }

Harper’s North Pole bid surprised government officials, internal emails suggest  { * “New documents suggest that Canada’s last-minute decision to stretch its claim to the Arctic seabed all the way to the North Pole took federal bureaucrats off-guard.” *  —djo—  }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->

Harper-China 2014-Nov-08

Harper selling Canada to Chinese interests?

Sunday: 09 November, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

Germany celebrates 25 years since fall of Berlin Wall  {  }

PM Harper raises human rights with Chinese president  {  }

1 dead, 2 critically injured in Toronto bus-car crash   {  }

Weather slows search for 5 teens in northern Saskatchewn  {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<


Big guy climbing out of 1987 VW Beetle

“Uruguay Elections”


-Repeat-Arab sheik offers Uruguay’s president $1m for 1987 Beetle  { * My initial feeling was the President of Uruguay was making a mean-spirited joke when he said he would donate the money to housing the homeless if anybody gave him one million dollars for his 1987 Volkswagen Beetle. I hope I was wrong. *  —djo— }

Massachusetts town moves to ban the sale of all tobabcco products  {   }

#YYCSnowPups celebrate arrivala of winter in southern Alberta  {   }

Wanted: Indoor pool for dog needing therapy  {   }

From Earlier this week:   { You might be able to do a search and find these articles if you’re interested: —djo—  }

Big ‘groundhog; fossil from age of dinosaurs rewrites mammal history    {   }

Star Wars sequel title — The Force Awakens — announced, then mocked by fans  {   }

World’s biggest corn maze leaves some ‘so frustrated and so bewildered’ they call 911   {   }




The Brandenburg Gate in November of 1989.

“Most Viewed”

Berlin Wall: East Germans lived in fear under Stasi surveillance   {  * Kind of like what we’re living with here in our new high-tech surveillance states, ya think? *  —djo— }

RCMPsearching for 5 mising teens in northern Sask.   {  }

Woman killed, man arrested following 8 hour standoff in Vancouver  {  }

Mikhail Gorbachev warns world on ‘brink of new Cold War’  {  }

ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi wounded in U.S. airstrike, Iraq officials say   {  }

Child bites into Snickers bar, finds sewing needle  {   }

Stephen Harper’s North Pole bid caught bureaucrats  by surprise  {   }

Royal Bank to test our Toronto company’s Nymi technology    { * – You’ve heard of paying retailers with the tap of a smartphone, but Royal Bank thinks shoppers are ready to take another big step: wearing payment options on their wrist. – The bank has paired with Toronto-based technology developer Bionym to test a wristband called Nymi (pronounced Nim-ee), which identifies owners through their unique heartbeat and then lets them charge purchases to their credit card. – The device looks like a watch, and will soon grace the wrists of 250 RBC clients and staff under a pilot project in Toronto that runs through February. – Eventually, the bank hopes to roll out its RBC PayBand across the country. – *  *** & I’ve got friends who believe this is another step down the slippery slope to the ‘Number of the Beast’ Biblical Prophecy – and they’re convinced that the devil himself is behind this plot to poison everybody’s souls with some kind of curse that will make it impossible for billions of good people to ever go to Heaven. *** —djo—}

1 dead after TTC bus collides with car, ends up hitting bank   {  }

Man survives six-metre plunge into well north of Toronto   {  }

2 bodies found in Moncton apartment   {   }

-1 photo slide show- Germany marks 25 years since Berlin Wall’s fall   {   }

-Blog- Tinder profiles feature sex trafficking victims as part of powerful awareness campaign  { * -This week, the Immigration Council of Ireland launched an innovative Tinder-based ad campaign to create awareness about the crimes behind sex trafficking and prostitution.- *  —djo—  }




Arctic Ground Squirrel


Man arrested in homicide of Vancouver woman following 8-hour police standoff   {  }

-Photos- Remembrance Day: Poppies, around the world  {   }

‘Victory of freedom over bondage’: Germany marks 25 years since Berlin Wall’s fall   {   }

B.C. First Nation considers growing medical marijuana on its reserve   {   }

Will you wear your credit card on your wrist? Royal Bank is betting on it   {  }

TrendMD designed to help medical research get read   {   }

Man rescued after spending hours at bottom of well    {  }

Sewing needle found in Halloween Snickers bar  {  }

Transit bus collides with car, killing 1 kn Northwest Toronto    {  }

3 teenagers in hospital after Ottawa crash   {  }

Mexican protesters torch palace door, angry over apparent massacre of students   {  }

More than a million Catalonians vote in symbolic poll on split from Spain   {  }

-Feature- Berlin Wall: Before and after   {  }

Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger will face party leadership vote in March   {  }

Keep me busy: How Princess Anne’s Ottawa visit will honour ‘everyday heroes’  {  }

Rain and snow wallop parts of N.L., high winds tear roof off townhouse   {  }

-Must Watch- Balloons mark Berlin Wall collapse    { * “Thousands of balloons, tracing a 15-km stretch where the the former Berlin Wall once stood, are set free to mark the collapse of the Cold War barrier.” *  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Victoria Falls high wire crossing    {  * “Move over Nik Wallenda, 2 daredevils conquer their nerves and tightrope walk across Zimbabwe’s Victoria Falls.” *  —djo—  }

-Must Watch- GoProin zero-g water bubble   { * “Astronauts aboard the International Space Station have fun experimenting with a GoPro camera inside a floating ball of water.”  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Death and denial in Cape Dorset    {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Berlin Wall: Before and after    { * “A series of before and after images of scenes in Germany.”  —djo—   }

-Editor’s Pick- Berlin Wall: Germans reflect the fall   { * Sequence of events ‘on the scale of the fall of the Roman Empire’ *  —djo—  }



Fredericton police patch

Fredericton police reopen probe of city ‘financial irregularities’

“Local / New Brunswick”

2 bodies found in Moncton apartment   {   }

Power outages continue in northern New Brunswick   {   }

3rd Skillsoft email raises privacy concerns in N.B.   { * – A New Brunswick woman says she received another email from a company that mistakenly exposed thousands of email addresses a few days ago and said the problem has been fixed.

– Cheryl Hay was surprised to open her email Saturday morning and find another message from Skillsoft, a company that offers government-funded online training courses. – She says it’s the third one since Thursday. Plus, she says, it contains the email addresses of more than 4,000 people. – “People are exposing their work locations and it’s a breach of privacy regarding the fact that they may not want their employers knowing they’re taking training or just the fact that they’re trying to do some training on their own without a whole bunch of other people knowing,” Hay said. – Skillsoft sent an email Thursday offering assistance to those who had signed up for its courses. The problem was it CCed everyone, which meant everyone’s email address was visible to everyone else. – On Friday, the company told CBC News the problem was fixed. – Chris Cummins, vice-president of inside sales for North America, says no more emails have been sent, however, some people are receiving the one sent out Thursday on delay. – “Certainly we are here and ready to answer any questions that anybody has. They can get in touch with us directly at the SkillsNB email address that we communicated out on Friday morning as well,” Cummins said. –  Cummins says several people got in touch with the company Saturday to say they had received emails. He says each case is being dealt with individually. – New Brunswick’s privacy commissioner is investigating. – *  —djo—   }

Saint John woman recalls growing up in Berlin Wall’s shadow   {   }

Earlier this week:   {   }

Amherst protesters rally against importing fracking wastewater   {   }

Early French immersion change coming, Serge Rousselle says   {  }

Geriatric clinic for at-risk seniors opens at Moncton Hospital   {  }



AFN Candidates

Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

AFN national chief candidates address key issues in election  {  }

B.C. First Nation considers growing medical marijuana on its reserve  {  }

-Photos- Unreserved: The radio show in pictures, November 8  {  }

-Video- Mother glad Nunavut govenment is taking action following infant’s death  {  }

Manitoba Association of Native Firefighters loses federal funding  { * -An Aboriginal aid agency in charge of 2011 flood evacuees has been stripped of its federal funding effective immediately.- *  —djo—  }

Decorated First Nations vet Tommy Prince a Canadian hero  {  }

James Bay Cree youth in Quebec hit the music charts  {  }

Tamra Keepness: No evidence of missing child in wells linked to Reddit map  {  }

Shuswap reserve chooses new council after spending became key issue in band election  {  }

Injuries happened at the hands of Winnipeg police, woman alleges  {  }

Ebola fears led First Nation to opt out of Canada World Yourth  {  }

Pictou’s Clean the Mill group releases  soil data  {  }

Aboriginal star hailed as ‘pioneer’ by Soccer Hall of Fame  {  }

Shoal Lake no. 40 gets backing from IJC  {  }

Homeless woman fined for building her own home   {  }

CBC investigation prompts Nunavut health-care review  {  }

Fort Simpson, N.W.T., chief Minnie Letcher dies of meningitis  {  }

Cynthia Blackjack’s mother sues Yukon gov’t over daughter’s death  {  }

Head of B.C. Missing Women Commission says no to national inquiry   { * “Wally Oppal, the commissioner of the British Columbia Missing Women Commission, is saying no to the possibility of a national inquiry into more than 1,100 missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada.” * *** He says now is the time for action, not an inquiry. ***  —djo— }

Bill Lyall, former Central Arctic MLA, publishes new book  { * “Bill Lyall of Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, was in Iqaluit yesterday to launch his new book, which tells the story of the co-operative movement in the Arctic and himself” *  —djo—  }

-Feature- Nunavut put community’s health ‘at risk’ by mishandling nurse  { * -When a baby in a Nunavut hamlet died of a lung infection in 2012, questions arose about the nurse who allegedly failed to treat him. A CBC investigation reveals a history of complaints about the nurse and a government that refused to fire her.- *  —djo— }

Hydro ‘cautiously optimistic’ about steps to end Jenpeg occupation  {  }

3 deaths in Iqaluit related to prescription Tylenol overdose  {  }

Oskayak high school students hold round dance for missing women  {  }

-Video- Derek Nepinak calls for boycott of Sun Media, Winnipeg Sun newspaper  {  }

Minister of Child Services offers Onigaming support after suicides   {  }

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice  {  }

Transit rider wants Lift Plus service to Fort William First Nation  {  }

Facing suicide rates on remote First Nations: Why leaving may not be an option {  }

-8 Photos- Kinder Morgan pipeline: First Nations fight back with fish  {  }


{ We’ve left a lot of First Nations news on this page after it was taken down from the ‘aboriginal’ page at the CBC web site. & The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }




{ This is what grabbed me recently when I fired up my Twitter pages.  ———djo——— }

11 steps to fascism

“11 steps to Fascism” I forgot where this came from. bad me.  —djo—

encrypt things

“Encrypt Things”


#SaveTheInternet, #NetNeutrality at the White House

Net neutrality tweet

@ Retweeted: @guardiantech by @fightfortheftr


Harper’s Approach to Climate Change

Stephen Harper sux big time

“Everybody I know realizes that Stephen Harper is bad news for Canada, bad news for the world. What I cannot understand is how the bleep does he convince his ‘followers’ to buy his bull chips?” —djo—

Ack 11-01-2014

“Income Splitting” = “We take what’s yours, good luck living on what’s left.” The Soundtrack should include Thunderclap Newman. “Because the Rev O Lution’s Now!”

Orwell on war

“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-



“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

FFTF Nov 2014

“Call out the instigators, because there’s something in the air-” NEVER Surrender! —djo—

Comcast Horror Stories

Comcast Horror Stories

{  Um, most of the people I know would have told you to ignore Comcast if they were trying to double bill you. Don’t cave in to ice-holes – when you do, they win. When they win, they come down harder on their next victim. You aided and abetted their extortion operations.  —djo— }

War Is Terrorism

War Is Terrorism

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }




{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


{ “On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

2nd verse of  “Defence of Fort M’Henry” By Francis Scott Key }


70,000 dead fish in Ohio.

Tweeted, “It is the legislators who should go to Jail for this-” 70,000 dead fish in Ohio? —Frack Halliburton?—


{  6:45 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —  — & Thanks again for your help, Jim W,  ( especially since he is still working today with a bruised rib, which makes it painful to do simple things, like scroll or click with a mouse- = ouch! )   — Also  thanks to “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

{ 8:45 pm Atlantic Standard Time. A couple more weird glitches and I’ve finished my part after Doug was finished over an hour ago- Now all three of us have had very strange things go wrong with our computers. Then all we had to do was reboot and the very strange ‘bugs’ were gone. —Coincidence?—Hmmmmmm?—  ———jda—— }

Saturday, 08 November, 2014 – News Headlines:

Saturday, 08 November, 2014  -( 42˚F / +6˚C –  &  Overcast  @ 2:45 pm near Ithaca )-  -( 36˚F / +2˚C –  & cloudy @ 4:00 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-   Happy Birthday, Walter Chop —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

Links >>—-> The definitive ranking of ridiculous and misleading Conservative names for bills put before Canadian Parliament:

Note: ‘’ Hijacked the original links we put here for these two links.

Let Us Know if any other links have been effed with, thank you >>——> J.Z.N McCauley’s NaNo Novel

We Were Seeds

“Governments Kill more of their Own Citizens than all of the wars in the past century combined.” Katherine Albrecht (?)

Wolves in a Group Howl, dancing.

According to “Medicine Cards” Wolves represent tribe members who leave the tribe, venture out to new worlds, new experiences, then return and teach the ones who stayed behind about new ideas, new ways, new concepts – new cultural wealth.




Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: Is there life beyond a propaganda enforced ‘Thunderdome’? —  { -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry is #1066. Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel is up to 32,000 words already. }

Mikhail Gorbachev

Mikhail Gorbachev warns we’re on the brink of a new Cold War.

World on ‘brink of a new Cold War,’ warns Gorbechev  { * “Tensions between the major powers have pushed the world closer to a new Cold War, former Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev said Saturday.” *  —djo—  }

Bundled human.

“Winter Arrives This Weekend” in Alberta

‘Winter arrives this weekend’ Environment Canada warns Albertans   { * “Winter is coming. That’s the message — literally — from Environment Canada to Albertans ahead of the weekend, when an Arctic air mass is expected to pummel the last remnants of autumn into wintry submission.” *   —djo— }

‘He pushed on anyway’: Canadian soldier killed minutes before WW I armistice   { * – “George Lawrence Price was a typical Canadian soldier in the First World War, except for the timing of his death. He holds the sad distinction of being the last Canadian and last Commonwealth soldier to die in the First World War.” *   —djo— }

‘Dangerous’ man accidentally released from custody back in jail   { * “A man charged with attempted murder is back in custody after being mistakenly released from the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility on Friday.” – Meanwhile, some of the most dangerous men in the universe are meeting in smoky rooms, plotting a very dark future for the human race on planet Earth, Ya think? – *  —djo— }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->

Harper-China 2014-Nov-08

Harper selling Canada to Chinese interests?

Saturday: 08 November, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

Divers recover body of engineer in Quebec train derailment  {  }

Attempted-murder suspect back in custody in Nova Scotia  {  }

PM inks currency hub deal allowing easier trade with China   {  }

NDP angry with way Trudeau handled harassment allegations  {  }

Canadiens to retire Guy Lapointe’s No. 5  jersey tonight   {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<


Big guy climbing out of 1987 VW Beetle

“Uruguay Elections”


Arab sheik offers Uruguay’s president $1m for 1987 Beetle  { * My initial feeling was the President of Uruguay was making a mean-spirited joke when he said he would donate the money to housing the homeless if anybody gave him one million dollars for his 1987 Volkswagen Beetle. I hope I was wrong. *  —djo— }

11-year-old Japanese kid could be the next hockey prodigy  {   }

University’s petting zoo helps students manage stress  {   }

Avast ye mateys: Pirate ship classroom launches in N.B.  {   }

From Earlier this week:   { You might be able to do a search and find these articles if you’re interested: —djo—  }

Big ‘groundhog; fossil from age of dinosaurs rewrites mammal history    {   }

Star Wars sequel title — The Force Awakens — announced, then mocked by fans  {   }

World’s biggest corn maze leaves some ‘so frustrated and so bewildered’ they call 911   {   }




The Brandenburg Gate in November of 1989.

“Most Viewed”

Special winter weather statement issued for Alberta as winter arrives   {  }

Mikhail Gorbachev warns world on ‘brink of new Cold War’  {  }

Search for James Cuthbert, 71, ends  { * Video evidence convinced police that the man fell overboard while riding on a ferry in Nova Scotia. *  —djo— }

Eliahs Kent, mistakenly released from Burnside jail, back in custody  { * I’m not sure why they have his name in this headline and not in half a dozen other headlines linked to the same article. *  —djo—  }

UBC’s Vantage College: Canadians need not apply    { * – The University of British Columbia is building an exclusive new college at a cost of more than $127 million, but Canadian students need not apply. The college will house only high-paying international students, most of them from China. – It may only be a big hole in the ground right now, but the Vantage College project has already angered many university students who say the money could have been better spent to improve student housing and limit tuition increases. -UBC student Aspen Dirk says the university is increasingly becoming an elitist school. – “It’s very disrespectful, said UBC student Aspen Dirk, “and a bit of a slap to the face.” – Students say UBC is spending $127.5 million at a time when money is tight to build a stand-alone college complete with its own residential tower for 1,000 international students. – *  —djo—}

George Lawrence Price was last Canadian soldier killed in First World War   {  }

Sept-Îles train derailment: Divers find body of engineer Enrick Gagnon   {  }

Pope Francis demotes U.S. Cardinal Raymond Burke   {   }

‘Butterfly child’ has dream to see northern lights  {  }

Mexico gang members describe killings, burnings of 43 missing students   {   }

-18 photo slide show- Week in pictures, Nov. 1-7   { * Heilige Scheisse! They included the entire week this time. Ya don’t think anybody at CBC news is reading my comments, do you? — Nahhhhh- *  —djo—  }

-Blog- Tinder profiles feature sex trafficking victims as part of powerful awareness campaign  { * -This week, the Immigration Council of Ireland launched an innovative Tinder-based ad campaign to create awareness about the crimes behind sex trafficking and prostitution.- *  —djo—  }




Arctic Ground Squirrel


Canadian firm plays big role in historic comet visit   {  }

-Feature- Berlin Wall: Before and after  {   }

Canada, China sign currency deal aimed at boosting trade   {   }

Mexico gang members describe killings, burnings of 43 missing students   {   }

-Video- CBC cameraman reflects on the night Berlin Wall fell   {  }

‘Butterfly child’ has dream to see northern lights   {   }

U.S. Cardinal opposed to abortion, gay marriage, loses another Vatican job    {  }

Divers find body of engineer missing since Quebec train derailment  {  }

‘I have a ton of miles on my back’: Steve Nash pens open letter to fans    {  }

4th vicitim of Washington school shooting dies in hospital   {  }

‘I thought it was a film’ Germans reflect on fall of Berlin Wall   {  }

Theremin turning heads in Canadian music, literary circles   {  }

SNV-Lavalin loses federal contract worth up to $22.8B   { * Hooray for somebody- show those ice-holes they can’t lay off 4,000 people and hope to hang on to lucrative contracts! *  —djo— }

Strong winds whip Aaska, storm expected to bring frigid air to U.S.   {  }

NDP MPs angry with the way Trudeau handles harassment allegations  {  }

‘We are not the police’: CBC defends Ghomeshi investigation   {  }

-Must Watch- GoPro in Zero-G bubble    {  }

-Must Watch- Student saves Remembrance Day    {  * “Amherst Regional High School [Nova Scotia] student Titus Gallagher steps in when heard that the Remembrance Day ceremony at his school would be cancelled this year.” *  —djo—  }

-Must Watch- Poppy sales soar   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Death and denial in Cape Dorset    {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Cam a ‘bourbon summit’ make Mitch McConnel and Obama friends?    {    }

-Editor’s Pick- Do walls make good neighbours? / Marcello Di Cintio says follow Berlin’s example, tear down walls   { * Calgary’s author of Walls reflects on the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall *  —djo—  }



Fredericton police patch

Fredericton police reopen probe of city ‘financial irregularities’

“Local / New Brunswick”

Oil spilled in derailment at Moncton train yard   {   }

Moncton residents await news on surplus military homes   {   }

Moncton couple seeks swimming pool for pet dog   {   }

A weekend in the maritimes, as seen by you   {   }

Earlier this week:   {   }

Amherst protesters rally against importing fracking wastewater   {   }

Early French immersion change coming, Serge Rousselle says   {  }

Geriatric clinic for at-risk seniors opens at Moncton Hospital   {  }



AFN Candidates

Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

AFN national chief candidates address key issues in election  {  }

-Photos- Unreserved: The radio show in pictures, November 8  {  }

-Video- Mother glad Nunavut govenment is taking action following infant’s death  {  }

Manitoba Association of Native Firefighters loses federal funding  { * -An Aboriginal aid agency in charge of 2011 flood evacuees has been stripped of its federal funding effective immediately.- *  —djo—  }

Decorated First Nations vet Tommy Prince a Canadian hero  {  }

James Bay Cree youth in Quebec hit the music charts  {  }

Tamra Keepness: No evidence of missing child in wells linked to Reddit map  {  }

Shuswap reserve chooses new council after spending became key issue in band election  {  }

Injuries happened at the hands of Winnipeg police, woman alleges  {  }

Ebola fears led First Nation to opt out of Canada World Yourth  {  }

Pictou’s Clean the Mill group releases  soil data  {  }

Aboriginal star hailed as ‘pioneer’ by Soccer Hall of Fame  {  }

Shoal Lake no. 40 gets backing from IJC  {  }

Homeless woman fined for building her own home   {  }

CBC investigation prompts Nunavut health-care review  {  }

Fort Simpson, N.W.T., chief Minnie Letcher dies of meningitis  {  }

Cynthia Blackjack’s mother sues Yukon gov’t over daughter’s death  {  }

Head of B.C. Missing Women Commission says no to national inquiry   { * “Wally Oppal, the commissioner of the British Columbia Missing Women Commission, is saying no to the possibility of a national inquiry into more than 1,100 missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada.” * *** He says now is the time for action, not an inquiry. ***  —djo— }

Bill Lyall, former Central Arctic MLA, publishes new book  { * “Bill Lyall of Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, was in Iqaluit yesterday to launch his new book, which tells the story of the co-operative movement in the Arctic and himself” *  —djo—  }

-Feature- Nunavut put community’s health ‘at risk’ by mishandling nurse  { * -When a baby in a Nunavut hamlet died of a lung infection in 2012, questions arose about the nurse who allegedly failed to treat him. A CBC investigation reveals a history of complaints about the nurse and a government that refused to fire her.- *  —djo— }

Hydro ‘cautiously optimistic’ about steps to end Jenpeg occupation  {  }

3 deaths in Iqaluit related to prescription Tylenol overdose  {  }

Oskayak high school students hold round dance for missing women  {  }

-Video- Derek Nepinak calls for boycott of Sun Media, Winnipeg Sun newspaper  {  }

Minister of Child Services offers Onigaming support after suicides   {  }

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice  {  }

Transit rider wants Lift Plus service to Fort William First Nation  {  }

Facing suicide rates on remote First Nations: Why leaving may not be an option {  }

-8 Photos- Kinder Morgan pipeline: First Nations fight back with fish  {  }


{ We’ve left a lot of First Nations news on this page after it was taken down from the ‘aboriginal’ page at the CBC web site. & The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }




{ This is what greeted me this week when I fired up my Twitter pages.  ———djo——— }

encrypt things

“Encrypt Things”


#SaveTheInternet, #NetNeutrality at the White House

Net neutrality tweet

@ Retweeted: @guardiantech by @fightfortheftr


Harper’s Approach to Climate Change

Stephen Harper sux big time

“Everybody I know realizes that Stephen Harper is bad news for Canada, bad news for the world. What I cannot understand is how the bleep does he convince his ‘followers’ to buy his bull chips?” —djo—

Ack 11-01-2014

“Income Splitting” = “We take what’s yours, good luck living on what’s left.” The Soundtrack should include Thunderclap Newman. “Because the Rev O Lution’s Now!”

Orwell on war

“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-



“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

FFTF Nov 2014

“Call out the instigators, because there’s something in the air-” NEVER Surrender! —djo—

Comcast Horror Stories

Comcast Horror Stories

{  Um, most of the people I know would have told you to ignore Comcast if they were trying to double bill you. Don’t cave in to ice-holes – when you do, they win. When they win, they come down harder on their next victim. You aided and abetted their extortion operations.  —djo— }

War Is Terrorism

War Is Terrorism

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }




{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


{ “On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

2nd verse of  “Defence of Fort M’Henry” By Francis Scott Key }


70,000 dead fish in Ohio.

Tweeted, “It is the legislators who should go to Jail for this-” 70,000 dead fish in Ohio? —Frack Halliburton?—


{  6:45 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —  — & Thanks again for your help, Jim W,  ( especially since he is still working today with a bruised rib, which makes it painful to do simple things, like scroll or click with a mouse- = ouch! )   — Also  thanks to “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Friday, 07 November, 2014 – News Headlines:

Friday, 07 November, 2014  -( 44˚F / +7˚C –  And we’ve had snow flurries  @ 2:45 pm near Ithaca )-  -( 37˚F / +3˚C –  & raining @ 4:00 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }



#SaveTheInternet, #NetNeutrality at the White House

encrypt things

“Encrypt Things”




Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: Semantics? Misunderstandings? ooops? —  { -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry is #1066. Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel is up to 24,000 words already. }

pres. barack obama

President Barack Obama

-Live- Former NDP staffer’s lawsuit accuses MP Sylvain Chicoine of sexisn  { * “NDP Leader Tom Mulcair was expected to comment on allegations that deputy veterans affairs critic Sylvain Chicoine demonstrated a sexist and misogynist attitude toward former staffer Fabiola Ferro, didn’t deal with harassment by another staffer and fired her without cause. The allegations are made in a lawsuit filed Friday in Ontario Superior Court. Watch Mulcair live starting at 4 p.m. ET” *  —djo—  }

-New- ‘We are not the police’: CBC defends Ghomeshi investigation   { * “CBC’s executive vice-president of English Services Heather Conway is defending management’s handling of the Jian Ghomeshi scandal, saying it was not the role of the broadcaster to investigate someone’s private sex life.” *   —djo— }

-Updated- Obama authorizes sending 1,500 more troops to Iraq   { * – “U.S. President Barack Obama is authorizing the U.S. military to deploy up to 1,500 more troops to Iraq as part of the mission to combat the Islamic State group.” *   —djo— }

Woman who crawled 8 hours for help after crash disputes $700 ambulance charge   { * “A 48-year-old disabled Nova Scotia woman says she has been wrongly charged hundreds of dollars for an ambulance ride after she drove into a ditch, got stuck and then crawled for eight hours to get help.” * *** She crawled to a farmhouse after spending 30 hours trapped in her truck, in a ditch, disoriented, not knowing where she was, and believes she might owe the ambulance that came and got her $124.30 instead of the collision rate they charged at $711.60 – “When I got the bill, I called them and told them that it wasn’t a motor vehicle accident. And they said, ‘Well, that’s the way they do it,'” she said. – “I can’t understand why it’s so much. There was no collision. I told them that and they wouldn’t believe me.” –   —djo— }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->

Pres. Obama

President Obama looking thoughtful?

Friday: 07 November, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

CBC executive speaks out about Jian Ghomeshi matter   {  }

U.S. judge approves Detroit plan to get out of bankruptcy  {  }

Canada’s j0bless rate falls to 6.5%, lowest in 6 years   {  }

Ex-military man planned attack on Calgary Veterans Affairs   {  }

U.S. to send up to 1,500 more troops to Iraq   {  }

F-35 purchase by Canada suggested in Pentagon briefing {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<


Pirate Ship- (?)

Salem Elementary School’s Pirate Ship Classroom.


Avast ye mateys: Pirate ship classroom launches in N.B.  {  }

11-year-old Japanese kid could be the next hockey prodigy  {   }

Big ‘groundhog; fossil from age of dinosaurs rewrites mammal history    {   }

Star Wars sequel title — The Force Awakens — announced, then mocked by fans  {   }

World’s biggest corn maze leaves some ‘so frustrated and so bewildered’ they call 911   {   }



disabled woman

‘Woman who crawled 8 hours for help after driving into ditch disputes $700 ambulance charge.’

“Most Viewed”

Colleen Hopkins, disabled woman, Disputes $700 ambulance charge   { * –  *  —djo— }

Homeless woman fined for building her own home  {  }

Jian Ghomeshi investigation defended by CBC  {  }

F-35 purchase by Canada suggested in Pentagon briefing  {   }

NDP MP Sylvain Chicoine accused of sexism in lawsuit     {  }

Emergency landing at Edmonton International Airport leaves 1 in hospital   {  }

Cerys Yemm dies in reported vicious ‘act of cannibalism’ in Wales   {  }

In eyes of world’s media, Canada has lost its innocence: Jeff Semple   {   }

Calgary skyscraper attack plotter contacted Veterans Affairs for help  {  }

Printmaker makes point with Jian Ghomeshi shirt   {   }

-11 photo slide show- Putin, Pope Francis on Forbes list of 10 most powerful people   {   }

-Blog- Tinder profiles feature sex trafficking victims as part of powerful awareness campaign  { * -This week, the Immigration Council of Ireland launched an innovative Tinder-based ad campaign to create awareness about the crimes behind sex trafficking and prostitution.- *  —djo—  }




Arctic Ground Squirrel


Canadian dollar, stocks, move highter on strong jobs report   {  }

-Analysis- Stephen Poloz, the unintended champion for Canada’s jobless youth: Don Pittis  { * Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz may have raised the ire of youth with his comments on unpaid work, but Canada’s chief central banker has given the issue of youth unemployment a much higher profile than if he had spoken in platitudes, Don Pittis says. *  —djo—  }

-New- Woman dies in reported ‘cannibalism’ attack in Welsch hotel room   {   }

-Updated- ‘I’m looking for somebody to help me’: Calgary man accused of skyscraper plot sought help   {   }

Pentagon briefing hints Canada will buy at least 4 F-35s by 2017   {  }

Peter MacKay says he’s seen no harassment in Parliament or his party   { * But Peter MacKay called his ex girlfriend, an MP, a ‘dog’ in public. Tell me that’s not harassment. *  —djo— }

In eyes of the world’s media, Canada has lost its innocence: Jeff Semple    {  }

Searchers given go-ahead to begin looking for Enrick Gagnon at derailment site  {  }

Ontario fines homeless woman for building her own home    { * She thought she was within her rights on Reserve Land, but she was over the border. *  —djo— }

‘Dangerous’ man charged with attempted murder accidentally released   {  }

Scientists gear up to land 1st spacecraft on comet   {  }

-Updated- 1 passenger still in hospital after emergency landing at Edmonton airport   {  }

-Video- Australian cameraman records his own van being stolen at gunpoint   {  }

-New- Couple go for pizza as tortured and beaten 3-year-old lay dying   {  }

-Updated- Security camera captures fatal attack in Hamilton’s east end  {  }

-Must Watch-  Heather Comway interview with Peter Mansbridge    {  }

-Must Watch- Do good walls make good neighbours?    {  * 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall there are more barricades in the world than ever. *  —djo—  }

-Must Watch- Aussie carjacking caught on tape   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Cam a ‘bourbon summit’ make Mitch McConnel and Obama friends?    {    }

-Editor’s Pick- Death and denial in Cape Dorset    {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Marcello Di Cinto says follow Berlin’s example, tear down walls   { * Calgary’s author of Walls reflects on the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall *  —djo—  }



Fredericton police patch

Fredericton police reopen probe of city ‘financial irregularities’

“Local / New Brunswick”

Frederictonpolice reopen probe of city ‘financial irregularities’   {   }

Amherst protesters rally against importing fracking wastewater   {   }

Early French immersion change coming, Serge Rousselle says   {  }

Geriatric clinic for at-risk seniors opens at Moncton Hospital   {  }



AFN Candidates

Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

AFN national chief candidates address key issues in election  {  }

Ebola fears led First Nation to opt out of Canada World Yourth  {  }

Pictou’s Clean the Mill group releases  soil data  {  }

Aboriginal star hailed as ‘pioneer’ by Soccer Hall of Fame  {  }

Shoal Lake no. 40 gets backing from IJC  {  }

Homeless woman fined for building her own home   {  }

CBC investigation prompts Nunavut health-care review  {  }

Fort Simpson, N.W.T., chief Minnie Letcher dies of meningitis  {  }

Cynthia Blackjack’s mother sues Yukon gov’t over daughter’s death  {  }

Head of B.C. Missing Women Commission says no to national inquiry   { * “Wally Oppal, the commissioner of the British Columbia Missing Women Commission, is saying no to the possibility of a national inquiry into more than 1,100 missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada.” * *** He says now is the time for action, not an inquiry. ***  —djo— }

Bill Lyall, former Central Arctic MLA, publishes new book  { * “Bill Lyall of Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, was in Iqaluit yesterday to launch his new book, which tells the story of the co-operative movement in the Arctic and himself” *  —djo—  }

-Feature- Nunavut put community’s health ‘at risk’ by mishandling nurse  { * -When a baby in a Nunavut hamlet died of a lung infection in 2012, questions arose about the nurse who allegedly failed to treat him. A CBC investigation reveals a history of complaints about the nurse and a government that refused to fire her.- *  —djo— }

Hydro ‘cautiously optimistic’ about steps to end Jenpeg occupation  {  }

3 deaths in Iqaluit related to prescription Tylenol overdose  {  }

Oskayak high school students hold round dance for missing women  {  }

-Video- Derek Nepinak calls for boycott of Sun Media, Winnipeg Sun newspaper  {  }

Minister of Child Services offers Onigaming support after suicides   {  }

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice  {  }

Transit rider wants Lift Plus service to Fort William First Nation  {  }

Facing suicide rates on remote First Nations: Why leaving may not be an option {  }

-8 Photos- Kinder Morgan pipeline: First Nations fight back with fish  {  }


{ The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }




{ This is what greeted me this week when I fired up my Twitter pages.  ———djo——— }

Net neutrality tweet

@ Retweeted: @guardiantech by @fightfortheftr


“Hey, don’t look stupid- fix your map” —jda—


Harper’s Approach to Climate Change

Stephen Harper sux big time

“Everybody I know realizes that Stephen Harper is bad news for Canada, bad news for the world. What I cannot understand is how the bleep does he convince his ‘followers’ to buy his bull chips?” —djo—

Ack 11-01-2014

“Income Splitting” = “We take what’s yours, good luck living on what’s left.” The Soundtrack should include Thunderclap Newman. “Because the Rev O Lution’s Now!”

Orwell on war

“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-



“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

FFTF Nov 2014

“Call out the instigators, because there’s something in the air-” NEVER Surrender! —djo—

Comcast Horror Stories

Comcast Horror Stories

{  Um, most of the people I know would have told you to ignore Comcast if they were trying to double bill you. Don’t cave in to ice-holes – when you do, they win. When they win, they come down harder on their next victim. You aided and abetted their extortion operations.  —djo— }

War Is Terrorism

War Is Terrorism

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }




{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


{ “On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

2nd verse of  “Defence of Fort M’Henry” By Francis Scott Key }


70,000 dead fish in Ohio.

Tweeted, “It is the legeslators who should go to Jail for this-” 70,000 dead fish in Ohio? —Frack Halliburton?—


{  5:45 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —  — & Thanks again for your help, Jim W,  ( especially since he is still working today with a bruised rib, which makes it painful to do simple things, like scroll or click with a mouse- = ouch! )   — Also  thanks to “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Thursday, 06 November, 2014 – News Headlines:

Thursday, 06 November, 2014  -( 44˚F / +7˚C –  Raining with fog patches around  @ 2:30 pm near Ithaca )-  -( 46˚F / +8˚C –  Still messy snow on the ground, grey sky overhead with interesting patterns in the clouds – parallel smudges? @ 3:45 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

Net neutrality tweet

Tweeted by @occupyWallStNYC Retweeted by Fight for the Future. I have no idea why they might appeal to Pres. Obama. —djo—

Lots of tweets

Paris, Brussels and Alex Jones. The juxtaposition is priceless. There is also a lot going on in Palestine and Jerusalem.




Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: Dirty deeds done dirt cheap? ooops —  { -jda-‘s NaBloPoMo entry is #1066. Jim’s NaNoWriMo Novel is up to 18,000 words already. }



Train conductor missing after derailment into river  { * “A train conductor is missing after a locomotive derailed and plummeted to the river below north of Sept-Îles, Que., according to preliminary reports.” *  —djo—  }

-Analysis- Why Scotiabank is cutting jobs while earning billions: Don Pittis   { * “Scotiabank, Canada’s third-biggest bank and 10th-biggest company, is cutting 1,500 jobs and scaling back on risk. Don Pittis says part of the reason is that it wants to be ready to cope with the uncertainties of the Canadian property market.” *   —djo— }

What a baby’s death reveals about Nunavut’s health care   { * – “Nunavut put the public health of Cape Dorset “at risk” by mishandling a nurse facing numerous complaints, according to internal government emails obtained by CBC News. The government ended up promoting her to the community’s top nursing post.” *   —djo— }

-Analysis- Keystone XL pipeline prospects get boost from U.S. election results   { * “U.S. Senate election results give Keystone XL pipeline supporters more clout in Washington, maybe enough to overcome President Barack Obama’s veto power.” *  —djo— }

Star Wars sequel title — The Force Awakens — Announced, then mocked by fans  { * “The makers of the next Star Wars movie announced on Twitter today that principal photography has been completed. Oh, and, by the way, the movie now has an actual title. Yes, Star Wars Episode VII will be called The Force Awakens.” *  —djo— }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->

Pres. Obama

President Obama looking thoughtful?

Thursday: 065 November, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

CRTC bans 30-day notice for TV, web, phone service changes  {  }

Honda investing $857M in 3 Ontario auto plants   {  }

Montreal’s SNC-Lavalin to slash global workforce by 4,000   {  }

RCMP arrests ‘high-risk-traveller’ upon return to Canada  {  }

Health Canada study: No link between wind turbines, illnesses  {  }

Train conductor missing after derailment in eastern Quebec {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<


Tom Brokaw with Cell phone

Tom Brokaw’s Cell Phone dings.


Tom Brokaw’s phone interrupts live election coverage: ‘Yes, I will remember to bring home the milk’  {  }

Man to be eaten alive by anaconda on TV, everyone horrified  {   }

Big ‘groundhog; fossil from age of dinosaurs rewrites mammal history    {   }

Saskatoon-made drone flies into Smithsonian collection   {   }

Squirrels on steroids run wild in Canadian Arctic   {   }



two guys photos

Liberal MPs involved in Misconduct allegations

“Most Viewed”

CRTC bans 30-day notice for cancelling TV, phone, internet   { * – Canadians no longer have to give a 30-day notice to cancel or change their television, internet or landline telephone service, the CRTC says. – In a release, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission said it is “prohibiting television service providers from requiring that Canadians give 30 days’ notice prior to cancelling these services.” – *  & I thought this might be an article about the CRTC -Canadian version of the FCC?-telling cable companies, etc. that they no longer had to give subscribers a 30-day notice before they made major changes to their services. This is refreshing. *  —djo— }

Conductor missing after Quebec freight train derails in landslide  {  }

Franz Prokop, ex-B.C. councillor, loses $3.6M Lotto 6/49 lawsuit   { * – Former Maple Ridge, B.C., councillor Franz Prokop has lost a lawsuit that claimed his ex-partner’s son had stolen his winning $3.6-million lottery ticket. – Prokop’s lawyers told the court in New Westminster that he bought the Lotto 6/49 ticket while shopping in August 2007 with his common-law partner, Angelina Dushop, and that after the draw, she realized the ticket was a winner. – The Coquitlam realtor claimed Dushop’s son, Peter Dushop, had access to the couple’s home, took the ticket from Prokop’s desk and then claimed the ticket 11 months later. – Dushop — who is also a realtor — denied the accusation, and testified that he had bought the ticket. He also noted the winning ticket contained numbers representing his and his mother’s birthdays. – Flawed testimony – In a ruling released this week, B.C. Supreme Court Justice Robert Crawford found problems with the testimony of Dushop, his mother and Prokop. – “I was not impressed with the semantic dance over the purchase of the lottery ticket,” Crawford said in his reasons for judgment. – Crawford ruled it was likely Dushop’s mother used her credit card to buy the ticket, using Dushop’s numbers, and that Prokop paid the Visa bill. – The judge believed the ticket was put away in a safety deposit box, because Angelina Dushop feared Prokop would want a share of the winnings. – But Crawford ruled Prokop failed to prove his case the ticket was his, and that it was stolen by Peter Dushop. – “The plaintiff has failed to establish both of these facts and accordingly the plaintiff’s claim must fail,” the judge said. – *  —djo— }

Wind turbine noise not linked to health problems, Health Canada finds   {   }

What a Cape Dorset baby’s death reveals about Nunavut’s health care    {  }

Luka Magnotta did not need constant care: jail psychiatrist   {  }

Fake online reviews: 4 ways companies can deceive you   {  }

OC Transpo bus stops under Via Rail crossing warning arm   {   }

Phil Rudd, AC/DC drummer, charged in murder for hire plot  {  }

Republicans may have trouble making Washinton’s hogs ‘squeal’: Neil Macdonald   {   }

-13 photo slide show- Winners and losers in U.S. midterm elections   {   }

-Blog- Man to be eaten alive by anaconda on TV, everyone horrified  { * -According to Discovery, “naturalist and wildlife filmmaker Paul Rosolie will enter the belly of an anaconda in a custom-built snake-proof suit” in its Dec. 7 special Eaten Alive.- * I bet the snake is not a party to ‘advised consent’. *  —djo—  }




Arctic Ground Squirrel


No need for 30-day notice to switch internet, cable or phone service, CRTC says  { * Why weren’t earlier headlines linking to this article this clear? *  —djo—  }

-New- Wind turbines can be annoying, but not harmful, Health Canada finds   { * But anyone living within 200 meters of high powered electric lines has a much higher risk of developing leukemia, Did Health Canada figure that into their equations?  *  —djo—  }

Luka Magnotta did not need constant care: jail psychiatrist   {   }

-Analysis- Mrs. Castrator goes to Washington, round up the hogs: Neil Macdonald   {  }

NO luck in lotto lawsuit: B.C. realtor loses $3.6M win to ex-partner’s son   {  }

Faking it: 4 ways companies artificially boost their online reputations    {  }

Leaked files expose global companies’ secret tax deals in Luxembourg  {  }

Harassment allegations against 2 Liberal MPs rest with secretive committee    {  }

How a Bruce Springsteen concert helped bring down the Berlin Wall   {  }

Miranda Lambert makes history at the 2014 CMAs   {  }

Toronto-to-New York bus crash sends 26 to hospital   {  }

The right way — and wrong way — to keep your poppy in place   {  }

Florida advocate defies law against feeding the homeless    {   }

SNC-Lavalin to axe 4,000 jobs   {  }

-Updated- AC/DC drummer charged in murder-for-hire plot   {  }

-Must Watch-  Train derails near Sept-Iles    {  }

-Must Watch- London’s Flanders Fields Memorial    {   }

-Must Watch- Coyote attack in Burlington   {   }

-Editor’s Pick- Busting the Berlin Wall    {    }

-Editor’s Pick- Death and denial in Cape Dorset    {  }

-Editor’s Pick- Barack Obama doesn’t have to be a ‘lame-duck’ president   {   }



guy with gas pump label

Gas Pump Labels

“Local / New Brunswick”

Fredericton students pitch climate change warning labels for gas pumps   {   }

Real Food Connections seeks local investors to expand   {   }

Moncton ‘park golfer’ given 1-year community based sentence   {  }

Family of Morgan Dunbar wants to help others after teen’s suicide   {  }

Horizon Health to survey hospital patient twice a year   {   }



AFN Candidates

Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

AFN national chief candidates address key issues in election  {  }

Head of B.C. Missing Women Commission says no to national inquiry   { * “Wally Oppal, the commissioner of the British Columbia Missing Women Commission, is saying no to the possibility of a national inquiry into more than 1,100 missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada.” * *** He says now is the time for action, not an inquiry. ***  —djo— }

Bill Lyall, former Central Arctic MLA, publishes new book  { * “Bill Lyall of Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, was in Iqaluit yesterday to launch his new book, which tells the story of the co-operative movement in the Arctic and himself” *  —djo—  }

-Feature- Nunavut put community’s health ‘at risk’ by mishandling nurse  { * -When a baby in a Nunavut hamlet died of a lung infection in 2012, questions arose about the nurse who allegedly failed to treat him. A CBC investigation reveals a history of complaints about the nurse and a government that refused to fire her.- *  —djo— }

Hydro ‘cautiously optimistic’ about steps to end Jenpeg occupation  {  }

3 deaths in Iqaluit related to prescription Tylenol overdose  {  }

Oskayak high school students hold round dance for missing women  {  }

-Video- Derek Nepinak calls for boycott of Sun Media, Winnipeg Sun newspaper  {  }

Minister of Child Services offers Onigaming support after suicides   {  }

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice  {  }

Transit rider wants Lift Plus service to Fort William First Nation  {  }

Facing suicide rates on remote First Nations: Why leaving may not be an option {  }

-8 Photos- Kinder Morgan pipeline: First Nations fight back with fish  {  }


{ The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }




{ This is what greeted me this week when I fired up my Twitter pages.  ———djo——— }

Net neutrality tweet

@ Retweeted: @guardiantech by @fightfortheftr


“Hey, don’t look stupid- fix your map” —jda—


Harper’s Approach to Climate Change

Stephen Harper sux big time

“Everybody I know realizes that Stephen Harper is bad news for Canada, bad news for the world. What I cannot understand is how the bleep does he convince his ‘followers’ to buy his bull chips?” —djo—

Ack 11-01-2014

“Income Splitting” = “We take what’s yours, good luck living on what’s left.” The Soundtrack should include Thunderclap Newman. “Because the Rev O Lution’s Now!”

Orwell on war

“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-



“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

FFTF Nov 2014

“Call out the instigators, because there’s something in the air-” NEVER Surrender! —djo—

Comcast Horror Stories

Comcast Horror Stories

{  Um, most of the people I know would have told you to ignore Comcast if they were trying to double bill you. Don’t cave in to ice-holes – when you do, they win. When they win, they come down harder on their next victim. You aided and abetted their extortion operations.  —djo— }

War Is Terrorism

War Is Terrorism

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }




{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


{ “On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

2nd verse of  “Defence of Fort M’Henry” By Francis Scott Key }


70,000 dead fish in Ohio.

Tweeted, “It is the legeslators who should go to Jail for this-” 70,000 dead fish in Ohio? —Frack Halliburton?—


{  5:30 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —  — & Thanks again for your help, Jim W,  ( especially since he is still working today with a bruised rib, which makes it painful to do simple things, like scroll or click with a mouse- = ouch! )   — Also  thanks to “—jda—“     ———djo——— }

Wednesday, 05 November, 2014 – News Headlines:

Wednesday, 05 November, 2014  -( 58˚F / +14˚C –  with some bright sun, some clouds  @ 2:15 pm near Ithaca )-  -( 54˚F / +12˚C –  Still messy snow on the ground, mostly grey sky overhead & the moon is already out @ 3:45 pm Closer to Halifax —jda—)-   —  { Headlines compiled by douglas j otterson & jim wellington, with help from —jda— }

— Other Media: —

 { This is from the ‘Tweet-Us-Sphere’ : }

Net neutrality tweet

@ Retweeted: @guardiantech by @fightfortheftr




Lead Articles: Today’s Theme?: Sometimes the news is just plain weird?



Harassment allegations lead Justin Trudeau to suspend 2 MPs  { * “Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau suspends ethics critic Scott Andrews and Quebec MP Massimo Pacetti from the party’s caucus after two New Democrat MPs alleged they were harassed.” *  —djo—  }

-Analysis- Why Scotiabank is cutting jobs while earning billions: Don Pittis   { * “Scotiabank, Canada’s third-biggest bank and 10th-biggest company, is cutting 1,500 jobs and scaling back on risk. Don Pittis says part of the reason is that it wants to be ready to cope with the uncertainties of the Canadian property market.” *   —djo— }

CBC asks court to dismiss Jian Ghomeshi’s $55M Lawsuit   { * – The CBC asks an Ontario court to dismiss former employee Jian Ghomeshi’s $55-million lawsuit, saying the claim is “without merit and an abuse of the court’s process.” –  * In the U.S. this is what I’ve heard called the ‘scattergun technique’. Most lawyers use this ploy to try to con the judge and/or jury into believing that their opponent doesn’t have a real case. In too many instances it might mean the lawyers are afraid that going through the real legal process might lose them their case. —djo— }

WWI Canadian soldier’s remains identified   {  }

===== >>—-> Begin ‘Developing’ flash queue >>—->

Pres. Obama

President Obama looking thoughtful?

Wednesday: 05 November, 2014 – “Developing News” Flashing Headlines:

Republicans win midterm majority in U.S. Senate  {  }

Republican senator will push for early Keystone approval   {  }

Ottawa to table bill banning immigration by polygamists   {  }

CBC files papers asking for dismissal of Ghomeshi lawsuit  {  }

Obama says ‘I hear you’ to voters after midterm losses {  }

Trudeau suspends 2 Liberal MPs over misconduct allegations {  }

Liberal leader says party has duty to protect complainants  {  }

===== >>—->  End of Flashing headlines <—-<<


Tom Brokaw with Cell phone

Tom Brokaw’s Cell Phone dings.


Tom Brokaw’s phone interrups live election coverage: ‘Yes, I will remember to bring home the milk’  {  }

Sean Avery’s off-Broadway debute derailed by meltdown over pizza  {   }

Jamie Paquin’s Tokyo store thrives selling only Canadian wines    {   }

Marilyn Monroe photo raffled for $5 could fetch $60K   {   }



two guys photos

Liberal MPs involved in Misconduct allegations

“Most Viewed”

Liberal MPs Scott Andrews, Massimo Pacetti suspended from caucus amid harassment allegations   {  }

Jian Ghomeshi lawsuit dismissal sought by CBC  {  }

How Arctic ground squirrels use steroids to bulk up for winter   {  }

WestJet float idea of thinner seats, and more of them   {   }

Why Scotiabank is cutting jobs while earning billions: Don Pittis    {  }

Quebec mask maker helps FBI track down disquised bank robbery suspect   {  }

WWI Canadian soldier’s remains identified   {  }

More workplace allegations made against Jian Ghomeshi   {   }

Stephen Poloz comments on unpaid work raise ire of youth groups  { * Advocates for young workers took Stephen Poloz to task after the Bank of Canada governor recommended that jobless university graduates beef up their resumes by working for free. – Speaking to a House of Commons committee Tuesday, Poloz suggested young Canadians and others struggling to find work should acquire more experience through unpaid internships or volunteering until the country’s hobbled job market picks up. He predicted it would improve over the next two years. – Poloz told the committee that when a young person asks for advice on getting through the tough times, he says, “‘Volunteer to do something which is at least somewhere related to your expertise so that it’s clear that you are gaining some learning experience during that period.”‘ *  —djo— }

Chris Alexander to ban immigrants in polygamous, forced marriages   {   }

-8 photo slide show- Virgin Galactic SpaceShip2 crash site in Mohave Desert   { * & It was announced on television news that investigators ruled out an explosion due to the new experimental fuel mix they were using. *  —jim w—  }

-Blog- #AlexFromTarget: Teens on Twitter turn Target employee into viral sensation  {   }




Arctic Ground Squirrel

Other: readers to Stephen Poloz on unpaid work: ‘You first’  { * Hey, I think they’re restoring my faith in young people. 🙂 *  —djo—  }

WestJet floats idea of thinner seats, and more of them   { * & Hey.2 I didn’t think I could lose any more faith in corporations than I already have, but it looks like they’re getting seedier and greedier all the time. 😦  *  —djo—  }

-New- Squirrels on steroids run wild in Canadian Arctic   { * I wonder what an Arctic Squirrel drug pusher looks like. Or, do they have some kind of an arrangement with big pharmaceutical company’s salesmen? *  —djo—  }

-Live- Barack Obama doesn’t have to be a ‘lame-duck’ president   { * Yeah, but if he had any sense, he’d never have wanted to be any kind of President. *  —djo— }

Visa limits on Ebola-affected trevellers need to be justified: WHO to Canada   {  }

Quebec mask maker helps FBI track down disguised bank robbery suspect    {  }

Burger King deal costs take bite out of Tim Hortons profit  { * Should have seen that coming- *  —djo— }

2 arrested after student alleges strangers tried to throw him off Ottawa bridge    {  }

Kinder Morgan lawsuit to stop pipeline protesters gets underway in Vancouver   {  }

Social media helped place flags on Canadian soldiers’ graves in Italy   {  }

Pirate Bay co-founder faces estradition to Sweden from Thailand   {  }

‘Incompatible with Canadian values’ Immigrants in polygamous marriages to be banned   { * Yeah, but, if being incompatible with Canadian values was a crime, most of the Conservative party’s members would be in jail. *  —djo— }

Commons poised to suspend MP Dean Del Mastro in Wednesday vote    {   }

‘The beginning of the long dash’ indicates 75 years of official time on CBC   {  }

Victorious Republicans now focus their ambitions on White House   { * Pay attention: Psychics and professional future projectors say there will not be a presidential election in 2016. *  —djo— }

-Must Watch-  Icons & Idols: Rock n’ Roll auction    { * If they’re auctioning off Rock n’ Roll Idols, can I bid on Linda Ronstadt? I might not be able to treat her to top of the line everything like she deserves, and she might find it really creepy, but she’d know her songs really touched somebody, deeply. *  —djo— }

-Must Watch- Sleek solar car designs on exhibit    { * “Competitors from around the world show off their sola-powered vehicles afhead of the 2014 Atacama Solar Challenge desert race in Chile.” *  —djo—  }

-Must Watch- North Korea art exhibit   { * “North Korean embassy in London showcses oil pointings from the Mansudae Art Studio in Pyongyang.” *  —djo—  }

-Editor’s Pick- Show us how you will remember    { * “Be a part of special coverage on CBC News Network and online” – The show a photo of several veterans wearing their medals on Remembrance Day *  —djo—   }

-Editor’s Pick- Want a free trip around the world?    { * “If your name is Elizabeth Gallagher, you are in luck.” – A young Canadian bought two tickets to circle the globe, then his girl friend broke up with him. It’s cheaper and easier for him to give the ticket away to somebody with her name than get the name changed, or follow other options. You’d need a Canadian Passport, and do not necessarily need to have anything to do with the guy who is offering the free ticket. *  —djo— }

-Editor’s Pick- Deradicalization programs aim to ‘get ahead of the curve’ on extremists   { * “Saudi Arabia, Denmark, Germany have comprehensive programs.” – But I still think that the right hand is creating the problem while the left hand is trying to strike it rich by coming up with expensive solutions that probably would only fix the last century’s problems and not even approach being effective against the new wave of angry young radicals who are really p.o.-ed about the way the world is treating them. *  —djo—  }



guy with gas pump label

Gas Pump Labels

“Local / New Bruswick”

Fredericton students pitch climate change warning labels for gas pumps   { * Told you I was regaining my faith in young people. 🙂 *  —djo—  }

Ebola card game aims to raise awareness, prevent spread   { * “Go directly into quarantine, we will murder your pets, do not pass go, do not collect $200?” *  —djo—   }

Woman in wheelchair suffers brazen mid-day robbery   {  }

NB Power better prepared to avoid outages this winter   {  }




AFN Candidates

Assembly of First Nations candidates.

“First Nations”

Three candidates for AFN National Chief   { * “Ghislain Picard, Perry Bellegarde and Leon Jourdaine are the three official candidates in the running to become the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, a position which Shawn Atleo resigned from in May amid some conflict.” *  —djo— }

Saskatoon Bishop calls for day of study on missing women  { * “Saskatoon Bishop Don Bolen is helping organize a day of study and reflection on the issue of missing and murdered Aboriginal women.” – But would one day make a difference beyond making the Bishop look good? *  —djo— }

Facing suicide rates on remote First Nations: Why leaving may not be an option  { * “Why don’t they just leave? That question was posted on our Facebook page in response to the story about Onigaming First Nation declaring a state of emergency last week after the 4th suicide this year, in their community of 450 people.” *  —djo—  }

Saskatoon First Nations entrepreneur gets in the ring  {  }

-Video- Mohawk Grand Chief demands apology from aboriginal affairs minister  {  }

Regina police trying to line up actual wells with Keepness Reddit map  {  }

-Photos- Saskatchewan art exhibit hits Europe  {  }

-Video- Derek Nepinak calls for boycott of Sun Media, Winnipeg Sun newspaper  {  }

Winnipeg Sun calls First Nations’ boycott ‘disappointing’   {  }

Indigenous physician brings unique perspective to her practice  {  }

Transit rider wants Lift Plus service to Fort William First Nation  {  }

-Audio- NAN looks at child and family services { * “NAN” = Nishnawbe Aski Nation *  —djo— }

-7 Photos- Arviat youth use art workshops to discuss difficult topics  {  }


{ The ‘First Nations Page’ is actually called ‘Aboriginal’ on the CBC web site, but some First Nations object to that title, so we renamed it here.  —djo— }




{ This is what greeted me this morning when I fired up my Twitter pages.  ———djo——— }


“Hey, don’t look stupid- fix your map” —jda—


Harper’s Approach to Climate Change

Stephen Harper sux big time

“Everybody I know realizes that Stephen Harper is bad news for Canada, bad news for the world. What I cannot understand is how the bleep does he convince his ‘followers’ to buy his bull chips?” —djo—

Ack 11-01-2014

“Income Splitting” = “We take what’s yours, good luck living on what’s left.” The Soundtrack should include Thunderclap Newman. “Because the Rev O Lution’s Now!”

Orwell on war

“George Orwell Quote” = “If you draw your sword, you’ve been bought and sold by the dark side.” -djo-



“Conspiracy Watch” was busy last week. This is one of a dozen similar quotes they posted. I’m not sure whether this was the original word for word phrase that may have been edited since Ben Franklin uttered it, or not. Wouldnt it be weird if we learned that many nuggets of wisdom we cherish were uttered in a drunken stupor? -djo-

{ – “Oh, Dang! There’s just too many good and topical tweets this morning. If we post them all here, we’ll never get to our Daily Schnarr-Fest.” –  —djo— }


 { We’ve been doing this because we believe the CBC may be more honest and more respectable than Media in the U.S.A., & not a lot of people in the U.S. may know that or have access to anyone who might point them toward the CBC & their web site. }
{ & again, these are not links. If you want to read these stories, listen to sound clips, or see any video -if there is any video- go to CBC dot CA/news.— & You can also find a link to the web cast of the most recent broadcast of “The National” the CBC’s ‘flagship nightly newscast’ under the “Must Watch” heading on their main page. — Thanks. — & Jim W convinced me to take credit for this, above.  ———djo——— }


 Other Sources:

FFTF Nov 2014

“Call out the instigators, because there’s something in the air-” NEVER Surrender! —djo—

Comcast Horror Stories

Comcast Horror Stories

{  Um, most of the people I know would have told you to ignore Comcast if they were trying to double bill you. Don’t cave in to ice-holes – when you do, they win. When they win, they come down harder on their next victim. You aided and abetted their extortion operations.  —djo— }

War Is Terrorism

War Is Terrorism

{   “Anyone who would give up a little liberty for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” —Benjamin Franklin   }

{ “Any politician, police, military, or would be authoritarian of any stripe, who would capitalize on an event like yesterday’s in Ottawa: clearly does not deserve any respect at all, let alone the authority they demand.” — douglas j otterson }

 { Here’s a quote for you, not about yesterday and Ottawa but the philosophy applies: “The critical studies about #Ferguson in a decade will be fascinating. Because we are building this plane as we fly.” —deray mckesson }




{ “Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies” —Thomas Jefferson }

French Cartoon.

“What can one do to reduce the fear of terrorism?” / “Click!”


{ “On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

2nd verse of  “Defence of Fort M’Henry” By Francis Scott Key }


70,000 dead fish in Ohio.

Tweeted, “It is the legeslators who should go to Jail for this-” 70,000 dead fish in Ohio? —Frack Halliburton?—


{  6:15 pm EST — We are Ready to Rock and Roll —  — & Thanks again for your help, Jim W,  ( especially since he is still working today with a bruised rib, ouch! )   — And  thanks to “—jda—“     ———djo——— }