Monthly Archives: October, 2012

Our Own Governments Just Might Be Our Worst Enemy

Wednesday, October 10, 2012.

Katherine Albrecht { Web sites include } said last night on Coast to Coast AM (radio) that in the last century, governments killed 8 times as many of their own citizens as all wars combined.

Katherine is a privacy advocate with a religious point of view who believes that RFID chips (Radio Frequency ID) are either “the number of the beast” or are related to that prophecy. She has a doctorate from Harvard University. She also has research that shows that RFID chips cause cancer in animals.

Her latest campaign is to bring attention to the San Antonio, Texas Middle School and High School which have instituted mandatory wearing of RFID chip embedded ID cards that emit radio signals ever 45 seconds- beaming cancer causing radiation directly into the chests of children in grades 6 through 12, when they are extremely vulnerable. If the prospect of exposing growing children to these radiations isn’t bad enough, these children have been ordered to take their ids home with them, and the ids continue to broadcast information which can be intercepted by hackers and perverts who can read the signals while driving through a neighbourhood, isolate the signal of a prospective victim, stalk and attack their chosen victim (or worse) pretty much any time they feel like it. Store owners have been able to read RFID chips for years, and can easily identify and exploit individuals associated with those chips.

Pleasant Dreams….
