Monthly Archives: January, 2013

Arnprior Needs Crossing Guards

Thursday, January 17, 2013.


AT the corner of Bell and Madawaska Streets, 12 year Veteran Crossing Guard, Tim, is reportedly retiring soon. Somebody wanted to save money by eliminating this position. But several Town Councillors raised their voices at last Monday’s Town Council meeting. Ted Strike said his daughter was hit by a car at that crossing one day when a crossing guard was sick and nobody replaced him. Lyn Grinstead said her children use that crossing because there is a crossing guard there. Dan Lynch said something to the effect that -kids will always be kids and no matter how many adults warn them that it would be safer to walk one block east and cross at the John Street Light, they’re still going to take the short cut.- Dan Lynch also wondered if grade 12 students who might want to go into law enforcement might volunteer to learn and serve as backup crossing guards as part of their volunteer hours requirement for graduation.


I went to talk to Tim during lunch time on a bitter cold day in January. Yesterday it was +3˚C /+38˚F Today it’s -19˚C with a wind chill more like -27˚C. At least a dozen high schoolers out on their lunch break used the crossing in the short time I stood there. Tim said, “You should see it on a nicer day-”

Traffic in Arnprior used to be a joke. Ten years ago a friend told somebody, “Rush hour in Arnprior, you might see half a dozen cars in twenty minutes…” Now you might spend twenty minutes trying to get a break to turn across traffic out of a parking lot.

Another thing Tim told me, several years ago one of the crossing guards was hit by a car. They were happy to see him when he began working at this job because he’s tall and easy to spot when he’s wearing his Orange jacket or the vest with the reflective orange X.


Four more guys cross the street, moving so quickly that they blocked out the crossing guard in the time it took me to aim and shoot this photo.


January Thaw

1:23 pm Sunday, January 13th, 2013. 5˚C / 37˚F and Raining in Arnprior.

Leading to the new Baskin Drive underpass beneath Highway 417.

Leading to the new Baskin Drive underpass beneath Highway 417.

I took the above photo through a rain pelted window (while safely parked on the side of the foggy road with lights and blinkers on.)

I’m guessing that this week’s story is the January Thaw- There were record breaking high temperatures in the Toronto area. Don’t think we broke any records here. (-Unless we broke a “How Frustrated can winter sports people get?” record- The jury’s still out on that one.)

————— Jim

Welcome to 2013

Week One: Feels like we got more snow in the last two weeks than we got in the last two years.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAbove was a common sight in Arnprior this week. After two winters with hardly enough snow to satisfy cross country skiers, we got walloped with about two feet of snow one week and then more again on Saturday, January 5th and Sunday, January 6th.

January 5th, The dog dropped his bone and lost it in the snow.

January 5th, The dog dropped his bone and lost it in the snow.

Photo taken on January 6th, during the most recent storm.

Photo taken on January 6th, during the most recent storm.