Author Archive: dreager14

HAARP creates earthquakes/tornadoes

US government takes down HAARP website to conceal evidence of US weather modification and earthquake inducing warfare.

Updated April 21, 2011 – The HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) website has been down for the past 3 weeks.  It was ordered taken down by the US government to conceal US weather modification and earthquake inducing warfare activities against foreign states.  The HAARP website was publishing very damaging evidence of US military weather modification and earthquake triggering operations against foreign states.  HAARP’s waterfall charts and magnetometer charts gave evidence of an ongoing weather war between the United States government and foreign states.  The magnetometer presented concrete evidence that HAARP triggered the Japan earthquake and ensuing tsunami.

….Evidence from HAARP’s own website revealed that the US government was acting in violation of the ENMOD treaty – use of weather modification techniques (HAARP) for the purposes of inducing damage or destruction……

HAARP Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX) platform

For full story:

UN Agenda 21 gives bugs human rights

United Nations document would give ‘Mother Earth’ same rights as humans

April 13, 2011 by Infowars Ireland

By Steven Edwards
Postmedia News
April 11, 2011

UNITED NATIONS — Bolivia will this month table a draft United Nations treaty giving “Mother Earth” the same rights as humans — having just passed a domestic law that does the same for bugs, trees and all other natural things in the South American country.

The bid aims to have the UN recognize the Earth as a living entity that humans have sought to “dominate and exploit” — to the point that the “well-being and existence of many beings” is now threatened.

The wording may yet evolve, but the general structure is meant to mirror Bolivia’s Law of the Rights of Mother Earth, which Bolivian President Evo Morales enacted in January.

That document speaks of the country’s natural resources as “blessings,” and grants the Earth a series of specific rights that include rights to life, water and clean air; the right to repair livelihoods affected by human activities; and the right to be free from pollution.

It also establishes a Ministry of Mother Earth, and provides the planet with an ombudsman whose job is to hear nature’s complaints as voiced by activist and other groups, including the state.

“If you want to have balance, and you think that the only (entities) who have rights are humans or companies, then how can you reach balance?” Pablo Salon, Bolivia’s ambassador to the UN, told Postmedia News. “But if you recognize that nature too has rights, and (if you provide) legal forms to protect and preserve those rights, then you can achieve balance.”

The application of the law appears destined to pose new challenges for companies operating in the country, which is rich in natural resources, including natural gas and lithium, but remains one of the poorest in Latin America. Read more…

CIA plane crash lands with four tons of coke

Bound for glory

“We’ve all heard the rumors that the CIA are the reason that the United States/Canada is awash with cocaine…. is it time to connect the dots now that one of their planes has crash landed with four tons of coke in it?”….

So the Arnprior OPP posted a blurb in the Guide stating “Report drug dealers”. Well shouldn’t we be seeking out the kingpins in Govt. namely the CIA! The most famous example of Govt. involvement  in drugs (British) was the Opium war in China in the 1800’s. So on the heels of that here’s extreme example of Govt. gone awry:

CIA Plane Crashes in Mexico

Seventeen months after an American-registered DC9 airliner was busted with 5.5 tons of cocaine, a major international scandal is brewing over a second drug trafficking incident in Mexico’s Yucatan involving an American-registered jet owned by a  dummy front company of the kind usually associated with the CIA.

A weekend visit to “Donna Blue Aircraft Inc” of Coconut Beach FL.,  the company which FAA records show owned the Gulfstream II business jet (N987SA) which crash-landed with 3.7 tons of cocaine aboard in Mexico’s Yucatan two weeks ago, has revealed that the company’s listed address is an empty office suite with a blank sign out front.

There was no sign of Donna Blue Aircraft, Inc., at the address listed at the Florida Dept. of Corporations, 4811 Lyons Technology Parkway #8 in Coconut Beach FL. …….

However, there were, oddly enough,  a half-dozen unmarked police cars parked directly in front of the empty suite.

It seems that one of the planes logged on this list of “CIA Prison Planes” has been in a little accident – It crash landed in Mexico after running out of Jet fuel en route to the US. The authorities were more than a little surprised when they found four tons, yes you heard me right, four tons of cocaine on board.

The men flying the plane have disappeared – including one woman, the CIA refuses to comment, and the mainstream press don’t want to touch the story

UN Agenda 21; Smart meters; Rolling Blackouts; Gas prices; Banksters, or “The men behind the curtain”.

UN Agenda 21; Smart meters; Rolling Blackouts; Gas prices; Banksters, or “The men behind the curtain”.

What is Agenda 21?

The UN Agenda 21 goal is the destruction and deindustrialization of the entire western economy. (GATT, NAFTA) It was headed up by Elitists frontman Maurice Strong, (David Rockefellers handpicked boy) and initiated in Ontario when he appeared out of the blue dismantling Ontario Hydro and disappearing to China leaving all his boys in place, (McGuinty/Rae/Harris/Chrétien/Harper) to  carry on the dirty work. Elitists such as David Rockefeller and the Rothschild’s have been planning the UN since the early 1900’s first with the introduction of The League of Nations; creating the wars which brought it about, (problem-reaction-solution, the Hegelian Dialectic , and being Banksters making $Billions in the process. One World Government is the goal. (NWO)

I have taken the pertinent points of the 360 PDF page report and condensed it to be as brief as possible. Naturally the report is flowered up with glorifying references to “The Earth”, without the people of course, to convince us of its well-meaning. (John Lennon’s song “Imagine” sums it up, “Imagine there’s no countries; possessions; world will live as one”, One World Government song)

The root of Agenda 21 is, nature has all the rights and people have none. In the words of Maurice Strong “You’ll wish you were an animal when we’re done with you”. (Seen any Coyotes lately). The basis of this belief is the world is overpopulated even though the West’s average family consists of 1.2 children and dropping. (See the movie Soylent Green) The eventual goal is to have Mega cities, (not unlike Mexico City built for 10 million and now a rat infested hole of 30 million) where people are packed in like sardines and open to every disease known. It also gives the appearance of “overpopulation”. At first there will be public transportation only, then bicycles and eventually you will walk wherever you go. You see you’ll be using up Earths valuable resources, being preserved for whom, not unlike Feudal England? Farming will cease prior to this and ALL land will be designated as “nature preserves”. Do we see this happening already with “Nature Conservancy’s”? In North America we see farmers steadily being forced/priced off the land as happened in Mexico while all our food is imported from China. Turn that spigot off and you’ve got a catastrophe. (This is a plan)

What do we see related in our normal daily life? Let’s start with the most recent issue of which we are all aware, “Smart meters!” We all assumed this was a brainstorm of McGuinty, but as with other recent ball and chains introduced to our lives, (tire tax etc.) it emanated from the UN/Rockefellers as a means of controlling our existence tracking our usage and when you exceed “THEIR” level of your usage they will cut you off through either rolling blackouts or outright disconnects as we saw recently in the snow storm in Texas. (Enron also used this con in California to bump prices up to 90 fold ) No mention was made in the media of the fact future Hydro generation has been massively cut back due to “Greenies” pressure. Coal fired generating stations, the most abundant fuel available, and running at near zero pollution with scrubbers have all but been shelved!

Ontario presently sells off its excess production of Hydro to Quebec and New York at a loss of $1 billion a week (As of March 15th ’11) while continuing to charge us excessive “peak usage prices”. Meanwhile Quebec hydro openly stated is will sell us hydro at 6-8 cents a kilowatt with NO delivery charges. Delivery charges mean we are actually being charged an average 16 cents a kilowatt/hr!

The price of gas of which we dearly love to complain is another agenda which is widely misunderstood. The gradual creeping up in price, $.49 liter 4 years ago and has never gone down even with an obvious world glut of oil. Recent discoveries in Alaska/Russia  will supply the worlds demand for 200 years , also see The Arnprior News report on Abiotic oil This is comparable to all their previous agendas in that it is done incrementally and tied in with the great “Global Warming con” to convince us it is better for the planet we not drive. It also fits the Agenda of forcing commuting rural residents to move into the city, as discussed earlier. The price of either hydro or gas will not go down because it’s a “must be” of their Agenda, unless the masses wake up.

And there you have it kids, the Occultists that are the Elitists of this world glory in our suffering creating wars and hardship which they offer to their God Lucifer! (Which we’ll get into at a later date) And if you believe as some of my friends do, “That spiritual stuff is bunkum”, you better believe THEY DO!

Nothing happens by chance it is ALL planned hundreds of years in advance.

Get a copy of the UN Agenda 21 PDF file

THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES gives us some clue as to the Elitists eventual goals found here :


1.      Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

For not so easy listening:

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) what are they?

CAFR is a set of government financial statements, which goes beyond the minimums established for Annual Financial Reports.

So your Town/Province is broke, are you sure? They HAVE to raise taxes right?

If we explore the issue we find a different story. A double set of books is set up,( Similar to the Mafia) only one of which the public sees that being, operating budget/expenditures. Arnprior for example is KNOWN to have the $7 million it received from the sale of Hydro Arnprior which has been invested untouched for 9 years, (in 2002) but they can’t fix the roads. Other previous investments over 70 years we will not know until people demand it. (Arnprior annual budget is $10 million)

(New York City alone has $1 trillion of “hidden investments”, but they can’t fix the roads) ALL levels of Government/School boards/Pension funds etc.  perform this deceit . The Ontario Teachers’ Union owns The Toronto Blue Jays for example,  …..  Rogers….. Buying a majority stake in Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment from the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan listed CAFR by US  states Can. Provinces, (slow loading)

Listen to a US expert:

So when your cars suspension/steering are continually demolished on the rocky road to the great car graveyard, or as you foot the bill for hundreds of dollars in repairs have pity on the poor Town struggling to manage its vast locked-in investments from which you will NOT benefit.

Rookies hit the Prior.

Rookies hit the Prior.

Blackwater/Haliburton training Canadian cops, AND soldiers!

A little rumor from a reliable source:
If you’ve been out and about in the Prior in the past year and usually late evening you may notice more police activity than we were previously used to. Reason being whereas in the past “Rookies” were posted to the ‘Frew they are now being posted here and they are gung-ho to collect taxes (in the form of tickets) for daddy McGuinty.
It is further rumored that Blackwater/Haliburton (the US mercenary outfit seen on YouTube shooting ‘em up in Iraq and run by Dick Chaney, ex VP) is now training Canadian cops. (Is that why they have the hand on the gun approach? It happened to me for a taillight out, I kid you not!) Check out # 35. Ottawa-Carleton, Canada Police.
AND soldiers!
…”Select Canadian soldiers have been sent to Blackwater U.S.A. in North Carolina for specialized training in bodyguard and shooting skills. Other soldiers have taken counterterrorism evasive-driving courses with the private military company now at the center of an investigation into the killings of Iraqi civilians and mounting concerns about the aggressive tactics of its workers in the field.”…
You only appreciate “oldtimer cops” when they are gone. Happy retirement Cont. Gudgeon who gave me a few breaks in my day.

Worth listening: (Conspiracy Café)

Arnprior Trash incinerator revisited

With all the talk lately in Arnprior News of landfill lifespans and the inherent pollution and runoff I’m reminded of a proposal 20 years ago led by Arnpriors Tommy Sullivan to install a county wide garbage incinerator to be supported by the various Townships. At that time the proposed cost was $10 million and while it was an “unknown” to most people in Canada it may be time to revisit this idea. Not only will it pay for itself in the production of electricity to business’s and homes  it also provides a clean alternative fuel.

Europe Finds Clean Energy in Trash, but U.S. Lags

Published: April 12, 2010

HORSHOLM, Denmark —…..Far cleaner than conventional incinerators, this new type of plant converts local trash into heat and electricity. Dozens of filters catch pollutants, from mercury to dioxin, that would have emerged from its smokestack only a decade ago.

.. such plants have become both the mainstay of garbage disposal and a crucial fuel source across Denmark,…. Their use has not only reduced the country’s energy costs and reliance on oil and gas, but also benefited the environment, diminishing the use of landfills ….. The plants run so cleanly that many times more dioxin is now released from home fireplaces and backyard barbecues than from incineration.

With all these innovations, Denmark now regards garbage as a clean alternative fuel rather than a smelly, unsightly problem. And the incinerators, are known as waste-to-energy plants,…


A plant in Horsholm, Denmark, uses new technology to convert trash into energy more cleanly.

Denmark now has 29 such plants, serving 98 municipalities in a country of 5.5 million people, and 10 more are planned or under construction…..

….Nickolas J. Themelis, a professor of engineering at Columbia University and a waste-to-energy proponent, said America’s resistance to constructing the new plants was economically and environmentally “irresponsible.”……

Arnprior Winter overnight parking


Has anyone in your new council considered why Arnprior parking restrictions regarding snow removal are vastly different to that of  most major cities in that they only require “no parking “ in the event of at least 7 cm of forecasted Snow…

Winter overnight parking regulations Ottawa area

….in effect throughout the city from November 15 to April 1, permitting the City to clear the way for you. This means that you cannot park on City streets between 1 a.m. and 7 a.m. when a snow accumulation of 7 cm or more is forecast by Environment Canada in the Ottawa area. This includes any forecast for a range of snow of more than 7 cm, for example 5 to 10 cm…
People are being unreasonably ticketed when no snow/removal is forecast.(the spirit of the law?) In many areas of town, (Townhouses) there is very limited parking normally, but when visitors are here there is a scramble to find adequate space. Would it be that difficult to amend this antiquity of a bygone era.
Thank you

From: DAVID Reid

Thank you for your e-mail. The Town is setting up a special advisory committee to review all our Policies, Procedures and By-Laws. I have forwarded your email to the Clerk & Chair of the Committee, for their consideration.



Home:  613.623.7259

Cell:     613.229.0578

Fluoride in Arnprior

A recent letter to David Reid, Mayor of Arnprior.
Calgary Council makes right decision on the ethics of mass fluoridation…. Removes fluoride from water .
I think it’s now time to remove this toxic waste product from our water and let ME decide if I choose to fluoridate/be poisoned.(not to mention the costs to our taxes) Mass fluoridation has been linked in many cases to bone degeneration, dental fluorosis and osteoporosis.
“It is well known that chronic ingestion of fluoride, (NOT calcium fluoride) can cause osteofluorosis or skeletal fluorosis, and hip fractures (crippling bone disease).”

The Phosphate Fertilizer Industry, the supplier.
….However, the impacts of the industry’s fluoride emissions are still being felt….That’s because, after being captured in the scrubbers, the fluoride acid (hydrofluorosilicic acid), a classified hazardous waste, is barreled up and sold, unrefined, to communities across the country. Communities add hydrofluorosilicic acid to their water supplies as the primary fluoride chemical…..

Video from Australia: production of Fluoride

The moral imperative
Calgary Council makes right decision on the ethics of mass fluoridation… Removes fluoride from water.

Calgary Herald
Calgary city council deserves praise for voting overwhelmingly Tuesday to remove fluoride from Calgary’s drinking water. The 10-3 vote, with Mayor Naheed Nenshi absent for meetings in Toronto, is a courageous step on a contentious issue.
…Imposing mass fluoridation on an entire population is ethically questionable.
With the many widespread topical applications of fluoride that are available today, we have argued that fluoridation is a vestige from another era and that fluoride should be removed from Calgary’s water –…..

**I think I figured out the dashboard, so duplicate post for testing