Monthly Archives: June, 2009

Arnprior & District Museum Opens for the Season

ArnpriorMuseum-Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Arnprior & District Museum held its annual A.G.M., The Museum Board Members elected officers for the coming year and adjourned in time to have the Opening Ceremonies. TVCOGECO was on hand to record the ceremonies as Mayor Terry Gibeau called the Museum a major attraction in Arnprior’s Downtown area.

Senior Conservation Scientist Thomas Strang, of the Canadian Conservation Institute, gave a talk and visual presentation of the process he went through last year to rid the Museum of an insect invasion which threatened some valuable artifacts on display in the various areas of the museum. His presentation could have been called, “Everything you never wanted to know about bugs,” but it was strangely fascinating.

Janet Carlile, the Museum Curator, finished the day’s speeches with accolades for the various volunteers who contribute quite a bit of time and energy to keeping the museum open and interesting.

Refreshments were served and several guests were seen talking in the parking lot hours after we’d thought they’d all gone home for the evening.

—T.Talxalot, Reporter at large

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